24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S116–S348
Afterwards, within group comparisons were made using one-
sample repeated measurement Anova. One-way Anova was used
for inter-group comparisons. Mothers in the placebo group only
participated in meetings to talk and express feelings without
receiving any interventions.
At the baseline, no significant difference was found
among the three groups regarding the means of stress, anxiety,
depression, and mental health. However, a significant difference
was observed in the mean score of stress immediately after the
intervention (
= 0.033) and themean score of mental health among
the three groups (
< 0.001). One month after the intervention, the
mean difference of mental health score remained significant only
in the intervention group (
< 0.001).
The study findings confirmed the effectiveness of
stress management program on mental health of the mothers of
the children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Domiciliary care service in
psychiatry – Impact on hospital
admissions and follow up in patients
with bipolar and schizophrenia
G. Sobreira
1 ,∗
, F. Gomes
1, I. Capeto Coelho
2, J. Oliveira
Centro Hospitalar Psiquiátrico de Lisboa, First Psychotic Episode
Unit, Lisboa, Portugal
Centro Hospitalar Psiquiátrico de Lisboa, Bipolar and Obsessive
Compulsive Disorders Unit, Lisbon, Portugal
Centro Hospitalar Psiquiátrico de Lisboa, Neuropsychiatry and
Dementia Unit, Lisboa, Portugal
Corresponding author.
Several community psychiatry projects have been
developed in Lisbon; nevertheless, there are patients whose needs
are not fulfilled by the existing structures. For this reason, our insti-
tution created a domiciliary care unit (PreTrarCa).
To assess if this program has an impact in admission
rates, length of stay and follow-up appointments.
To improve the quality of care provided by PreTrarCA.
All active patients followed by PreTrarCA in 2015 were
selected (
= 90); only those with F20 and F31 (ICD-10) diagnoses,
admitted to the program after 2013, and who had information
regarding duration of illness were chosen (
= 21). A control group
with similar characteristics (age, gender, ICD-10 diagnosis, dis-
ease duration) was paired to our sample. Information concerning
social/demographic data, disease duration, hospital admissions and
appointments, before and after the patients started the program
was retrospectively collected. All data and statistical analyses were
performed via SPSS program.
Our patients were mostly female (
= 12); mean age
54,92; 10 and 11 had F-20 and F-31 diagnosis respectively. The
test patients had fewer admissions (
= 0.027). No statistical sig-
nificance was found concerning number of appointments, missed
appointments or length of stay, between the groups before or after
the patients had started the program.
Results suggest that domiciliary care may reduce
costs associatedwithmental health care due to a decrease in admis-
sion rates. Our sample was paired to a similar group, which can
account for the similar length of stay in both groups. Further studies
should take into account other confounding variables.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Partial psychiatric hospitalization and
differences in clinical outcome
J. Vázquez Bourgon
1 ,∗
, F. Hoyuela Zatón
1, E. Gómez-Ruiz
E. Cortazar Lopez
1, B. Agüeros Perez
1, J. Cuetara Caso
M.J. Gutierrez Ajenjo
1, C. Alvaredo Rodriguez
P. Rodríguez-Rodríguez
2, P. Pelayo Reventún
B. Crespo-Facorro
University Hospital Marqués de Valdecilla-IDIVAL, CIBERSAM,
Psychiatry, Santander, Spain
Centro Hospitalario Benito Menni, Psychiatry, Santander, Spain
General University Hospital Alicante, Psychiatry, Alicante, Spain
Corresponding author.
Intensive treatment in partial hospitalization unit
may represent an efficient alternative to traditional inward hospi-
talization. However, there is evidence suggesting that this clinical
resourcemay not be equally effective for every psychiatric disorder.
We aimed to study possible differences in the effec-
tiveness of treatment in a partial hospitalization regime for
different psychiatric disorders.
Three hundred and thirty-one patients were admitted
to the Valdecilla acute psychiatric day hospital between January
2013 and January 2015. Clinical severity was assessed using BPRS-
E and HoNOS scales at admission and discharge. Other relevant
clinical and socio-demographic variables were recorded. For statis-
tical comparisons, patients were clustered into 4 wide diagnostic
groups (non-affective psychosis; bipolar disorder; depressive dis-
order; personality disorder).
We observed a significant difference in the status of
discharge (
= 12.227;
= 0.007). Thus, depressive patients were
more frequently discharged because of clinical improvement, while
patients with a main diagnose of personality disorder abandoned
the treatment more frequently (23% vs. 4,0%)
When analysing the clinical outcome at discharge, we found that
patients with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder showed greater
improvement in BPRS (
= 5.305;
= 0.001) than those diagnosed
of psychosis or depressive disorder. Interestingly, we found no sig-
nificant differences between diagnoses in hospital re-admission in
the following 6 months after being discharged.
Our results suggest that acute treatment in par-
tial hospitalization regime may be more effective for bipolar
and depressive disorder, and particularly less effective for those
patients with a personality disorder.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eurpsy.2016.01.448Mental health policies
Task-shifting within health care
systems – a general review of the
literature and implications for mental
V. Agyapong
University of Alberta, Department of Psychiaty, Fort McMurray,
There have been a growing interest in the effective-
ness of task-shifting as a strategy for targeting expanding health