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24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805

data was performed by means of the Chi


test. Statistical signifi-

cance was set at




We have already gathered data from more than 2000 ER

psychiatric consultations, including 495 suicide attempters. Pre-

liminary results suggest that these kinds of behaviours are more

common in subjects without psychiatric disorders but with clin-

ical history of previous contact with mental health services and

in psychopharmacological therapy. Reasons for self-harming are

associated with relational problems rather than psychiatric symp-

toms. Among Axis II diagnoses, almost half of cases are affected by

histrionic personality disorder.


The results described above should be considered

as preliminary, as data collection and statistical analyses are still

ongoing. Anyway, the observed correlation between previous con-

tact withmental health services, socio-relational issues and suicide

attempt, and the significant frequency of attempts in histrionic per-

sonality disorders seem to be particularly interesting. Implications

will be discussed.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Alcohol and substances acute

intoxication in a population of suicide


S. Di Marco

1 ,

, I. Coppola


, C. Delicato


, E. Gattoni


, A. Venesia



D. Marangon


, G.C. Avanzi


, L. Castello


, C. Gramaglia



E. Torre


, P. Zeppegno



SC Psichiatria, UPO, Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale,

Translational Medicine, Novara, Italy


SC Psichiatria, AOU, Maggiore della Carità, Translational Medicne,

Novara, Italy


SC Medicina d’Urgenza, UPO, Università degli Studi del Piemonte

Orientale, Dipartimento di Medicina Clinica e Sperimentale, Novara,


Corresponding author.


The effects of psychotropic drugs and alcohol acute

intoxication are important risk factors for attempted suicide among

individuals with and without substance use disorder (SUD).


The first aim of this study is describing the socio-

demographic features and clinical history of subjects who were

acutely intoxicated when attempting suicide. The second aim is to

compare their features with those of subjects without acute alcohol

and substances intoxication at suicide attempt time.


Determinants of ER psychiatric consultations were

studied prospectively during the period 2008–2014 at the “Mag-

giore della Carità” Hospital in Novara, Italy. For each patient, a

data sheet was filled in by experienced psychiatrists, in order

to gather demographic features, psychiatric history and present

clinical issues like blood and urine dosage of amphetamine and

methamphetamine, cannabinoid, cocaine and alcohol. Comparison

of qualitative data was performed by means of the Chi


test. Statis-

tical significance was set at




We collected a sample of 495 suicide attempters who

referred to our ER. Statistical analysis of demographic and clinical

data is still ongoing.


Preliminary results point out that acute alcohol and

drugs intoxication at suicide attempt time is much more frequent

in subjects without a SUD. Implications will be discussed.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Suicide attempt in alcohol use

disorder and Wernicke

encephalopathy: A case report

L. Espinosa

, A. Fortea , G. Oriolo , M. Balcells , C. Oliveras

Hospital Clinic, Psychiatry, Barcelona, Spain

Corresponding author.


The relation between alcohol dependence and sui-

cidal behavior is well known and alcohol consumption is a risk

factor to take in consideration in order to prevent suicidal attempts.

Wernicke encephalopathy (WE) is a common acute neurological

disorder caused by thiamine deficiency frequently associated with

alcohol use disorder and often infra-diagnosed. Just few cases are

reported about the possible correlation between suicidal behaviour

and Wernicke encephalopathy.


To describe the possible association between suicidal

attempts and Wernicke encephalopathy.


We report the case of a 57 year old man, with past diag-

nosis of disthymia and amphetamine abuse disorder, and a history

of bariatric surgery, who was hospitalized in the intensive care unit

(ICU) of hospital clinic for a suicidal attempt by mean of metro

railway precipitation. He presented two episodes of psychomotor

agitation in the context of an abstinence syndrome that reverted

with midazolam continuous perfusion and clonazepam 8mg per

day. Consequently to medical improvement, he was moved to

Psychiatry Unit of Addictive Behavior and finally diagnosed with

alcohol use disorder.


In the physical exam, bilateral nystagmus and cerebel-

lar ataxia were observed. Signs of malnutrition were detected in

the blood analysis. In a brain magnetic resonance image, volume

deficits in the mammillary bodies, thalamus, cortex and corpus cal-

losum, as well as peri-aqueductal altered signal were observed, all

signs compatible with Wernicke encephalopathy diagnoses.


Wernicke encephalopathy is a frequent concomitant

condition in patients with alcohol use disorder. The consequent

cognitive decline could represent an independent added risk factor

for suicidal behavior.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Forecasting of suicides rate in Russia

using time series analysis

Y. Razvodovsky

Grodno State Medical University, Pathological Physiology, Grodno,



Mortality forecasting has gained in importance in

recent decades. Time series methods are commonly used for long-

termmortality forecasting since thesemethods have the advantage

of being stochastic. The difficulty of suicides forecasting is related

to the fact that suicide is influenced by a large number of factors,

which can be hardly predicted for the long-term future.


This paper tests the possibility of forecasting the sui-

cides rate in Russia using the analysis of time series data from 1956

to 2010.


Time series analytical modeling techniques autoregres-

sive integrated moving average (ARIMA) were used to forecast the

suicides rate in Russia. The data on age-adjusted sex-specific sui-

cidesmortality rates per 1,000,000 of the population are taken from

the Russian State Statistical Committee (Rosstat).


The two time series were well accounted for by a first-

order differencing procedure and the specification of a first-order

moving average parameter. The results suggest a declining trend in

suicides mortality for both sexes.