24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S116–S348
therapy rates were significantly different. Substance abuse (44.4%)
was higher in restrained male patients. Also, restraint rates were
higher in patients having a diagnosis of substance-related disorder
compared to other diagnoses. Restraints occurred most commonly
in the first day (48%) of hospitalization.
The studies carried out in psychiatric hospitals sug-
gested major differences in the rates and types of restraints among
different countries and institutions. In our study, a higher restraint
rate is obtained compared to other studies. Consistently with the
literature, substance abuse was higher in restrained patients, and
restraints occurred most commonly in the first day of hospitaliza-
tion. Many factors including substance abuse should be considered
to reduce restraint rates, which are still quite high in mental health
hospitals in Turkey.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Assessment of functional status in
oldest old: The OARS/QAFMI model for
care planning
R. Rodrigues
, S. Crespo , C. Silva , I. Mendes
Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Coimbra, UICISA-E, Coimbra,
Corresponding author.
The geriatric assessment should include the phys-
ical, cognitive, emotional and social functional status, allowing a
concrete understanding of the oldest old realities for a better health
To assess the functional status in main areas of the
elderly’s life: social resources, economic resources, mental health,
physical health and activities of daily living (ADL).
Provide information to health and social policy makers and
improve the quality of care, adapting the training of nurses to this
new social and health reality.
The randomized, stratified (age and gender) sample
consisted of individuals aged
75, randomly selected and rep-
resentative of Coimbra’s (Portugal) elder residents (
= 11,279;
= 1128). The instrument for data collection was the Questionário
de Avaliac¸ ão Funcional Multidimensional para Idosos/Older Amer-
icans Resources and Services (QAFMI/OARS).
In the social resources, there are significant differences
between gender (
< 0.001), withmen presenting better scores than
women. In the areas of economic resources, mental health and
physical health are revealed significant differences between gen-
der and age groups (
< 0.001), with the women and the age group
85 presenting the worst results. In ADL, area is also observed
significant differences between age groups (
< 0.001), with the old-
est old individuals presenting the worst results.
The results will play an important role in the deci-
sions of the technicians at Health Centres to the planning of older
care services and will be disseminate among the responsible enti-
ties aiming the improvement of the current policies.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Mental health and functional status in
oldest old: The use of QAFMI/OARS in
Chamusca (Santarém – Portugal)
Elder Residents
M. Martins
1 ,∗
, M .Nunes
1 , P. Cunha
1 , C. Brunido
1 , S. Crespo
2 ,R. Rodrigues
UCC Chamusca/Golegã, ACES Leziria, Santarém, Portugal
Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Coimbra, UICISA-E, Coimbra,
Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal
Corresponding author.
Population aging and changes in the epidemiologi-
cal pattern and the social and family structure, observed in Portugal,
with a particular focus at the local level, determine new needs for
which it is urgent to organize appropriate and active responses. The
Community Care Unit (UCC Chamusca/Golegã) and the Municipal-
ity of Chamusca decided to carry out this project in order to make
the diagnosis of the situation in social and health of the elderly
Assess the use/need of health and social services by
the elderly, related with their functional status in social resources,
economic resources, mental health, physical health and activities
of daily living.
Assess the functional status in mental health to implement
an individual monitoring plan.
Quantitative methodology using the Questionário de
Avaliac¸ ão Funcional Multidimensional para Idosos/Older Ameri-
cans Resources and Services (QAFMI/OARS). The sample consisted
of individuals aged
65, randomly selected and representative of
Chamusca’s elder residents (
= 2768;
= 1868).
Results showed that inmental health, there isn’t a signifi-
cant difference classification between genders in the different aged
groups. There is only statistically significant difference between
age groups, with the group of 85 and over who have worse
The work developed with QAFMI/OARS lead us to
consider this instrument very useful to define functional status of
the elders in specific evaluation areas as mental health, becoming
right to the planning of older care services.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
The effect of stress management
program on mental health of the
mothers of the children with
attention deficit hyperactivity
disorder, Shiraz-Iran
F. Sharif
1 ,∗
, S . Zarei
2 , A.Alavi Shooshtari
3 , M.Vossoughi
Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Psychiatric Nursing, Shiraz,
Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Psychiatric Nursing, Shiraz,
Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Psychiatry, Shiraz, Iran
Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Biostatistics, Shiraz, Iran
Corresponding author.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is one of the
most common psychiatric disorders in children.
Aim and Objective of the study
The study aimed to evaluate
the effectiveness of stress management program using cognitive
behavior approach on mental health of the mothers of the children
with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
In this interventional study, 90 mothers of the chil-
dren with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder were randomly
allocated into three intervention, placebo, and control groups. The
general health questionnaire was used to measure mental health.
Besides, stress was assessed through the depression-anxiety-stress
scale. The two instruments were completed at baseline, imme-
diately, and one month after the intervention by the mothers.