24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805
Corresponding author.
Early diagnosis of schizophrenia is often delayed in
first-episode psychosis and this could be viewed as an obstacle for
a proper therapeutic approach and optimal clinical management.
Our main objective was to identify baseline socio-
demographic variables in first-episode psychosis which are
associated with an increased likelihood of diagnosing schizophre-
nia in the second episode of psychosis. As a secondary objective we
aimed to assess the diagnostic stability between first and second
episode psychosis.
Material and methods
Data belonging to 100 patients that were
twice admitted in Timisoara Psychiatric Clinic, between 2010 and
2015, for two distinct and consequent episodes of psychosis, were
analyzed. The first admittance had to coincide with first episode
Logistic binary regression showed that a younger mean
age (OR = 0.90; 95% CI = 0.85–0.95), a more unfavorable profes-
sional status (OR = 3.75; 95% CI = 1.10–12.74) and a lesser quality
of social support (OR = 3.47; 95% CI = 1.11–10.82) at the onset of
the first episode of psychosis were associated with an increased
likelihood for a subsequent diagnosis of schizophrenia.
Identifying an initial socio-demographical profile
with a high predictive value for a subsequent outcome towards
schizophrenia should encourage using this diagnosis starting with
the first episode of psychosis.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Self-care and insight in chronic
S. Gallego Villalta
, M. Martinez Roig , A. Ortiz Martin ,
A. Matias Sanfrutos , L. Duran Sandoval , C. Bestue Felipe ,
J. Paolini Sanmiguel , I. Martinez Lausin , E. Mayayo Castillejo ,
P. Bernal Romaguera
Hospital Royo Villanova, Psychiatry, Zaragoza, Spain
Corresponding author.
Severe mental health disorders lead to low func-
Searching factors that help us to improve functionality in
Establishwhether there is a connection between differ-
ent components of functionality and the level of insight in chronic
schizophrenic patients.
Forty patients diagnosis of psychosis, attending two day
centres where transversally assessed with the scale for unaware-
ness of mental disorders (SUMD) and the personal and social
performance scale (PSP). Scores of every of the PSP subscales were
compared with the global SUMD score.
Global score SUMD was higher in patients scoring more
than 50 in PSP. There were no significative differences on the
SUM scores between the group of patients with low score (good
functionality) and higher score (> 4, higher impairment) with the
exception of the self-care subscale: PSP self-care < 4 (
= 21): SUMD
10.43 (3.23) and PSP self-care > 4 (
= 19): SUMD 6.11 (3.07).
Patients with higher impairment in self-care (higher
score in PSP A) were more aware of their illness.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Treatment with antipsychotics and
sexual dysfunction in a sample of
schizophrenic inpatients
M.D.C. García Mahía
1 ,∗
, Á. Fernández Quintana
M. Vidal Millares
1, R. Castro Calvo
CHU A CORU ˜NA, Psychiatry, A Coru˜na, Spain
CHUS Santiago de Compostela, Admission, Santiago de Compostela,
Corresponding author.
Previous studies show association between sexual
dysfunction and antipsychotic treatment.
To study the prevalence and clinical correlates of
sexual dysfunction in schizophrenic inpatients treated with
antipsychotics. To analyze the influence of sexual complaints in
treatment adherence.
Retrospective descriptive study of psychiatric inpa-
tients diagnosed of schizophrenia following DSM-IV-TR) criteria
and treated in an acute care unit of Psychiatry in an university hos-
pital in a 12-month period. Patients treated with combination of
antipsychotics (typical and atypical) were excluded from the anal-
ysis (
= 60). Sexual side effects were evaluated with Udvalg for
Kliniske Undersogelser (UKU) Side Effect Rating Scale and evalu-
ated in two treatment groups: conventional antipsychotics, and
atypical antipsychotics. Patients were asked about subjective expe-
rience with other treatments.
The mean age of subjects was 32.4 (SD = 8.7). From the
whole sample 38 (63.3%) were men and 22 (36.7%) women. Sexual
dysfunction related to treatment was present in 78% of patients.
Men were more affected than women and 69% of them related that
sexual dysfunction had influenced the decision of treatment with-
drawal previous to income. Amenorrhea was more common on
risperidone and amisulpride. Analysis of different antipsychotics
and its relationship with sexual dysfunction are presented.
Sexual dysfunction is a frequent side effect asso-
ciated with antipsychotics in schizophrenic patients. The sexual
side effects may reduce the quality of life and may increase non-
compliance that is usually associated to readmissions and worse
prognosis of severe mental illness.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
The theme of DAECH in delirium of
the first psychotic episode
F. Ghali
1 ,∗
, L. Mnif
2, F. Medini
2, A. Tounsi
2, W. Melki
Ariana, Tunisia
Razi Hospital, Psychiatry, Mannouba, Tunisia
Corresponding author.
The mediatization of the Islamic State of Iraq and
Sham (DAECH), the distribution of its videos of beheading in the
social networks and also after the various attacks, which struck in
Tunisia and around theworld, we noticed an increase of the number
of patients whose theme of delirium revolves around the subject of
Objectives and methods
The objective of our work consists in
studying sociodemographic, clinical and therapeutic particulari-
ties among patients presenting an acute delirium about the Islamic
state, the caliphate and the Jihad, who were hospitalized in our
department of psychiatry “D” since March 2015 after the attempt
Our sample included 15 patients with an average age of
25.4 years, hospitalized for the first time in a psychiatric institution.
They were predominantly male (11 patients). We noted the use of
psychoactive substances within 7 patients. The topic of DAECH has