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24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S116–S348


University of Oxford, Department of Psychiatry, Oxford, United


Corresponding author.


Mood instability is an important problem but has

received relatively little research attention. Natural language

processing (NLP) is a novel method, which can used to automat-

ically extract clinical data from electronic health records (EHRs).


To extract mood instability data from EHRs and investigate

its impact on people with mental health disorders.


Data onmood instabilitywere extracted using NLP from

27,704 adults receiving care from the South London and Maudsley

NHS Foundation Trust (SLaM) for affective, personality or psychotic

disorders. These data were used to investigate the association of

mood instability with different mental disorders and with hospi-

talisation and treatment outcomes.


Mood instability was documented in 12.1% of people

included in the study. It wasmost frequently documented in people

with bipolar disorder (22.6%), but was also common in personality

disorder (17.8%) and schizophrenia (15.5%). It was associated with

a greater number of days spent in hospital (B coefficient 18.5, 95%

CI 12.1–24.8), greater frequency of hospitalisation (incidence rate

ratio 1.95, 1.75–2.17), and an increased likelihood of prescription

of antipsychotics (2.03, 1.75–2.35).


Using NLP, it was possible to identify mood instabil-

ity in a large number of people, which would otherwise not have

been possible by manually reading clinical records. Mood insta-

bility occurs in a wide range of mental disorders. It is generally

associated with poor clinical outcomes. These findings suggest that

clinicians should screen for mood instability across all common

mental health disorders. The data also highlight the utility of NLP

for clinical research.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Automatic attentional processing of

faces with disease cues

S. Soares

1 , 2

, A.C. Magalhães


, A.F. Oliveira


, B. Silva


, J. Dias



M.J. Godinho


, S. Xavier

4 ,

, J. Ferreira

3 , 5


Center for Health Technology and Services Research, University of

Aveiro CINTESIS-UA, Department of Education, Aveiro, Portugal


Karolinska Institutet, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Division

for Psychology, Sweden, Sweden


University of Aveiro, Department of Education, Aveiro, Portugal


University of Coimbra, Psychological Medicine, Coimbra, Portugal


Faculty of Medicine, University of Coimbra, Institute for Biomedical

Imaging and Life Sciences IBILI, Coimbra, Portugal

Corresponding author.


Stimuli that are relevant to our survival, especially

those that signal the presence of a threat in the environment (e.g.,

threatening faces), automatically attract our attention.


The same may be true for faces displaying subtle dis-

ease cues as they may signal danger of potential contamination

and, hence, disease-avoidance behaviour, which was the focus of

the present research.


The present study investigated, for the first time to our

knowledge, whether faces with disease cues (DF), compared to

control stimuli (faces without such cues) (CF), interfered with the

participants’ performance in a letter discrimination task.


Eighty-six (44 women) university students volunteered

to participate in a letter discrimination task where 240 DF and 240

CF were presented.


The results confirmed our hypothesis by showing that

for DF, compared to CF, participants took longer to discriminate

the target letters. Moreover, the results from a further rating task

showed that DF, compared to CF, were rated as significantly more

disgusting and associated with disease, thus confirming our exper-

imental manipulation and suggesting that disgust may be driving

automatic attention to DF.


Our findings provide important insights on the pos-

sible influence of exogenous attention to disease cues in social

avoidance behaviour, whichmay have relevant implications in clin-

ical disorders with disgust at its core.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Sensory processing disorders,

duration of current episode, and

severity of side effects in major

affective and anxiety disorders

G. Serafini

1 ,

, B. Engel-Yeger


, G.H. Vazquez


, M. Pompili



M. Amore



S. Martino Hospital, University of Genoa, Neuroscience DINOGMI,

Genoa, Italy


Faculty of Social Welfare and Health Sciences, University of Haifa,

Occupational Therapy, Haifa, Israel


Palermo University, Neuroscience, Buenos Aires, Argentina


Sant’Andrea Hospital, Sapienza University of Rome, Neuroscience,

Rome, Italy

Corresponding author.


Longer duration of untreated illness, longer dura-

tion of current episode, and severity of medication side effects may

negatively influence the psychosocial functioning inmajor affective

and anxiety disorders. Studies also suggested the involvement of

sensory perception in emotional and psychopathological processes.


The objective of this study is to investigate the nature

of the association between duration of untreated illness, duration

of current episode, and severity of medication side effects.


The study is aimed to examine the relationship between

sensory processing disorders (SPD), duration of untreated illness,

duration of current illness episode, and the severity of side effects

related to psychoactive medications.


The sample included 178 participants with an age

ranging from 17 to 85 years (mean = 53.84


15.55); psychiatric

diagnoses were as follow: unipolar major depressive disorder

(MDD) (50%), bipolar disorder (BD) (33.7%), and anxiety disorders

(16.3%). subjects completed a socio-demographic questionnaire,

the Udvalg for Kliniske Undersøgelser (UKU), and Adolescent/Adult

Sensory Profile (AASP) questionnaire.


Longer duration of current episode correlated with

greater registration of sensory input and lower avoidance from

sensory input among unipolar patients, lower registration of sen-

sory input, and higher tendency for sensory sensitivity/sensation

avoidance among bipolar participants. In addition? longer duration

of current episode correlated with lower sensory sensitiv-

ity/avoidance among anxiety participants, respectively. Mean UKU

total scores were associated with lower sensory sensitivity among

bipolar individuals as well.


SPD expressed in either hypo-/hypersensitivity may

be used to clinically characterize subjects with major affective and

anxiety disorders.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.