24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S116–S348
(WMS-revised) and negative symptoms by scale for the assessment
of negative symptoms (SANS).
In our study, the average patients’ scores increased in
Wechsler-3 memory scale (WMS-revised) before and after receiv-
ing fluvoxamine (
< 0.001). This study couldn’t show a statistically
significant difference between the patients’ scores in negative
symptoms (SANS test) before and after the treatment course
= 0.59) There was a negative statistically significant correlation
found between WMS score before and after the intervention and
the level of education, living area and cigarette smoking. Increasing
scores in the test was statistically correlated with lower education,
cigarette smoking and living in rural area.
Augmented treatment with fluvoxamine, proba-
bly has effects on some parts of cognitive abilities of male
schizophrenic patients which are assessable by Wechsler-3 mem-
ory scale. Therefore further studies on evaluation of fluvoxamine
effects in other fields of cognitive abilities like concentration and
attention in schizophrenic patients are still required.
Fluvoxamine; Schizophrenia; Cognition; Wechsler-3
memory scale
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eurpsy.2016.01.690Sexual Disorders
Questionnaire on sexual attitude and
function 2009: A novel clinical and
epidemiological computer based tool
K. Pirkalani
1 ,∗
, Z. Talaeerad
Mehr Medical Group, Internal Medicine, Tehran, Iran
Mehr Medical Group, Gynecology, Tehran, Iran
Corresponding author.
To study sexual problems of our patients and standard-
izing it for patients with or without religious and cultural restrains
we developed a questionnairewith 240 phrases thatwere extracted
from a pool of 1400 sentences addressing sexual problems. Sixty-
four scales under four headings (sexual general characteristics,
deviations, dysfunctions and psychodynamic syndromes) (16 items
each) were evaluated based on criteria of DSM-V and ICD 10. Five
validity scales (honesty, desirability, debasement, guilt feeling and
overall validity) were also used for better assessment.
A total of 1300 patients in the four variants of the test
were evaluated during a time span of 7 years. The questions were
presented to examinees at 8th grade and higher in a calm envi-
ronment and the results were evaluated by a computer software
specifically developed for this purpose.
The last version of the test was completed by 734 patients
with excellent compliance. It was of nice politeness and compre-
hensiveness. For almost all scales the sensitivity and specificity
were around 85 and 92% respectively.
We conclude that QSAF 2009 is an excellent tool both
in clinics (diagnosis and follow up) and epidemiology with high
sensitivity and specificity. It has also application in cross-cultural
studies, medico – legal issues and medical documentation. It pre-
vents face-to-face interviews, breaks patients’ resistance and is less
time consuming than scheduled interviews.
Sexual assessment; Deviation; Dysfunction
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Sexual function in diabetic women
and non-diabetic women
Z. Sepehrmanesh
Kashan University of Medical Sciences, Kashan, Iran
Diabetes is a serious disease, which has short term and
long-term complications. Sexual dysfunction is a chronic problem
in diabetic patients, which is ignored in many patients. Although
the majority of studies about sexual problems had done in men,
these studies had done less in women. This study evaluates and
compares sexual function in diabetic’s women and non-diabetic
Material and method
In this study, fifty married diabetic females
and fiftymarried non-diabetic females has been selected randomly.
Demographic questionnaire and FSFI questionnaire (female sex-
ual function index) for evaluation sexual function were used in
two groups. Also another questionnaire about complications of dia-
betes, duration of diabetes, HbA1c, method of treatment and BP in
group of diabetic women were used. Data were analyzed by
and Chi
Prevalence of sexual problems in two groups of women
was 98%. Frequency of sexual problems in two group’s women
was not significant difference in overall. Two group’s women
had significant difference in sexual satisfaction (
= 0.02). Diabetic
women had less satisfaction than non-diabetic women. In diabetic
women; there was significant relation between HbA1c and desire
and arousal items (
= 0.01,
= 0.008). There was not significance
relation between sexual function of diabetic women and diabetic
complications, age, educational level, job.
The majority of women had sexual problems. In
diabetic women sexual satisfaction was significance less than non-
diabetic women. In diabetic women, duration of diabetes and
had significance relation with sexual problems. So that
attention to sexual function in diabeticwomen and education about
sexual function is necessary.
Disclosure of interest
The author has not supplied his/her decla-
ration of competing interest.
Parental Attachment in subjects with
female-to-male gender dysphoria
S. Turan
, T. Öcek Bas¸ , A. Bas¸ , Ö.F. Demirel , M. Emül
Istanbul University - Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty, Psychiatry,
Istanbul, Turkey
Corresponding author.
Attachment has been defined as a deep and endur-
ing emotional bond that connects one person to another across time
and space. Subjects with gender dysphoria (GD) are sometimes
accompanied by psychiatric problems because they face potential
parent and peer rejection.
The present study aims to investigate the parental
attachment in subjects with female-to-male (FtM) GD.
Sixty-six subjects with FtM GD (DSM-5 criteria) and 67
female controls were assessed using: short version of the Inventory
of Parent and Peer Attachment (IPPA).
Main findings highlighted that female controls were sig-
nificantly more attached to their parents than subjects with FtM
GD. The scores of specific dimensions of attachment such as trust,
communication and alienation were significantly higher in control
females than subjects with FtM GD.
The results of this study indicate that subjects with
FtM GD have significantly poor parental attachment compared to
female controls, measured by IPPA. These findings may suggest
that psychological basis underlying the development of psychiatric
disorders, which was seen in subjects with FtM GD.