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24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S116–S348

stay of 15.7 days, as compared to 18.24 days of average hospital

stay due to schizophrenia in Spain. The direct costs of hospitaliza-

tion stays due to psychiatric reasons decreased from 162,071.88

Euros to 74,282.95 Euros (


< 0.001).


This observational study shows us that the treat-

ment with PAP reduced the average length of the hospital stay, and

resulted in a decreased percentage of re-admissions as compared

to oral treatments for schizophrenia. These data led to savings of

more than 50% of the direct costs of hospitalization.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Hyperuricemia in children and

adolescents with autism spectrum

disorders treated with risperidone:

The risk factors for metabolic adverse


C. Sukasem

, N. Vanwong

Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi hospital, Pathology, Bangkok,


Corresponding author.


The prevalence of hyperuricemia in ASDs pediatric

patients including the association of serum uric acid and metabolic

adverse effect in ASDs pediatric patients treated with risperidone

have never been examined.


To determine the prevalence of hyperuricemia in ASD

pediatric patients treated with risperidone and the relationships

between serum uric acid level and risk factor components of

metabolic syndrome.


This cross-sectional study recruited 127 Thai ASDs chil-

dren and adolescents, which age 3–20 years and had received

risperidone for more than 4 weeks. The condition of hyperuricemia

was defined as a high level of uric acid in the blood > 5.5mg/dL.


Hyperuricemia was observed in 73 of 127 (57.48%) sub-

jects. Serum uric acid level were statistically significant positively

associated with age, risperidone dose, duration of treatment, BMI,

waist circumference, triglycerides (TG), TG/HDL cholesterol ratio,

insulin, homeostatic model assessment index (HOMA-IR), leptin,

and high-sensitivity CRP (hs-CRP). Furthermore, serum uric acid

was statistically significant negatively associated with HDL choles-

terol and adiponectin level. In multiple regression, only age, BMI,

TG/HDL-C, and adiponectin level remained significant associated

with serum uric acid level (


< 0.0001).


High level of serum uric acid related with adoles-

cence. Serum uric acid level correlated with most of the risk factors

of metabolic syndrome, except blood glucose and LDL-C levels.

The information might encourage the clinicians for aware to the

possible consequences of hyperuricemia, in order to verify possi-

ble complications of early metabolic syndrome in ASDs pediatric

treated with risperidone.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Development and validation of liquid

chromatography/tandem mass

spectrometry analysis for therapeutic

drug monitoring of risperidone and

9-hydroxyrisperidone in pediatric

patients with autism spectrum


C. Sukasem

, S. Prommas

Faculty of medicine Ramathibodi hospital, pathology, Bangkok,


Corresponding author.


The sensitive, accurate and specific LC-MS/MS

method, which a small-volume injection has been developed and

validated for simultaneous quantification of RIS and 9-OH-RIS

plasma concentrations in ASD pediatric patients.


Plasma samples were extracted by using the protein

precipitation extraction technique and were separated on an Agi-

lent, USA C18 column (4.6 cm


50mm; 1.8 m particle size).

Detection was by MS-MS with an analytical run time of 6minutes.


The recoveries were in the range of 95.01-112.62% for

RIS and 90.27-114.00% for 9-OH-RIS. The method was applied in

the therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) of ASD pediatric patients

treated with oral RIS. This study was to investigate the relationship

between RIS dosageswith RIS plasma levels including to investigate

the correlations between RIS plasma levels and serum prolactin

levels in ASD pediatric patients. Risperidone doses were signifi-

cantly positively related with the concentration of RIS, 9-OH-RIS

and active moiety. Moreover, the result indicates that the higher

concentrations of RIS and itsmetabolite have a tendency to produce

prolactin elevations than the lower RIS concentrations.


The determination of RIS and its metabolites in

individual patient could be clinically useful for prediction andmon-

itoring of treatment response to RIS. Therefore, we recommend the

determination of RIS and its metabolites as part of an ongoing study

in which routinely monitored for compliance and to adjust the RIS

dose to achieve the optimum clinical outcome as well as to aware

of the adverse drug reaction.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


9-hydroxyrisperidone induced

hyperprolactinemia in Thai children

and adolescents with autism

spectrum disorder

C. Sukasem

, M. Chamnanphon

Faculty of medicine Ramathibodi hospital, pathology, Bangkok,


Corresponding author.


Although our previous study has revealed associ-

ation between prolactin level and risperidone dosage, data on

plasma drug concentration of risperidone therapy was lacking.


Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the

associationbetweenplasma drug concentrations of risperidone and

serum prolactin level in Thai children and adolescent with autism

spectrum disorders (ASD).


The subjects were 103 children and adolescent with

ASD (90 males and 13 females). Blood sample were collected 12

hours after the last drug administration. Serum prolactin levels,

plasma risperidone and 9-hydroxyrisperidon level were measured.

The clinical data of patients collected from medical records–age,

weight, height, body mass index, dose of risperidone, and duration

of treatment–were recorded.


Serum prolactin level was significantly positively cor-

related with plasma 9-hydroxyrisperidone levels (



= 0.355,


< 0.001). The median of 9-hydroxyrisperidone level in group

of hyperprolactinemia (7.59 ng/mL IQR; 4.86-15.55) significantly

higher than non-hyperprolactinemia (5.18 ng/mL; IQR 2.10-8.99)

after risperidone treatment (


= 0.006).


The results of this study showed that serum prolactin

levels, especially autism with hyperprolactinemia during risperi-

done treatment, were significantly correlated with level of the