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24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S18–S55


limited due to a lack of capacity but also internal hurdles and stigma

especially among young males. The web creates a new environ-

ment for them, which is defining a new culture of communication

and interaction. The majority is using smart phones to access the

Internet and make that their main communication device.

Walkalong is a web-based platform, which aims to provide a

range of opportunities and tools for youth with especially mood

challenges. These tools include screening and assessment, online

resources and all kind of orientation and interaction for informed


We are working on that to develop a framework for better online-

based mental health care including useful tools beyond crisis based

on the principles of empowerment and strength based approaches.

Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his declaration

of competing interest.


Treatment of schizophrenia using

tablet and smartphone based

applications (Polish Study)

M. Krzystanek


, D. Krzeszowski


, K. Jagoda


, B. Radzio



K. Krysta

4 ,


Medical University of Silesia, Department of Rehabilitation

Psychiatry, Katowice, Poland


Specialistic Outpatient Clinic, Ku ˙zaja 57, Radzionków, Poland


Specialistic Outpatient Clinic, Zuchów 3, Wodzisław ´Sl˛aski, Poland


Medical University of Silesia, Department of Psychiatry and

Psychotherapy, Katowice, Poland

Corresponding author.

Relapses, deterioration of cognitive functioning, negative symp-

toms, neuroleptic resistance are the examples of many conse-

quences of noncompliance in schizophrenia. In order to improve

the compliance, schizophrenic patients treated in an outpatient

department in a traditional way have been given an additional

possibility of contacting their doctors with the use of a special

application on a portable electronic device. Other functions of this

application are possibilities of PANSS, Calgary and CGI measure-

ments and cognitive trainings for the patients. This type of a remote

contact with patients can be an effective tool in the work in an

outpatient setting. The compliance was assessed using a telepsy-

chiatric system, sending reminders: 1 hour before the planned dose

to remind them that drug intake is approaching, and at themoment

of intake to check if they took the drug. In general the compliance

in the group of schizophrenic patients in remission is very low,

however the telemedicine system improves the compliance in this

group of patients, in which the compliance is the worst.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.

E-psychiatry: From acceptability to effectiveness!


A study on the effectiveness of

E-Mental Health in the treatment of

psychosis: Looking to recovery

F. Gucci

, F. M


Clinica Villa Camaldoli, Naples, Italy

Corresponding author.


An integrated program (Institutional Psychiatric

Open Light Treatment) for psychosis and personality disorder was

enriched with audiovisual functions provided through a dedicated


The aimof the present study was to observe how and if these added

functions support the patients in their daily living, influencing the

quality of the recovery process.

Recent studies highlighted how telemental health services are

effective to provide access, improve basic outcome, facilitate

empowerment of patients and be well-accepted (Hilty, 2013; Hai-

ley, 2008) and how integrated community-based treatment, such

as Community-Based Psychodynamic Treatment Program (Chiesa

and Fonagy, 2009) or Assertive Community Treatment (Veldhuizen

and Bahler, 2013) are effective in SMI.

Telemental health services may become factors improving real-life

functioning, integrating community-based treatment for psychosis

and bettering social cognition, functional capacity, resilience, inter-

nalized stigma and engagement with mental health services, so

positively affecting outcomes of psychosis treatment.


All patients admitted (May 2010–April 2015) were

included. Aged between 18 and 65, with schizophrenia, psychosis,

schizoaffective disorder, bipolar disorder, personality disorder.

Some troubles with the website use (Voice2Voice) led to a second

version, more friendly and simple to use (app2gether).

App2gether provided several functions: audio/video conference

rooms for patients or family (synchronous virtual space to inter-

act, at scheduled time, with a psychologist, a psychiatrist or a peer

support worker, in free groups); chat (asynchronous virtual space

for any question or information).

We considered primary outcomes proposed by Cochrane Collabo-

ration (Shek, 2010): hospital admissions, days of hospitalization,

day-hospital admissions, day-program attendance (e.g. weekly),

treatment compliance (voluntary discharge or missing scheduled


We considered, as secondary outcomes, variables closely associated

with real-life functioning (Galderisi, 2015): global functioning (Ital-

ian translation of Global Assessment of Functioning Scale), quality

of life (Short Form36 item), social relationships (Personal and Social

Performance), internalized stigma (Internalized Stigma Mental Ill-

ness Inventory), empowerment (Empowerment Scale).

Patients were divided into four cohorts:

– 1-using “app2gether” functions in the follow-up, attending day

treatment program (


= 35);

– 2-attending day treatment program (


= 52);

– 3-attending transitional day-hospital program (


= 171);

– 4-not included in the IPOLT-program (


= 188).

Patients were included in the first group only based on their basic

computer skills and fast Internet availability.


At first, we compared (2) and (3) with (4), as control

group. For each patient, we considered an identical observation

period before and after day-hospital admission (ANOVA,


< 0.05).

We found a significant improvement in primary outcomes and

global functioning, but not in other secondary outcomes, for the

groups (2) and (3) compared with (4).

Over 6-months observation, patients using “app2gether” functions

in the follow-up showed:

– a significantly decrease in hospital admissions and hospitaliza-

tion length, compared to non-IPOLT-program group;

– a reduction in day-hospital admissions and day-hospital atten-

dance, compared to (2) and (3) groups;

– a notable effect on secondary outcomes, compared to all other



A dedicated website in the IPOLT-program supports

patients in their living’s place, does not interfere with daily activi-

ties, decreases social costs, encourages community integration and

reduces stigma.

Synchronous telepsychiatry allow a professionally modulated

intervention in “here and now”; asynchronous contacts with

specialists combine professional intervention with chances of