24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S116–S348
were only treated by general practitioners/somatic specialists, had
significantly lower rates of sick leave and early retirement. Thismay
indicate that cases with more favourable prognoses are found with
this care pathway.
Analyses of care pathways using secondary data
can contribute to identify potential for optimizing mental health
care services and provide information about intersectoral interface
problems, which should be considered in the quality management
of mental healthcare.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Trajectories of health-related quality
of life among family caregivers of
individuals with dementia:
A home-based caregiver-training
program matters
L.M. Kuo
Taipei Medical University, School of Gerontology Health
Management- College of Nursing, Taipei, Taiwan
To chart distinct courses of changes in health-related quality
of life (HRQoL) among family caregivers of individuals with demen-
tia and how the probability of belonging to each coursewas affected
by participating in a caregiver-training program.
No studies have exploredwhether these family care-
givers’ HRQoL follows multiple distinct trajectories, nor whether
the effect of a given intervention varies across different trajectories.
Single-blinded randomized clinical trial.
Suitable family caregiverswere recruited fromJune 2009
to March 2012. Of 116 individuals with data available for analysis,
57were in the intervention group, and 59were in the control group.
A 4- to 6-hour training program with monthly telephone follow-
ups to help family caregivers of adults with dementia detect and
decrease environmental stimuli for a specific behavior problem.
Caregivers’ HRQoL was assessed using theMedical Outcomes Study
36-Item Short Form Survey over 18 months following completion
of the training program.
For all dimensions of HRQoL, two distinct trajectorieswere
identified: a well-functioning trajectory and a poor-functioning
trajectory. Caregivers who received the training program had a
greater chance of being in the good-functioning HRQoL group than
in the poor-functioning HRQoL group. The odds ratios varied by
HRQoL dimension from 2.621 for bodily pain to 9.058 for vitality.
Participating in a brief training program improved
caregivers’ HRQoL over 18 months, especially in mental health-
related dimensions. Caregiver training should be seriously
considered as part of the protocol for managing patients with
dementia and their caregivers.
Disclosure of interest
The author has not supplied his/her decla-
ration of competing interest.
The effect of the reductions in social
interactions due to the economic
crisis on the subjective well-being of
non-insurance health care seekers in
G. Lyrakos
1 ,∗
, M. Grigoriadou
1, T. Zacharis
2, M. Grigoraki
D. Menti
3, N. Tsioumas
3, A. Georgiadis
1, I. Spyropoulos
V. Spinaris
General Hospital Nikaia “Ag. Panteleimon”, Psychiatric, Nikaia,
Center for Mental Health, Social Department, Piraeus, Greece
City Unity College – MSc Health Psychology, Psychology
Department, Athens, Greece
Corresponding author.
Social interactions have an important effect on the
subjective well-being of individuals. However, in periods of finan-
cial crisis these interactions are reduced, affecting thus the mental
health of the individuals as well.
To investigate the effect of the reduction in social interac-
tions, as a result of the economic crisis, on the subjective well-being
of non-insurance health care seekers in Greece.
Two hundred and sixty-six individuals participated in
this study, 90 (35.6%) males and 163 (64.4%) females, with a mean
age of 47. Analysis of data was conducted with Anova, using the
SPSS software.
The findings showed that reductions in social interac-
tions, caused by the financial crisis, led to significant reductions in
the subjective well-being of individuals as well (F(1.259) = 13.276,
< 0.001 for social activities and F(1,258) = 14.531,
< 0.001 for
peer socialization). More specifically, individuals whose social
interactions were greatly affected by the financial crisis reported
significantly lower subjective well-being than individuals who
reported a medium effect (M=
2.952, SD = .764,
< 0.001). Fur-
thermore, individuals who reported that the economic crisis had
a great effect on their peer socialization reported significantly
lower subjective well-being compared to both those who reported
a medium (M=
1.868, SD = .658,
< 0.015) or low (M=
SD = .809,
< 0.001) effect of the crisis.
The results of this research showed that the finan-
cial crisis reduced the well-being of affected individuals through
reductions in their social interactions. Further research is needed
to investigate appropriate interventions to reduce the negative
impact that the financial crisis has on the well-being of affected
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Factors affecting restraint practices in
psychiatric inpatient units: A sample
from a mental health hospital in
U. Ozer Ceri
1 ,∗
, U. Uzun
1, B. Sancak
1, V. Ceri
2, S. Ozen
Prof Dr Mazhar Osman Mental Health and Neurological Disorders
Research Hospital, Psychiatry, Istanbul, Turkey
Dumlupinar University-Evliya Celebi Training and Research
Hospital, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Kutahya, Turkey
Corresponding author.
New guidelines aimed to minimize restraint in psy-
chiatry clinics due to ethical reasons.
Further studies investigating factors affecting the
decision of restraint and its potential benefits and harms are
We aimed to determine current rates of restraint in psychi-
atric clinics and sociodemographic/clinical variables which may be
related with restraint practices.
The study was conducted in 64-bed male and 28-bed
female psychiatric inpatient units, between March 1–May 31
2015. Sociodemographic and clinical data forms were completed
using case files and restraint records.
In a total number of 481 inpatients (351 males, 130
females), number of restrained patients was 98 (20.3%) (90 (25.7%)
males, 8 (6.2%) females). There was no significant difference in
sociodemographic characteristics between restrained and unre-
strained patients, but duration of the illness and electroconvulsive