24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S116–S348
revolutionized the life of ill persons, creating antipsychotics, the
element around which their entire evolution orbits.
Establishment of an eventual change in the evolu-
tion of patients, in the 1st or 2nd phase, on the three underscores
of PANSS, according to their treatment; establishing the election
treatment medication.
Using PANSS hetero-assessment scale we had as purpose
the category evaluation of phenomena related to schizophrenia
under two treatment methods.
The 40 patients were divided in two groups with
distinct treatments; performance of an initial clinical interview, fol-
lowed by a second interview at an interval of 2 weeks, having as
purpose to notice an eventual change in the evolution of patients,
according to the type of treatment used. Half of them were follow-
ing a treatment with conventional antipsychotic, and the other part
an atypical antipsychotic treatment.
There are no significant evolutional differences between
scores on the positive scale and on the general scale, as regards
the interval of two weeks during which PANSS scale was repeated.
As regards the results of the negative scale, it is highlighted the
evolution of schizophrenia on the negative scale, in relation with
the atypical antipsychotic treatment underlying its efficiency.
We have noticed that the only change of evolution
occurred on the negative scale of symptoms.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Long term cognitive training
associated with psychotropic
medication – an improvement in
schizophrenic life
S. Trifu
1 ,∗
, A .I. Trifu
UMF Carol Davila, Psychiatry, Bucharest, Romania
Institute for Military Medicine, Education, Bucharest, Romania
Corresponding author.
Schizophrenia is a condition of chronically evolv-
ing cognitive invalidation. The average debut for the paranoid form
is the third decade of life, affecting the social and family evolu-
tion through deficiencies in the mnesic prosexic area and that of
Association of psychotropic medication with long-
term cognitive training; distance (home) training and monitoring
(visual via Internet); development of dual treatment procedure and
medical protocol.
Impact of long-term cognitive training on young
schizophrenic patients to improve their quality of life.
Twenty schizophrenic patients (aged 25 to 30) with a
family member were committed to the Psychiatric Hospital for 10
days, were taught to utilize a set of computerized cognitive tests
from the second day of treatment. The cognitive training aimed
at developing: attention (focus on concentration, stability, selec-
tivity and distributive action), memory (retention and evoking)
and thinking (superior cognition, organizing, sequencing, planning,
operational control) After being released, the patients continued
their training practice (at home) under the supervision of family
Cognitive markers analyzed were maintained and
improved, the adapting and social functioning, the family cohesion
finely increased. The direct and indirect costs of hospitalization per
patient decreased, the inpatient care periodwas kept to aminimum
(10 days), the further followup being done outpatient, thereforewe
managed to obtain a better supervision of the patient in time.
For young schizophrenic patients, in their first psy-
chotic episodes, the association between psychotropic medication
and cognitive computerized training, reduces the post process
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Role of rs6313 and rs1799978 variants
as pharmacogenomic biomarkers in
Greek, Italian and Croatian
schizophrenia patients
E.E. Tsermpini
1 ,∗
, K. Assimakopoulos
2, M. Skokou
2, P. Gourtzis
G. Iconomou
2, G. Patrinos
University of Patras, Department of Pharmacy, Patras, Greece
University of Patras, Department of Medicine, Patras, Greece
Corresponding author.
Schizophrenia (SZ) is a serious mental disorder that
significantly affects patients’ quality of life (QoL). Its etiology is
still unknown; however, both environmental and genetic factors
play important role. Atypical antipsychotics, fight mainly against
its psychotic symptoms but can also cause various side effects.
The study was based on a literature review and
a meta-analysis which revealed pharmacogenomic biomarkers for
the individualization of treatment with atypical antipsychotics.
Main aim was to investigate emerging polymorphisms, in Cau-
casian healthy individuals and schizophrenics.
Materials &methods
Four hundred and eighty-five schizophrenic
patients and 393 matched controls of healthy donors were studied.
Patients were of Greek, Italian, Croatian and Slovenian origin. The
group of patients was divided into two subgroups; TRS (treatment
resistant schizophrenia) and responders in atypical antipsychotics.
Genotyping was performed by Sanger sequencing and PCR/BpEI-
based method.
rs6313 and rs1799978 were indicated as potential
biomarkers of patients’ response on antipsychotics. Experimental
results suggest non-correlation of polymorphisms with patients’
response to these drugs in Greek, Italian, Croatian and Slovenian
SZ’s etiology is highly complex, however, pharma-
cogenomic studies can lead to the identification of genetic loci
important for disease pathobiology and management as well as
patient stratification. Herein, no correlation was evident regarding
rs6313 and rs1799978 and drug response in the Caucasian popu-
lations studied. Next, sample number will be extended and a more
wide cross-population assessment will occur. Knowledge acquired
and technology improvement, will lead to a better understanding
of the underlying mechanisms, and will subsequently contribute to
the improvement of patients’ QoL.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Odors hedonic judgment in patients
with schizophrenia. Influence of
negative symptoms and -endorphin
M. Urban-Kowalczyk
Medical University of Lodz, Department of Psychotic and Affective
Disorders, Lodz, Poland
The relationship between olfactory and emotional
processing is an area of increasing interest in schizophrenia