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24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S72–S115


intervention the 16 young people participating in the program

experienced a mean weight gain of 1.8 kilograms, and a mean

increase inwaist circumference of 0.1 centimeters. The participants

were followed up for two years after initial referral.


During the two-year follow-up, participants had con-

tinuing access to an in house gym and weekly cooking groups, but

without the same intensity of follow-up. Two year follow-up data

were obtained from 11 participants form the original cohort.


Mean weight gain at two-year follow-up was 0.90 (SD

8.7) kilograms, and this difference was not statistically significant



(10) = 0.3, NS]. Waist circumference decreased by 0.7 (SD 7.7)

centimeters, which was not t statistically significant [


(10) = 0.3,

NS]. Nine of the participants (82%) did not experience clinically

significant weight gain two years after initiation of antipsychotic



This two-year follow-up data demonstrated that it is

feasible to prevent weight gain in youth with first-episode psy-

chosis over the first two years of treatment.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.



Differences between countries in

adult acute psychiatric

hospitalization: Clinical features and

drug prescription in Spain and the

United States of America

L. Gonzalez-Blanco

, S. B

estene-Medina , E. Torio-Ojea ,

I. Abad-Acebedo , J. Rodriguez-Revuelta , G. Paniagua-Calzon

Servicio de Salud del Principado de Asturias, Psiquiatría, Oviedo,


Corresponding author.


Diverse prescription patterns and differences in

length of psychiatry inpatient stay among European and American

countries have been reported

[1,2] .


To describe and compare clinical features and drug

prescriptions in two Acute Psychiatric Units from Spain and USA.


Cross-sectional and comparative study. Sample: 73

inpatients from Reno (USA-Inpatients) and 65 from Oviedo (Spain-

Inpatients) admitted to public Adult Acute Psychiatric Unit over a

two-month period. Sociodemographic/clinical data and drug pre-

scription were collected.


Sociodemographic/clinical comparison

( Table 1 )


drug prescription differences

( Table 2 ) a

re shown.

No significant differences in antipsychotics’ prescription except for

the most frequently used [risperidone in Spain (36%)/ziprasidone

in US (19.6%), Chi


= 39.7**].


(A) Psychiatric inpatients in US are younger, have

longer hospitalization, show more comorbid substance use disor-

der and differ from Spanish inpatients in frequency of diagnostic

categories (schizophrenic disorders represent a larger proportion).

(B) Inpatients in Spain usually receive polytherapy, and are more

frequently treated with antidepressants and anxiolytics, especially

benzodiazepines. In contrast, USA-Inpatients take lithium more


[1,2] .

Table 1

Table 2

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


[1] Bitter, Chou, Ungvari, et al. Prescribing for inpatients with

schizophrenia: an international multi-center comparative

study. Pharmacopsychiatry 2003;36(4):143–9.

[2] Auffarth, Busse, Dietrich, et al. Length of psychiatry inpatient

stay: comparison ofmental health care outlining a casemix from

a hospital in Germany and the United States of America. German

J Psychiatry 2008;11:40–4.