24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S116–S348
Maladaptive emotion regulation
mediating the link between the recall
of early affiliative memories and
depressive symptomatology
J. Marta-Simões , C. Ferreira
, A.L. Mendes , I.A. Trindade
Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences - University of
Coimbra, CINEICC - Cognitive Behavioural Centre for Research and
Intervention, Coimbra, Portugal
Corresponding author.
The inability of recalling warm and safe memories with parents
and close relatives has been often associated in literature with
a negative and judgmental sense of self, and a higher proneness
to experience feelings of inferiority, inadequacy, and defective-
ness. Thus, intending to deal with self-judgment and inferiority,
individuals may become submissive as a way of compensating
one’s negative emotional states with other’s positive attention and
desirability. However, both early negative affiliative memories and
submissiveness are associated with higher vulnerability to psy-
chopathology, namely depression. Using a sample of 338 young
women, the present study intended to examine the association
between early affiliative memories and depressive symptoma-
tology, and the mediator roles of self-judgment and submissive
attitudes and behaviours on this association, through a path anal-
ysis. The tested model provided an excellent fit to the data,
accounting for 41% of the depressive symptomatology’s vari-
ance. Results revealed a direct effect of early affiliative memories
on depressive symptomatology; and also on self-judgement and
submissiveness, explaining 28% and 23% of their variances, respec-
tively. Moreover, part of these memories’ effect on depressive
symptomatology was explained by self-judgment and submissive-
ness, which seems to suggest that submissiveness, although used
to compensate feelings of inferiority and a judging attitude towards
the self, may be a maladaptive strategy due to its positive associ-
ation with depressive symptoms. This study’s findings appear to
emphasize the relevance of targeting submissiveness, especially
in the context of a scarce recall of early affiliative experiences,
when approaching women’s depressive symptomatology on men-
tal health promotion programs.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Monitoring of liver function in major
depressive disorder treated with SSRI
P. Ifteni
, A. Teodorescu
Spitalul de Psihiatrie si Neurologie, Psihiatrie Clinica III, Brasov,
Corresponding author.
Major depressive disorder is one of the most preva-
lent psychiatric illnesses in the world affecting more than 12% of
men and more than 21% of women in their lifetime. Selective sero-
tonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are worldwide prescribed to treat
depression. SSRIs drugs can cause drug-induced liver injury (DILI).
The aim of the study was to evaluate the liver function in
patients treated with SSRI in order to detect DILI.
All the patients with first major depressive episode
treated with the same SSRI antidepressant for at least 3 months
between September 2013 and September 2015 were entered into
the study. The hepatic function panel included aminotransferases,
total and direct bilirubin, albumin, total protein, gamma glutamyl
transferase (GGT), LDH cholesterol, hepatitis B virus (HBV), and
hepatitis C virus (HCV).
Of 134 subjects with MDD according to The Diagnostic
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5)
whomet inclusion criteria, 98 patients entered into study. Seventy-
seven (76.5%) were treated with SSRI for at least 3 months with
mean age were 45.4 (SD = 6.3), 65 women (66.3%). Five patients
(5.1%) were newly diagnosed with hepatitis, and 10 (10.2%) pre-
sented elevated values of ALT, AST. Themean duration of depressive
symptoms was 9.2 months (SD = 6.9).
The treatment with SSRI seems to be effective and
safe in our sample. A relative small number of patients with MDD
were diagnosed with viral hepatitis during this cross-sectional
study. Further randomized and controlled trials are needed.
Depression; Antidepressants; SSRI; Hepatitis
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Biopsychosocial model of prevention
of depression
M. Khan
1 ,∗
, S. Asghar
2, Z. Mukhtar
3, S. Niaz
Lahor, Pakistan
Sexual Health Institute Pakistan, Psychology, Lahore, Pakistan
Azm center, Psychology, Sargodha, Pakistan
Chase form, Psychiatry, London, United Kingdom
Corresponding author.
Depression is ranked third highest among disorders
responsible for global disease burden. Preventive strategies are
more cost effective than treatment alone. Depression is biological
disease having serious psychological and social consequences com-
prehensive program based on biopsychsocial model can curtail its
mortality and morbidity.
Pubmed search was made to study about prevention of
Different studies suggested food, exercise relaxation and
social support systemto prevent depression. At biological level food
is the first item. It should include omega 3, antioxidant, vitamin
D3, B6, B12, folic acid, fiber. Foods with anti inflammatory effects
too are recommended. Moderate exercise has biological effects
mediated by endorphins. It is advised to avoid proinflammatory
foods, refined sugar, smoking, and addiction. Whole some sexual
life has anti anxiety and antidepressant effects. At psychological
level high risk population is screened. Susceptible are taught cog-
nitive restructuring and coping strategies for stress. At social level
greater integration with family and friend can help the person.
Essential ingredients like omega 3 is derived from
fish, nuts seed oils. Fruit and vegetable and beans are rich in antiox-
idant, vitamins and fiber. Healthy food maintains hippocampal
volume, which gets shrunken by unhealthy food. Increased levels of
homocystine due to inflammation can decreasemonoamine neuro-
transmitters. Anti-inflammatory food include turmeric and garlic.
Sex increase blood levels of oxytocin during arousal dopamine sero-
tonin and endorphins at orgasm. Depression is less prevalent in
peaceful societies.
Every effort should be made to prevent depression.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Escitalopram orally-disintegrating
tablets (ODT) in major depression
M. Polikowska , B. Łoza
Medical University of Warsaw, Psychiatry, Warsaw, Poland
Corresponding author.
The growing rate of depressive disorders causes
needs for more effective and more innovative solutions. The