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24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805

inpatient with a psychotic mixed state due to a medical condition



An inpatient with psychotic mixed state in BD was

assessed with: SCID-P, HRSD, YMRS, and a complete internisti-

cal examination, blood test exams, urinanalysis, electrocardiogram

and ecocardiogram, as well as a first level brain imagin (CT and/or

MRI). We conducted a systematic review of the literature (PubMed,

Embase, PsychInfo), using the terms “bipolar disorder”, “neu-

rosyphilis” AND “mixed state”.


A comprehensive diagnostic and laboratory screening

was unremarkable except for a positive venereal disease research

laboratory (VDRL). Treatment for syphilis was started and we used

olanzapine to control the psychiatric symptoms.

Discussion and conclusion

The estimated annual incidence of non-

HIV STIs (sexually transmitted infections) has increased by nearly

50% during the period 1995–2008

[3] .

Our case report underly,

like Barbosa et al., the need to evaluate neurosyphilis as a poten-

tial cause of behavioural and psychiatric symptoms that simulate

a psychotic mixed state of bipolar disorder. Olanzapine control

and improve the psychiatric symptomatology in neurosyphilis.

Methodological limitations, clinical implications and suggestions

for future research directions are considered.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


[1] Perugi G, et al. 2014.

[2] Barbosa IG, et al. 2012.

[3] Ortayli N, et al. 2014.


Monitoring of biochemicals changes

in antipsychotics and anti-depressive


A. Prifti

1 , V. Q


2 ,

, L . Z




Policlinic of Specialty Nr.3, Laboratory, Tirana, Albania


The Regional Health Authority, Tirana, Albania

Corresponding author.


Biochemical changes in treatment of schizophrenic and

bipolar disorders, in Albanian patients, with atypical antipsychotic

and anti-depressive drugs. Some of the adverse effects related to

their use are hyperlipidemia, hepatic enzymes, type 2 diabetes and

CK level, which may result in development of metabolic syndrome.

This study aimed to investigate a possible increase of biochemical

parameters, in patients with schizophrenia and bipolar disorders

treatedwith atypical antipsychotic and antidepressive drugs (Olan-

zapin, Risperidon, Clozapin, Antidepresiv triciclik, SSRI, SNRI).


Forty subjects with schizophrenia and bipolar disorders

were evaluated, 12 women and 28 men, aged between 17 and 72

years. Blood collection of the patients was taken in our labora-

tory and this values were measure in long treatment patients, after

years of treatment. Analyses were perform in our laboratory with

autoanalysator SAT 450.


Evaluation after measurements showed significant dif-

ferences when comparing the mean values obtained in each

patients. The biochemical indicators of development of metabolic

syndrome measured in our study, show that is an increasement

of lipids panel, specially triglycerides and total cholesterol, also

in glucose, CK level and hepatic enzymes, presenting statistically

significant changes (


< 0.05) for prolong treatment.


We conclude that the treatment with atypical

antipsychotic and antidepressive drugs, promoted a substantial

increasing of biochemical blood parameters. Lipids panel, hepatic

enzymes, type 2 diabetes, CK levels are observed in among subjects



Measurements; Biochemical parameters;

Schizophrenia; Bipolar disorders

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Manic episode secondary to maca

P. Quandt

1 ,

, M .




Hospital Universitario de Canarias, Psiquiatría, La Laguna, Spain


Hospital Universitario Nuestra Se˜nora de Candelaria, Psiquiatría,

S/C de Tenerife, Spain

Corresponding author.


Maca (

Lepidium meyenii

) is a plant grown in the

Andes Mountains, formerly used for nutritional purposes. Nowa-

days is used as a nutritional supplement and energizing.


To describe a case of manic episode secondary tomaca

consumption, as an ingredient of an energizing product.


To report on antidepressant properties of maca, based on a

clinical case.


X. is a 27-years-old male without any psychiatric his-

tory. He came to the emergency service because of the presence of

sudden onset behavioral disorders, presenting amanic-like episode

of seven hours of evolution. His symptoms consisted in psychomo-

tor restlessness, hyperactivity, insomnia, verbose and loud speech,

hyperthymia, megalomaniac verbalizations, and unsuitable future

plans. The patient had self-awareness of his symptoms and was

self-critical with his behavior. He reported he was consuming an

energizing supplement containingmaca fromabout twoweeks ago.

Treatment with olanzapine 20mg was initiated, and the patient

remained under observation for 24 hours.


Symptomatology subsided completely after 24 hours.

The patient is discharged from the hospital with diagnosis of manic

episode secondary to maca, without any treatment. He was advice

to not take stimulants.


There are studies reporting that maca plant has

antidepressant properties, associated with the activation of nora-

drenergic and dopaminergic systems, as well as the attenuation

of oxidative stress. However, more studies are needed to identify

specific compounds that produce these effects.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


First manic episode in a patient with a

frontal meningioma

M. Queirós

1 ,

, J. Caseiro



Hospital de Magalhães Lemos, Psiquiatria, Porto, Portugal


Centro Hospitalar do Porto, Pedopsiquiatria e Saúde Mental da

Crianc¸ a e Adolescente, Porto, Portugal

Corresponding author.


Psychiatric symptoms are common among brain

tumor patients. Meningiomas are the most common benign brain

tumors accounting for 13 to 26% of all intracranial tumors and

might present exclusively with psychiatric symptoms. To diagnose

a manic episode according to DSM-5 criteria the episode must not

be attributable to the physiological effects of a substance or to

another medical condition.


Describe a case of first manic episode with a

frontalmeningioma alongwith a brief reviewof available literature.


The case we report is based on information collected

from interviews with the patient and the family members as well

as from the clinical files. The literature reviewwas performed using

the PubMed database.


We describe the case of a 58-year-old woman presenting

with symptoms of a first manic episode with psychotic features.

There were no previous hypomanic or major depressive episodes.