24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S116–S348
studies demonstrated a positive correlation between inflammatory
cytokines and suicidal behavior.
The mentioned association between inflammatory
cytokines, depression, and suicidal behavior does not imply the
existence of a causal relationship. Further additional studies should
clarify the molecular mechanisms of the immune activation path-
ways underlying depression and suicidality.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
N–methyl–D–aspartate antagonists in
depression–15 years after the first
ketamine clinical study what has
J. Ribeiro
, D. Mota , L. Rosa
Coimbra Hospital and University Centre, Psychiatry Department,
Coimbra, Portugal
Corresponding author.
In the last decades, multiple studies have sug-
gested evidences of disturbances within the glutamate system
in depressed patients. The first clinical study using ketamine in
depression treatment was conduct fifteen years ago. Since then
several studies tried to understand the mechanisms underlying the
antidepressant effects of ketamine, as well as discover new drugs
with better pharmacodynamic profiles.
Review the literature on the role of gluta-
mate system in depression and novel approaches with glutamate
N–methyl–D–aspartate receptor antagonists in depression.
Search and review of scientific literature on PubMed
database with the keywords.
“major depressive disorder”, “depression”, “ketamine”, “gluta-
mate”, “NMDA”, “neuroplasticity”.
Abnormalities of the glutamate clearance at synap-
tic space and astrocytic dysfunction associated with glutamate
metabolism have been associated with depressive symptomato-
logy. In depressed patients, reduced levels of glutamate have been
described by magnetic resonance spectroscopy in multiple cortical
areas, amygdala and hippocampus, supportting the hypothesis of
glutamate system involvement in the neurobiology of depression.
Indeed, in the last 15 years, multiple clinical studies using ketamine
provided some evidence that glutamate N–methyl–D–aspartate
receptor antagonism could be an approach for refractory forms
of depression. However, regardless all of the evidences, no drug
targeting specifically the glutamate system has been approved for
depression treatment.
The glutaminergic system plays a role in the patho-
physiology of depression, why it’s a possible therapeutic target. So,
it’s of utmost importance that future studies keep the focus in this
area, looking for new drugs active in this system.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Disturbance of serum albumin
conformation in patients with
melancholic depression
M. Uzbekov
1 ,∗
, T. Syrejshchikova
2, N. Smolina
3, V. Brilliantova
G. Dobretsov
3, V. Krujkov
4, I. Emel’yanova
4, V. Krasnov
Moscow Research Institute of Psychiatry, Brain Pathology, Moscow,
Lebedev Physical Institute, High energy, Moscow, Russia
Federal Research and Clinical Center of Physical-Chemical Medicine,
Biophysical methods of diagnostics, Moscow, Russia
Moscow Research Institute of Psychiatry, Affective disorders,
Moscow, Russia
Corresponding author.
The last years it is became clear that disturbances in
molecular processes in pathological conditions can be connected
with conformational changes in protein structure.
Investigation of blood albumin conformation in patients
with melancholic depression.
Material and methods
There were investigated 19 patients with
melancholic depression (12 women and 7 men) and 25 health vol-
unteers. Patient’s state according to ICD-10 criteria was defined as a
depressive episode in the frame of bipolar depressive disorder (type
2) (F32) and in the structure of recurrent depressive disorder (F33).
Subnanosecond laser time resolved fluorescence spectroscopy
(SLTRFS) (subnanosecond diapason) with K-35 fluorescent probe
was used for the investigation of albumin conformation.
Results and discussion
There were revealed 3 binding sites in
albumin molecule with fluorescent decay time of 1, 3 and 9
nanoseconds (A1, A3 and A9 sites, respectively) in healthy vol-
unteers using SLTRFS approach. There were found significant
differences between albumin binding sites of volunteers and
patients with melancholic depression, respectively, A1–117
10; A3–358
26; A9–371
These findings point out that melancholic depression
is followed by conformational changes of albumin molecule that
can affect its functional properties. We can hypothesized that albu-
min binding properties can serve as a biomarker of the efficacy of
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Differential profile amongst patients
with depressive disorder (DD) and
adjustment disorder (AD)
J. Martínez Arnaiz
1 ,∗
, B. Vallejo-Sánchez
1, C. Garcia Blanco
A.M. Pérez-García
Santa Barbara Hospital, Mental Health Unit, Puertollano- Ciudad
Real, Spain
UNED, Psychology Faculty, Madrid, Spain
Corresponding author.
Adjustment disorder (AD) is a condition that
includes both emotional or/and behavioral symptoms and occurs
when individual is unable to cope with stress. It is a common diag-
nosis but few studies have been done due to controversial diagnosis
related to their diagnostic criteria definition. It is often difficult to
establish differential diagnosis with condition such as depressive
and anxiety disorders or even normal reaction to stressful situa-
tions. There are limited tools to evaluate such condition and its
definition is focused or based on lack of severity.
Study objective target is to analyse the differences
between two groups, a first group with AD and another one
with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) (with different sociode-
mographic, clinical and triggering individual factors such as
vulnerability or copying management).
We try to have a better comprehension and management
of depressive conditions.
Two groups that belongs to Mental Health Commu-
nity Team are compared. The first one with a diagnosis of AD,
and another group with the diagnosis of MD. They have been
diagnosed through a structured clinical interview and standard
questionnaires to evaluate personality copyingmanagement. Other