24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S116–S348
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Physical activity, salivary cortisol and
psychological well-being in
institutionalized elderly women –
A preliminary study
M. Figueiredo-Braga
1 ,∗
, G. Furtado
2, M. Uba-Chupel
J.P. Ferreira
2, A.M. Botelho
Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto, Clinical Neurosciences and
Mental Health, Porto, Portugal
Faculty of Sport Science and Physical Education, University of
Coimbra, Portugal, Centro de Investigac¸ ão do Desporto e da
Actividade Física, Coimbra, Portugal
Corresponding author.
Aging is a process of morphologic and physiologic
changes that naturally predisposes elderly persons to progressive
health decline. Vulnerability to poor resolution of homoeosta-
sis after a stressor event may represent the common pathway
of elderly cognitive, physical and psychological fragility. Regular
physical activity (RPA) has been shown to have positive effects in
cognitive performance, stress and mood state.
We aimed to study the relationship between RPA, salivary
cortisol, emotional and cognitive state in institutionalized elderly
A cross-sectional study was performed in 35 institu-
tionalized women (mean age of 81.5 [7.5] years). Participants were
divided in active (ACT,
= 20) and insufficiently active (IACT,
= 15)
according with the International Physical Activity Questionnaire
(IPAQ-sv). The Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale
(CES-D), Subjective Happiness Scale (SHS) and Mini-mental State
Exam (MMSE) were applied. Salivary levels of Cortisol were ana-
lyzed by Elisa. The
-student test was used to compare groups and
associations between variables were detected using Pearson’s cor-
relation coefficients.
Participants from the ACT group presented higher MMSE
= .037) and lower CES-D scores (
= .028). Although Cortisol pre-
sented similar levels in both groups, a negative correlation was
detected between cortisol and the CES-D score. A negative associa-
tion was also found between the presence of depressive symptoms
and MMSE.
A higher physical activity was associated with lower
cognitive impairment and less depressive symptoms, reinforcing
the positive influence of RPA in the elderly. Furthermore, higher
subjectivewell-being is associatedwith themaintenance of cortisol
levels and an adequate stress response.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Screening for metabolic syndrome in
older patients with severe mental
illness: Two-years observational study
F. Franza
1 ,∗
, K. Aquino
2, L. Calabrese
1, A. Cervone
N. Fiorentino
1, S. De Guglielmo
1, M. Iandoli
1, A. Soddu
B. Solomita
1, V. Fasano
Neuropsychiatric Centre Villa dei Pini, Psychiatry, Avellino, Italy
ASL 4 Friuli Centrale, Mental Health Department, Tarcento UD, Italy
ASL Foggia, Mental Health Department, Foggia, Italy
Corresponding author.
Patients with serious psychiatric illness (SMI)
have a reduced quality of life and life expectancy than the
general population. Metabolic syndrome (MS) is a clinical aspect
determining who should be considered to reduce the risk of seri-
ous and chronic organic factors, even more significant in the
To evaluate metabolic screening of elderly patients
with severe mental illness (SMI).
To evaluate the importance of routine screening of
metabolic parameters in elderly guests of residential facilities with
or without SMI; metabolic screening at baseline and after two of
Elderly inpatients (44 Tot) with Severe Mental Illness
(SMI: bipolar disorder: 34%; schizophrenia: 46%; other: 20%) vs
elderly inpatients (78 Tot). Data collected at baseline: psychiatric
diagnosis; any previous diagnosis of hypertension, diabetes, dys-
lipidemia; ECG. At baseline and for two years were administered
following scale: BPRS; PANSS; Qli; MMSE, ADL.
After two years metabolic screening has recorded at least
one of the new interactions between the five factors of MS (ATP III)
in 50% of patients with: one (34%); two (21%); three (11%); four (3%)
new altered parameters. In MS inpatients, 53% of new metabolic
alterations were recorded in 53% (MS inpatients) vs 23% without
MS after two years.
Our results showed a higher frequency of MS in
patients with SMI than comparison subjects. Haloperidol was the
antipsychotic medication that caused minor impact on the devel-
opment of metabolic disorders.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Further readings
Vancampfort D., et al. World Psychiatry 2015;14(3):339-47.
Robles Bayón A, et al. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 2014;22(11):1116-20.
Cognitive deterioration and
depressive symptoms in elderly
people living in the community
M.D.C. García Mahía
, Á. Fernández Quintana , M. Vidal Millares
CHU A Coru˜na, Psychiatry, A Coru˜na, Spain
Corresponding author.
Depression is a prevalent illness in elderly people.
Cognitive deterioration associated to depressive symptoms is fre-
quently considered as Dementia, especially in primary care. The
study of the relation between both pathologies is necessary to cor-
rect treatment of mental illness in elderly people.
The aim of this study is to investigate whether depressive
symptoms are related to certain areas of cognitive decline in elderly
The sample included community people older than 65
years (
= 927), mean age 72.9; 55.1% were women and 44,9% men.
Instruments used were Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Blessed
Dementia Scale (BDS), Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE), ver-
bal fluency test, clock drawing task, Wechsler digit substitution test
and Wechsler similarity test.
Of the sample, 15,2% presented cognitive deterioration
in Blessed Dementia Scale, with statistical significance in rela-
tion between growing age, female sex and cognitive deterioration
< 0.005). Twenty-eight percent of the sample present cognitive
decline, finding the same relation between sex, age and cogni-
tive condition. Of the sample, 33.5% presented mild depression,
9.1% moderate depression and 1.4% presented severe depression
using BDI. Correlations between depression and cognitive tests
were analyzed. In demographic factors, social support was signif-
icantly correlated with depression but marital status, occupation
and education were not correlated.
There is a high prevalence of depressive symp-
toms and cognitive deterioration in elderly people. High levels of