24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805
A pilot early psychosis intervention
programme in Bolivia
G. Rivera Arroyo
Hospital Universitario Japonés, Mental Health, Santa Cruz, Bolivia
The problem
Less than half of the more than 250 adolescents and
young adults who are estimated to experience a first episode of
psychosis in the city of Santa Cruz each year are ever diagnosed
and receive treatment.
Of those patients who are eventually diagnosed, the average dura-
tion of their symptoms of psychosis prior to receiving treatment is
estimated to be over 2 years.
The opportunity
Multiple psychosocial variables, such as the
reaction of patients and their families to symptoms of psychosis,
which play a vital role in determining long-termoutcomes, demon-
strate their highest degree of flexibility during the period of early
psychosis. Psychological, social and evidence-based pharmacolog-
ical interventions undertaken during this time frame can have a
profound impact on the life-course of an individual with psychosis.
Our solution
We propose to establish a pilot early psychosis inter-
vention program that will provide age appropriate biopsychosocial
treatment and support for 15–25 years old with first episode psy-
chosis and their families in Santa Cruz. This will improve short
and long-term outcomes for those with psychosis, increase speed
of recovery, decrease the need for hospitalization, reduce family
disruption and decrease rates of relapse.
By utilizing a mobile, multidisciplinary treatment team that
emphasizes the roles of trained casemanagers focused onproviding
intensive individual and family support in the home, this program
will provide culturally appropriate care that will leverage contribu-
tions from a limited supply of psychiatrists and shift dependence
away from a fragmented medical system.
Disclosure of interest
The author has not supplied his declaration
of competing interest.
Impact of vulnerability to stress in the
development and course of first
psychotic episode
L. Rossini Gajsak
1 ,∗
, M. Celic Ruzic
1, M. Rojnic Kuzman
Neuropsychiatric Hospital Dr. Ivan Barbot, Department of Biological
Psychiatry, Popovaca, Croatia
University Hospital Centre Zagreb, Department of Psychiatry,
Zagreb, Croatia
Corresponding author.
The stress diathesis hypothesis is one of the lead-
ing models of etiology of psychotic disorders. Cortisol is one of
the most researched stress hormone; yet its role in first psychotic
episode is currently subject of many researches. Psychotic disorder
occurs when “enough” stress attacks vulnerable personality. Stress
response activatesHPAaxis that results in cascade effects on several
body systems (immune, neuroendocrine and inflammatory). Dys-
regulation of the HPA axis and increased cortisol levels have been
implicated in psychotic as well as in other psychiatric disorders.
To follow treatment response through changes in clin-
ical status and stress biomarkers evaluation in longitudinal 18
months research in drug naive FEP.
To assess endocrine and autonomic responses to acute psy-
chosocial stress, their associations with onset of the first psychotic
episode and their subsequent remission.
We studied 17 subjects with FEP and age and gender
matched controls who were exposed to the Trier Social Stress Test.
Other materials have explored clinical status through standard-
ized clinical psychiatric interview and validated psychiatry scales
as well as measured laboratory biomarkers (cortisol, prolactin,
Our preliminary findings on a sample of 40 participants
indicate a differences between patients and controls in terms of
response to stress measured by TSST.
In our continued longitudinal research, we plan to
further explore the role of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal activ-
ity in onset and course of psychotic disorder and its relation with
other biomarkers.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
A case of rare allele T 126, 30,32 base
pairs in a schizophrenic patient: A
study case
A.I. Sabau
1 ,∗
, P. Cristina
2, B. Valerica
2, P. Delia Marina
Vasile Goldi, Western University of Arad, Arad, Romania
Vasile Goldi, Western University of Arad, the Institute of Life
Science, Arad, Romania
Vasile Goldi, Western University of Arad, Psychiatry Department,
Emergency County clinical Hospital of Arad, Arad, Romania
Corresponding author.
Schizophrenia is a severe and complex disease clin-
ically characterized by disturbed thought processes, delusions,
hallucinations and reduced social skills. Gene coding for neregulin
1 (NRG 1) located in 8 p21chromosomeand single nucleotide poly-
morphism (SNPs) have been identified strongly supporting
gene as a susceptibility gene for schizophrenia.
The present preliminary study, determines the rela-
tionship between polymorphism nucleotide sites (SNPs2) of
gene and schizophrenia.
Identifying rare allele T of neregulin 1 genein schizophrenic
We analyzed the polymorphism (SNPs2) of
in 20 patients recruited from Psychiatry Department of Emergency
Clinical Hospital of Arad diagnosed with schizophrenia according
to DSM-5-TM and ICD-10 criteria and 10 healthy controls. From all
subjects, we obtained 2mL of peripheral blood samples. Genomic
DNA was extracted using the phenol-chloroform method. Geno-
typing was performed byPCR-based RFLP analysis for all subjects.
The obtained PCR product mixture was completely digested with
restriction enzyme, separated on SNP1 and SNP2 agarose gel. We
present the case of a 31 years old, male, schizophrenic patient with
the SNPs2 polymorphism and rare allele T 126.
In both groups, common allele G 127 and 60 base pairs
was identified but only 2 schizophrenic patients presented rare
allele T 126 and 30,32 base pairs.
The polymorphism SNPs2 of
gene with rare
allele T 126 and 30,32 base pairs, may play a role in predisposing
an individual to schizophrenia. Further and extended replicating
studies with multiple sequencing of
gene are necessary.
Neregulin 1
) gene; Allele T 126
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Role of specialized hospital units in
integrative treatment of first and early
course psychosis – 10-year experience
of Zagreb first psychosis unit
A. Savic
, D. Ostojic , A. Silic , A. Bacekovic , V. Jukic
University Psychiatric Hospital Vrapce, Department of Diagnostics
and Intensive Care, First Psychosis Unit, Zagreb, Croatia
Corresponding author.