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24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805


with the increase of unemployment. Although unemployment is

considered a risk factor for suicide, it was observed a noticeable

increase in suicide rates among Italian employed men during the

last years, probably related to the specific economic scenario and to

emerging difficulties in keeping an income to adequately maintain

one’s own family standard of living.


To study attempted suicides with a specific focus and atten-

tion on the current Italian economic scenario.


Determinants of emergency room visits for psychiatric

reasons in patients aged > 16 years were studied prospectively from

2008 to 2015 at the AOU Maggiore della Carità Hospital, Novara,

Italy. Each patient was assessed by an experienced psychiatrist with

a clinical interview and socio-demographic and clinical features

were gathered. Statistical significance was set at




Preliminary results suggest an increase in suicide

attempts according to the rise of the unemployment rate in Novara.

Although in absolute figures most attempters are unemployed, it

seems that suicide attempts are more frequent in the group of

employed subjects, which includes also people under redundancy

fund. This subgroupmay be considered halfway between employed

and unemployed attempters.


Data collection and statistical analyses are still ongo-

ing. Implications for clinical practice will be discussed.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Dermal reactivity and resilience in a

sample of depressed patients

I. Coppola

1 ,

, E. Gattoni


, C. Gramaglia


, S. Di Marco



C. Delicato


, D. Marangon


, A. Feggi


, M. Martelli



C. Guerriero


, L.H. Thorell


, M. Sarchiapone


, E. Torre



P. Zeppegno



Università del Piemonte Orientale, Translational Medicine, Novara,



SC Psichiatria, AOU Maggiore della Carità, Translational Medicine,

Novara, Italy


Linkoping University and Emotra AB, Clinical and Experimental

Medicine, Savedalen, Sweden


Università del Molise, Medicine and Health Science, Campobasso,


Corresponding author.


Mental disorders are considered a risk factor for sui-

cide: for example, the lifetime risk of suicide is estimated to be

4%–8% in peoplewithmood disorders. The literature suggests that a

history of suicide attempts is significantly related to electrodermal

hyporeactivity and that patients with violent suicide attempters

exhibit faster habituationof the electrodermal response to repeated

neutral tones than patients with non-violent attempts. The impact

of depressive symptoms on suicidal ideation may be moderated by

resilience. Resilience refers to the ability to maintain o regain men-

tal health despite experiencing adversity. In bipolar and depressive

disorders, resilience may influence severity of episodes, frequency

of relapse and response to treatment.


The objective of our study was to assess the possible corre-

lation among attempted suicide, resilience and dermal reactivity in

a sample of depressed patients.


We recruited patients with depressive disorders and

bipolar depression; data about socio-demographic, clinical fea-

tures, severity of attempted suicide and suicidal riskwere gathered.

Patients filled in the Resilience Scale for Adult (RSA). Moreover, for

each patient we performed the Edor test in order to assess dermal



Data collection is still ongoing. We expect to find lower

levels of resilience in those patients who are hyporeactive and

attempted suicide. Moreover, we hypothesize that suicide attempts

in the group of hyporeactive patients would be characterized by

planning and greater severity. Clinical implications will be dis-


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


How does someone who weighs so

little feel like a burden to everyone?

F. Coutinho

, I. B

randão , E. Pereira

Centro Hospitalar de São João, Clínica de Psiquiatria e Saúde Mental,

Porto, Portugal

Corresponding author.


Anorexia nervosa (AN) is one of the most lethal psy-

chiatric disorders, which is explained partially by starvation related

health problems, but also because of high suicide rates. One of the

proposed theories to explain a suicide attempt is the interpersonal

theory of suicide (IPTS), with its three essential variables: feel-

ings of thwarted belongingness, perceived burdensomeness and

the acquired capacity for suicide.


To review the literature about suicidality in AN and

to present a case report of a patient with restrictive AN who has

committed suicide.


To review of the literature using the database Medline,

through PubMed, with the keywords “anorexia nervosa”, “eating

disorders” and “suicide”.


Suicide attempts and completed suicide are highly preva-

lent among patients with AN, and some authors suggest that

20–40% of deaths in AN are due to suicide. Recently, the IPTS has

been proposed as a mean to explain increased suicidality in AN



We present a case report about a patient with a long

standing AN who has committed suicide after leaving a good-

bye note describing strong feelings of perceived burdensomeness

directed to her family. It is of utmost importance to continue the

study about the phenomenon of suicide in AN to be able to prevent

this tragic outcome.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Psychiatric consultations in the

emergency room: Focus on suicide

attempters with and without

longitudinal psychiatric disorders

C. Delicato

, S. Di Marco , E. Gattoni , I. Coppola , A. Venesia ,

D. Marangon , G. Avanzi , L.M. Castello , C. Gramaglia ,

P. Zeppegno

Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale “A. Avogadro”,

Translational Medicine, Novara, Italy

Corresponding author.


The role of mental illness in the pathway leading to

suicide iswidely discussed in the literature. Nonetheless, the debate

about this issue is open, both froma clinical and philosophical point

of view.


The purpose of the present study was to compare suicide

attempters with and without a history of psychiatric disorder, in

order to highlight the possible differences between the two groups,

with a specific focus on intent to die and methods of the attempt.


Data from all ER referrals undergoing a psychiatric con-

sultation in the period 2008–2015 at the Maggiore della Carità

Hospital, Novara, Italy, were gathered. Comparison of qualitative