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e-Poster Walk
Addictive behaviours
Adherence to rehabilitation treatment
in HIV-positive and HIV-negative
opioid-addicted patients with
psychiatric comorbidity
Z. Bereza
Sain-Peterburg, Russia
Early diagnostics and treatment of comorbid disor-
ders in drug addicts is an integral part of the rehabilitation process
and a critical factor in the success of rehabilitation measures as a
One hundred and thirty-three patient of inpatient reha-
bilitation department. The inclusion criteria in the study were: age
above 18 years, withdrawal status, diagnosis (F 11.20 ICD-10). They
were divided into two groups: HIV positive (
= 38) and HIV nega-
tive (
= 95).
To estimate the prevalence of HIV infection and comorbid
mental disorders in substance abuse patients and the impact of
comorbidities disorders on the compliance.
Clinico-anamnestic method,
logical method (criteria ICD-10 and clinical diagnostic scales:
PANSS, HADS, MMPI). All participants also had serological blood
test for antibodies to HIV.
According to our data, the incidence of comorbid men-
tal disorders among HIV negative patients is 65%. The research
also showed a correlation (
< 0.05) between HIV infection and
mental disorders. So, mental disorders were diagnosed in 82% of
HIV infected patients. Patients who stopped their treatment early
= 42) significantly (
< 0.05) more often had specific personality
disorders (17%). Most of them suffered from dissocial personality
disorder (9%) and borderline personality disorder (18%).
This analysis showed that HIV is not significant factor
> 0.05) of early rehabilitation treatment interruption. But comor-
bid personality disorders in both groups are a significant factor
< 0.05) of the treatment interruption, while the endogenous, neu-
rotic or affective mental disorders are not.
Disclosure of interest
The author has not supplied his/her decla-
ration of competing interest.
Aggression as risk factor of delinquent
behaviour (gender aspect)
N. Bokhan
1 ,∗
, A. Abolonin
2, I. Nazarova
Mental Health Research Institute, Administration, Tomsk, Russia
Mental Health Research Institute, Addictive States Department,
Tomsk, Russia
Corresponding author.
In many studies it is noted that common traits of aggressive ado-
lescents are frustration, dissatisfaction with social environment;
emotional coarseness, hostility against people around. Substance
abuse leads to restructuring the motifs and gender roles. Height-
ened aggression of offenders as compared with common people is
To study characteristics of aggression of male and
female offenders with substance dependence.
Materials and methods
One hundred and fifty-five male and 110
female adolescents abusing psychoactive substances and serving
their sentence were examined. “Hand-test” and Buss-Durkee ques-
tionnaire were used in this study.
During comparison of number of offences committed by
male and female adolescents, it was revealed that male adoles-
cents commit significantly more crimes against life and female
adolescents more crimes against property. Conducted analysis
showed high level of aggressive and hostile reactions in this sam-
ple, indices of female adolescents (13.7
2.95 and 27.6
5.5) are
significantly higher (
< 0.05), than in male adolescents (8.6
and 23.6
5.3). Significant correlations between level of aggres-
sion in female adolescents and beginning of substance use were
revealed (
= 0.46,
< 0.05). In male adolescents, long-term sub-
stance use correlated with increase in level of physical aggression
and tendency to manipulative behaviour (
= 0.37,
< 0.05). In male
adolescents, high potential of adjustability, use of communication
for self-assertion and achievement of goals, low level of attachment
were revealed. Female adolescents are more aggressive in contacts,
build relationships according to type of control-submission.
Conducted study allowed revealing gender traits
of juvenile offenders influencing the structure of aggressive
behaviour, allowing the broadening the understanding of mech-
anisms of aggressive behaviour.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eurpsy.2016.01.1200924-9338/$ – see front matter