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24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S18–S55

and localized inflammation, compromised endothelial barriers,

IgG sensitivities to food antigens, exposure to viral and parasitic

pathogens, and autoimmunity. The gut in a homeostatic state

equates with a functional digestive system, cellular barrier stability

and properly regulated recognition of self and non-self antigens,

as managed by a complex community of resident microbes. Our

studies address how environmental and genetic factors relate to

GI dysfunction, impact the resident gut microbiota and result in

dysregulation of processes in the host central nervous system. We

hypothesize that disturbance to GI equilibria activates peripheral

immune factors including complement pathway components that

function in synaptic pruning. We evaluate these issues with periph-

eral immune biomarkers and deep sequencing in a number of

case-control psychiatric cohorts that include antipsychotic-naïve

individuals. Although certain medications and lifestyle factors

might affect GI functioning, our findings support a GI pathology

inherent to the schizophrenia disease process and a role for the gut-

brain axis in complex brain disorders. The identification of those

individuals affected by GI-related risk factors will enable appro-

priate and individualized treatments to be designed and tested for

efficacy of both gut and brain-related symptoms.

Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his declaration

of competing interest.


The role of the gut microbiota in

mood and behaviour. Whether

psychobiotics can become an

alternative in therapy in psychiatry?

S. Van Hemert


, W. Marlicz


, P. Szachta

1 ,

, E. Pekelharing



G. Ormel


, I. Łoniewski


, L. Ostrowska


, J. Samochowiec



Vitaimmun Medical Center, Research Department, Szczecin, Poland


Winclove Probiotics, Hulstweg 11, 1032 LB, Amsterdam,



Pomeranian Medical University, Department of Gastroenterology,

Szczecin, Poland


Sanprobi, Sp. Z o.o. Sp. K., Szczecin, Poland


Medical University, Department of Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition,

Bialystok, Poland


Pomeranian Medical University, Department of Psychiatry,

Szczecin, Poland

Corresponding author.


Novel research concepts based on therapies aim-

ing to modulate intestinal microbiota are emerging. The evidence

is mounting that gut-brain axis plays an important role in the

development of mood and depressive disorders

[1] . T

he similarities

between blood brain barrier (BBB) and gut vascular barrier (GVB)

and their role in chronic diseases have been recently unraveled

[2] .

Especially convincing data come from animal models, where

administration of probiotics and antibiotics in germ and pathogen

free mice showed beneficial role in the regulation of behavior, cog-

nition, pain, anxiety and mood.

Aims and results

Based on available data as well as on

studies looking at the effect of multispecies probiotics



Barrier containing B.bifidumW23,


L.acidophilusW37, L.brevisW63, L.caseiW56, L.salivariusW24,

L.lactisW19, L.lactisW58) on cognitive reactivity to sad mood in

healthy volunteers

[3] w

e designed the human trial aiming to com-

pare microbiome alterations and response to therapy in patients

with depression and schizophrenia. Moreover, in vitro and in vivo

data support the notion that multispecies probiotics are capable

of improving gut barrier function

[4] a

nd may alleviate disorders

affecting mood and depressive-like behavior. We postulate that

therapies modulating the microbiome-gut-brain axis warrant

further investigations.


Multispecies probiotics have the potential to influ-

ence the gut-brain axis and alleviate mental disorders. Ongoing

clinical study in patients with depression and schizophrenia will

help to further unravel the role of gut-brain axis in the treatment

of patients with psychiatric disturbances.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


[1] Smith PA. Brain meet gut. Nature 2015;526:312–4.

[2] Spadoni I, Zagato E, Bertocchi A, et al. A gut vascular bar-

rier controls the systemic dissemination of bacteria. Science


[3] Steenbergen L, Sellaro R, van Hemert S, et al. A randomized

controlled trial to test the effect of multispecies probiotics on

cognitive reactivity to sad mood. Brain Behav Immun 2015.

[4] Van Hemert S, Ormel G. Influence of the multispecies probiotic



barrier on parameters of intestinal barrier function.

Food Nutr Sci 2014;5:1739–45.

E-mental Health: Updates on recent achievements

and pitfalls


E-Mental Health and models of care:

The evidence base and feasibility of

picking one vs. another?

D. Hilty

Keck School of Medicine at USC and LAC + USC Medical Center, Los

Angeles, USA

The patient-centered care features quality, affordable, and timely

care in a variety of settings – technology is a key part of that –

particularly among younger generations and child and adolescent

patients. The consumer movement related to new technologies

is nearly passing clinicians by, as new ways of communicating

with others (text, email, Twitter, Facebook) revolutionizes how we

experience life and access healthcare. This paper explores a con-

tinuum with healthy, innovative behavior on one end (e.g., social

media) and pathological Internet use on the other end–and the

range of self-help and e-mental healthcare options being used.

Specifically, it focuses on how social media adds to, yet may com-

plicate healthcare delivery, such that clinicians may need to adjust

our approach to maintain therapeutic relationships, interper-

sonal/clinical boundaries, and privacy/confidentiality. We suggest

planning ahead to discuss expectations about online communica-

tion between doctors and patients as part of the informed consent

process, offer other do’s and don’ts for patients and clinicians, and

review applicable guidelines. More research is needed on con-

sumer and patient use of technology related to healthcare, as is

an approach to basic and advanced measurement of outcomes.

Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his declaration

of competing interest.


After all, is E-Mental Health capable of

making a paradigm shift?

M. Krausz

Institute of Mental Health at UBC, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Only a very small percentage of adolescents and young adults

with mental challenges is able to access specialized care. Access is