24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805
cluster analysis showed between T0 and T2 a meaningful and sig-
nificant rise of global health clusters “General health perceptions”
< 0.05), “Change in overall health status” (
< 0.001) and a signif-
icant impairment in cluster “Emotional role functioning” (
< 0.05).
Our real world data are consistent with trial setting
results [Younoussi, 2014]. Contrary to previous IFN -based ther-
apy, new regimens don’t seem to be associated with psychiatric
side effects and suggest an immediate gain in general health PROs
over the treatment period.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Incapacity to decide in liaison
psychiatry: Analysis of sample of
patients admitted in somatic
departments of a general hospital
M. Nascimento
1 ,∗
, F. Vicente
2, C. Oliveira
2, N. Silva
3, C. Vieira
A. Luís
1, T. Maia
Hospital Professor Dr. Fernando Fonseca- EPE, psychiatry, Amadora,
Centro Hospitalar Psiquiátrico de Lisboa, psychiatry, Lisbon,
Centro Hospitalar de Vila Nova de Gaia/Espinho, psychiatry, Vila
Nova de Gaia, Portugal
Corresponding author.
Decision capacity (DC) is a complex construct,
whose assessment poses huge challenges to Liaison Psychiatrist
Assess factors related to DC in patients with
somatic disorders admitted in medical and surgical departments
of a general hospital.
Clinical records of patients who were submitted to a DC
assessment at Hospital Fernando Fonseca (Portugal), from 1st Jan-
uary 2012 to 31st December 2014 were retrospectively analysed.
Collected data were statistically analysed with SPSS
. Univariable
analysis was performed, in order to determine factors related to
Data from35 patients subject to DC evaluationwere con-
sidered, of whom 42.4% were considered unable to give consent
to medical and/or surgical procedures. Most of these assessments
were related to patients who refused treatment. Patients unable to
decide were predominantly male and mainly affected by organic
mental or neurocognitive disorders (
< 0.05). There were no sta-
tistical significant differences in the age of those considered able
or unable to decide. After PL intervention, 40% of those consid-
ered unable to decide changed their decision. However, it was not
significantly related to the ability to give consent.
Neurocognitive disorders are common diagnosis
found in patients admitted in somatic departments with no DC. Fre-
quent change in decision after LP intervention may reflect not only
cognitive fluctuations, but also a possible influence of LP interven-
tion on patients’ choices. Appropriate standardized measures are
useful tools in assessing patientswith cognitive impairment, reduc-
ing evaluation differences between professionals, and in order to
increase LP decisions credibility.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Acute hypomania in systemic lupus
erythematosus, differential diagnosis.
A case report
D.K. Ochoa García
, G.M. Chauca Chauca , L. Carrión Expósito
Hospital Infanta Margarita, Unidad de Salud Mental Comunitaria
Cabra, Cabra-Córdoba, Spain
Corresponding author.
It is well known that seizures and psychosis are
diagnostic criteria for systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), how-
ever, there could be many other neuropsychiatric symptoms.
The American College of Rheumatology Nomenclature provides
case definitions for 19 neuropsychiatric syndromes seen in SLE
(NPSLE), including cognitive impairment, psychosis, mood and anx-
iety disorders. Lack of specificmanifestations difficult diagnosis and
To address the diagnostic difficulties that involve the
appearance of hypomanic symptoms in the course of SLE treated
with high doses of corticoids in a patient with a depressive episode
Description of case report and literature revision. We
report the case of a 22-year-old woman who presented irritable
mood, sexual disinhibition, insomnia and inflated self-esteem. The
patient was recently diagnosedwith SLE andwas on treatment with
50 mg/d prednisone. She had familiar history for bipolar disorder
and was taking 20 mg/d paroxetine since the last 6 months after
being diagnosed with major depressive episode.
We proposed differential diagnosis between psychiatric
symptoms secondary to central nervous system SLE involvement,
a comorbid bipolar disorder or prednisone-induced mood symp-
toms. Fluctuation of hypomanic symptoms during hospitalization,
poor relationship with variation in corticosteroid doses, findings
on brain MRI compatible with vasculitis and positive antibodies,
oriented this case to a neuropsychiatric manifestation of LES.
We should keep inmind that symptoms of neuropsy-
chiatric SLE may vary from more established manifestations of
NPSLE to mild diffuses ones. More studies are needed to expand
knowledge in the relationship between mood disorders and neu-
ropsychiatric SLE.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Risk factors for a new cardiac event
after a first acute coronary syndrome
P. Ossola
1 ,∗
, F. Scagnelli
1, A. Longhi
1, C. De Panfilis
1, M. Tonna
C. Marchesi
University of Parma, Psychiatry Unit-Department of Neuroscience,
Parma, Italy
AUSL of Parma, Mental Health Department, Parma, Italy
Corresponding author.
Depression is an established risk factor for acute
coronary syndrome (ACS), nonetheless themechanisms underlying
this association are still unclear and literature disagrees on the role
played by anxiety. Moreover, most of the studies included subjects
with a long lasting history of heart disease or recurrent depressive
episodes that could bias the results.
We performed serial assessments of anxiety, depres-
sion and newcardiac events in a cohort of never-depressed patients
in the two years after their first ACS.