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24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805



The mean age was 30 years. Bipolar disorder type I

accounted for 72.5%.

According to the SBQ, 37.5% of patients had a desire disorder, 57.5%

had a frequency less than 3 times per week sexual intercourse, 45%

had a drop in excitation and 42.5% were not satisfied with their sex


Sexual problems are positively correlated at an early age of onset

of bipolar disorder (


= 0.001).

The lack of desire, the sexual excitation disorder and the decrease in

the frequency of sexual intercourse are positively correlated with

the depressive phase of bipolar disorder.


A better understanding of sexual behavior in women

with bipolar disorder and the early screening of the sexual disor-

ders must be integrated into the management of the disease. It can

improve their quality of life and adherence to therapy.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Dealing with bipolar disorder

H. Guillen Rodrigo

, R. Remesal Cobreros ,

R. Alonso Díaz

Hospital Juan Ramon Jimenez, Salud Mental, Huelva, Spain

Corresponding author.

The psychoeducational group therapy program for patients diag-

nosed with bipolar disorder is carried out in the Hospital Vazquez

Diaz in Huelva. The objectives of the group therapy are: provide

an adequate patient awareness of the disease, improve the drugs

adherence, facilitate early detection of new episodes, stress man-

agement, avoid the use and abuse of illegal substances, achieve a

consistency in their lifestyle, prevent suicidal behavior, increase

understanding and coping with the psychosocial consequences of

the past and future episodes, improve social activity, cope with the

subsyndromal residual symptoms and the following deterioration

and increase the welfare and the quality of life.

The group consists of patients diagnosed with bipolar disorder I, II

and cyclothymia. The psychiatrist has to establish if it is convenient

for the patient to attend the group and has to communicate, if it

has been detected, lack of knowledge about the disease, distorted

beliefs, lack of awareness of the disease, unhealthy habits and poor

adherence to the treatment.

The group was a closed group consisting of 10 to 12 patients. It was

carried by a clinical psychologist with the help of the clinical psy-

chology residents. The psychoeducational program we developed

in our hospital consisted in 9 bimonthly sessions of 90minutes.

As a result, we can say that the psychoeducation was very useful

in improving the course of bipolar patients and in reducing the

number of episodes and hospitalizations. Patients who received

psychoeducation and pharmacotherapy have suffered significantly

fewer relapses. Therefore, there is a prophylactic efficacy of psy-

choeducation in bipolar disorders.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


An fMRI study in patients with active

mania using Verbal N-Back test

R. Gupta

1 ,

, P. Goyal


, R. Ranjan


, S. Kumaran


, R. Sagar



All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Psychiatry, New Delhi, India


All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance,

New Delhi, India

Corresponding author.


There is a lack of consensus on the dysfunctional

brain areas underlying mania.

Aims and objectives

The study was carried out to understand the

various brain networks implicated in active mania.


After obtaining ethical clearance from the Institute

Review Board, we recruited 30 subjects with active mania and 15

healthy controls using purposive sampling, and applying SCID. A

computerized cognitive test (Verbal N-Back) was used.


Mania group took significantly longer time while mak-

ing correct responses. They

( Fig. 1 C

) showed activation in bilateral

frontal lobe, and bilateral superior temporal gyrus during verbal

1-Back task, whereas, the control group

( Fig. 1 A

) showed left mid-

dle frontal gyrus, and right superior frontal gyrus activation. On

verbal 2-Back task, the mania group

( Fig. 1 D

) had bilateral frontal

lobe, and bilateral superior temporal gyrus activation, whereas the

control group

( Fig. 1 B

) had activation in the bilateral frontal lobe.


It was clearly visible that the mania group was sig-

nificantly slower in giving correct responses on N-Back task as

compared to the controls. On the 2-Back task, there was under-

activation in left frontal lobe in the mania group with respect to

the control group

( Fig. 1 E)

. This implies that the mania group may

have deficits in information processing speed.

Fig. 1

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Self-stigma, treatment adherence, and

medication discontinuation in

patients with bipolar disorders in

remission – a cross-sectional study

M. Hajda

, D. Kamaradova , J. Prasko

University Hospital Olomouc, Klinika psychiatrie, Olomouc, Czech


Corresponding author.


Self-stigma is a gradual process during which a

stigmatized person uncritically accesses and integrates negative

societal stereotypes towards persons with mental disorders.


It has been repeatedly shown that fear of stigma and

self-stigma is associated with lower adherence to various medical



The aim of study is to investigate the relationship between

current adherence, discontinuing of medication in the past and self-

stigmatization by stable patients with bipolar disorder.


Until now 33 outpatients with bipolar disorder com-

pleted The Drug Attitude Inventory-10 items (DAI-10) scale used

to estimate adherence to treatment, the Internalized Stigma Men-

tal Inventory scale (ISMI) measuring self-stigma and The Clinical

Global Impression (CGI), which assesses current severity of mental

disorders. Demographic and clinical data were also obtained.


Current results show that, the level of adherence to phar-

macotherapy positively correlated with age and negatively with

self-stigma. Nineteen (57.6%) patients discontinued medication at

least once in the past. The patients, who discontinued medica-

tion in the past, were significantly younger and more often single