24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S116–S348
The aim is to provide useful information regarding this fre-
quent, often disregarded, comorbidity.
Our results proceed from the Andalusian delusional
disorder case-register (DelirAnda). We reviewed 1927 clinical his-
tories of patients diagnosed of delusional disorder. Upon having
verified the diagnosis following DSM-V criteria, we recollected data
on the prevalence of blindness andhearing loss, whichwere defined
based on clinical diagnosis.
One thousand four hundred and fifty-two patients
matched DSM-5 delusional disorder criteria. Among them, 49.8% of
our sample were women. The overall prevalence of sensory deficits
was 7.4%, 3.5% of the patients with delusional disorder were blind,
while 3.9% of them suffered from hearing loss.
Our results are consistent with previous studies,
such as the Deliremp study, which found a 5.7% prevalence of sen-
sory deficit among delusional disorder patients. These results show
a higher prevalence of sensory deficit among delusional disorder
patients compared with the general population. However, causal-
ity could not be established. Further study should be undertaken
regarding the relationship between these two conditions.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Comorbidity between delusional
disorder and chronic physical
conditions. Results from the
Deliranda case register
A. Porras Segovia
1 ,∗
, C. Carrillo de Albornoz Calahorro
M. Guerrero Jiménez
2, J. Cervilla Ballesteros
1 , 31
University Hospital San Cecilio, Mental Health Services, Granada,
Santa Ana Hospital, Mental Health Services, Motril, Spain
University of Granada, Psychiatry Department, Granada, Spain
Corresponding author.
Mental disorders are often comorbid with chronic
physical conditions. This relationship has been looked into in some
mental disorders, such as depression or schizophrenia. However,
very few studies have explored this comorbidity in the delusional
The objective of this study is to establish the preva-
lence of common chronic medical conditions across delusional
The aim is to provide useful information regarding this fre-
quent, often disregarded, comorbidity.
Our results proceed from the Andalusian delusional
disorder case-register (DelirAnda). We reviewed 1927 clinical his-
tories of patients diagnosed of delusional disorder. Upon having
verified the diagnosis following DSM-5 criteria, we recollected data
on the prevalence of 10 different medical conditions, which were
defined based on clinical diagnosis.
One thousand four hundred and fifty-two patients
matched DSM-5 delusional disorder criteria. Among them, 49.8%
of our sample were women. The overall prevalence of medical con-
ditions was 66%. Thirty-one percent of the patients with delusional
disorder had only one comorbid physical condition, 20% of them
suffered from two conditions, and 15% of them had three or more
chronic conditions. The most prevalent physical condition among
delusional disorder patients was diabetes, affecting 16% of these
Chronic physical conditions are highly prevalent
among patients with delusional disorder. Comorbid physical con-
ditions may have an important impact on the course of delusional
disorder. A correct diagnosis and treatment of this comorbidity
should be made to help improve the prognosis and life quality of
these patients.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Punding in Parkinson’s disease: To a
better understanding of a common
phenomenon between Parkinson’s
disease and addictions
A. Tremey
, I. de Chazeron , G. Brousse , P.M. Llorca
CHU Clermont-Ferrand, psychiatry, Clermont-Ferrand, France
Corresponding author.
Punding is a stereotypical motor behaviour charac-
terized by a repetitive, excessive and non-goal oriented activity
that causes an important loss of time. Since its first description in
psychostimulant addicts, data on punding has only derived from
studies on Parkinsonian patients treated with dopaminergic drugs.
Little is known in the literature about Parkinsonian patient’s char-
acteristics who suffer from punding.
We propose to study characteristics of Parkinsonian
“punders” in order to investigate the pathophysiology of this phe-
In this retrospective study, we use the “Ardouin Scale of
Behavior in Parkinson’s disease” database. This database was ini-
tially used to design a global scale to detect changes in mood and
behavior of Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients. We compared dif-
ferent variables between Parkinsonian patients who suffer from
punding with non-punder Parkinsonian patients.
Eighty of the 258 patients were identified as punders.
In univariate analysis, the punder and non-punder groups differed
statistically with regard to the age of diagnostic of PD, hypersexu-
ality and dopaminergic agonist treatment. In multivariate analysis,
the punder and non-punder groups only differed statistically with
regard to dopaminergic agonist treatment (
= 0.05).
Dopaminergic agonist treatments appear to be more
represented among patients with punding in our sample. Impulse
control disorders (ICD) are known to be more common in patients
treated by dopamine agonists. Punding could be considered as the
most severe form of ICD that is linked to psychomotor stimulation
and reward mechanisms.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Alexithymia and asthma
M. Turki
1 ,∗
, R. Naoui
1, N. Moussa
2, S. Sellami
I. Gassrara
1, N. Halouani
1, N. Hamza
1, J. Aloulou
1, S. Kammoun
O. Amami
Hedi Chaker University Hospital, Psychiatry Department, Sfax,
Hedi Chaker University Hospital, Pulmonary Department, Sfax,
Corresponding author.
Alexithymia refers to difficulties in verbal expres-
sion of emotions, commonly observed in patients with psycho-
somatic symptoms. In this context, asthma is described as one of
psychosomatic diseases.
Identify clinical profile of asthmatic patients and
assess the alexithymia level as well as associated factors.
We conducted a cross-sectional, descriptive and ana-
lytic study, including 30 patients followed for asthma at pulmonary
outpatient department, Hedi Chaker Hospital, Sfax, Tunisia, dur-
ing September and October 2015. We collected socio-demographic
and clinical characteristics. Asthma control level was assessed by