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24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S116–S348


Sarcosine - glycine transporter inhibitor - increases

glycine concentration around NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate)

receptors. Function of the glutamatergic system in the prefrontal

cortex and hippocampus is impaired in schizophrenia, which may

lead to negative and cognitive symptomatology.


We evaluated the influence of sarcosine therapy on the

concentration of metabolites (NAA, N-acetylaspartate; Glx, com-

plex of glutamate, glutamine and -aminobutyric acid (GABA); mI,

myo-inositol; Cr, creatine; Cho, choline) in the left dorso-lateral

prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and left hippocampus in patients with

stable schizophrenia.


Fifty patients with schizophrenia, treatedwith constant

antipsychotics doses, in stable clinical condition were randomly

assigned (25 patients in each group) to administration of sarcosine

(2 g) or placebo for sixmonths.


H-NMR spectroscopy (1.5 T) in both

localisations and clinical evaluation (PANSS) was performed before

and after sarcosine addition.


Initiallywe noted no differences inmetabolite concentra-

tions between groups. In the left DLPFC, NAA/Cho, mI/Cr andmI/Cho

ratios were significantly higher in the sarcosine than the placebo

group after six months. In the sarcosine group, NAA/Cr, NAA/Cho,

mI/Cr, mI/Cho ratios also increased compared to baseline values.

In the placebo group, only the NAA/Cr ratio increased. In the left

hippocampus Glx/Cr and Glx/Cho decreased in sarcosine group at

the end of our study.


The addition of sarcosine to antipsychotic therapy

for six months caused increase of neurons viability (NAA) and

neurogilal activity (mI) markers in the left DLPFC and decrease

of hyperglutamatergic overstimulation parameters in the left hip-

pocampus with simultaneous improvement of clinical parameters

including negative symptoms.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Selected metabolites of kynurenine

pathway and response to

antipsychotic treatment in


K. Szymona

1 ,

, H. Karakuła-Juchnowicz


, M. Flis


, T. Kocki



A. Urbanska


, R. Kloc


, Z. Szymona


, W. Rosa


, E.M. Urba ´nska



Medical University of Lublin, Mental Health Outpatient Clinic-

Children’s University Hospital, Lublin, Poland


Medical University of Lublin, Department of Clinical

Neuropsychiatry Department of Psychiatry- Psychotherapy and Early

Intervention, Lublin, Poland


Medical University of Lublin, Department of Psychiatry-

Psychotherapy and Early Intervention, Lublin, Poland


Medical University of Lublin, Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular

Pharmacology- Department of Experimental and Clinical

Pharmacology, Lublin, Poland


Medical University of Lublin, Department of Psychiatry and

Psychiatry Rehabilitation, Lublin, Poland


PZ Cormay SA, Orphee Group, Lomianki, Poland


Lublin University of Technology, Faculty of Fundamentals of

Technology- Department of Applied Mathematics, Lublin, Poland

Corresponding author.


Deficit of glutamatergic transmission and aberrant

function of kynurenine pathway, with disturbed synthesis of gluta-

mate receptors antagonist, kynurenic acid (KYNA) and neurotoxic

metabolite of kynurenine, 3-hydroxykynurenine (3-OH-KYN) have

been implicated in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia.


Demonstrated by others higher level of KYNA in the

brain may cause relative deficiency of glutamate-mediate trans-

mission with resulting behavioural and cognitive changes.


Search for predictors of satisfactory response to antipsy-

chotic treatment based on the analysis of KYNA and 3-OH-KYN

serum levels.


Fifty-three patients with chronic schizophrenia and 46

healthy individuals were enrolled in the study. Quantitative analy-

ses of KYNA and 3-OH-KYN were performed using high-pressure

liquid chromatography (HPLC) and electrochemical detection,

respectively. Clinical assessments (PANSS, SANS, SAPS) and blood

analyses were conducted at 3 time-points: during the active phase

of disease, after 4 weeks of modified pharmacotherapy, and after

reaching remission.


In schizophrenia group, lower levels of KYNA (


= 0.002)

and non-altered levels of 3-OH-KYN (p = 0.195), as compared to

control, were detected during active phase of disease. Despite clin-

ical improvement, no significant changes in the level of studied

metabolites were observed later on. The initial level of 3-OH-KYN

correlated negatively (


= –0.368; Spearman’s rank) with clinical

improvement (negative symptoms) (


< 0.05).


1. The peripheral dysregulation of kynurenine path-

way metabolites in chronic schizophrenia manifests as relative

increase in the ratio between neurotoxic 3-OH-KYN and neuropro-

tective KYNA. 2. The higher serum level of 3-OH-KYNduring relapse

of schizophrenia seems to predict poor response to antipsychotic


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Obsessive-compulsive symptoms

interact with disorganization in

influencing social functioning in


M. Tonna

, R. O

ttoni , F. Paglia , P. Ossola , C. De Panfilis ,

C. Marchesi

University of Parma, Neuroscience, Parma, Italy

Corresponding author.


Recent research has suggested a dual impact of

obsessive-compulsive dimension on functioning in schizophre-

nia with a gradual transition from an improving to a worsening

effect depending on obsessive-compulsive symptoms (OCS) sever-

ity (frommild tomoderate-severe). Aimof the present studywas to

investigate whether this varying effect of OCS on functioningmight

be mediated or moderated by schizophrenia symptom dimensions

or occur independently.


Seventy-five patients affected by schizophrenia were

administered the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Disor-

ders, the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale, the Yale-Brown

Obsessive-Compulsive Scale and the Social and Occupational Func-

tioning Assessment. The sample was divided into two groups

according to the severity of OCS (absent/mild and moderate/high

OCS group).


In both groups, the effect of OCS on functioning was not

mediated by their effect on positive, negative or disorganization

symptoms. Conversely, a significant interaction between OCS and

disorganization dimension was found: the dual effect of OCS on

functioning occurred only among patients with low disorganiza-

tion symptoms while it was no more apparent at high levels of



Data suggest that in patients with schizophrenia,

functioning at least in part depends on the interaction between

disorganization and OCS. Particularly, since mild OCS contribute

to lesser functional decline in patients with low disorganized

psychosis, they may favor the constitution of a subtype of

schizophrenia with a better functioning. In keepingwith the histor-

ical concept of “pseudoneurotic schizophrenia”, we speculate that