24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805
Internet-based survey applied to
experts in schizophrenia:
Socio-demographic and professional
variables associated to response
G. Guilera
1, M. Barrios
1, O. Pino
2 ,∗
, D. Salas
1, J. Gómez-Benito
Faculty of Psychology, University of Barcelona, Department of
Behavioural Sciences Methods, Barcelona, Spain
General Hospital of Granollers, Benito Menni CASM, Department of
Psychiatry, Granollers, Spain
Corresponding author.
In the framework of the development of the Inter-
national Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health Core
Set for schizophrenia, we conducted a cross-sectional, internet-
based survey using open-ended questions. An international pool
of experts from diverse health care disciplines was surveyed to
identify problems in functioning experienced by individuals with
The purpose of the study is to explore possible asso-
ciations between experts’ socio-demographic and professional
profiles, and whether they answered or not the survey.
Out of 307 invited experts, 189 (61.56%) filled in the sur-
vey. However, 37 experts were excluded in the data analysis as they
had completed only a part of the questionnaire. Thus, there were
152 of the experts classified as “respondents” and the remaining
155 as “non-respondents”. The association between the response
pattern and the socio-demographic and professional variables (i.e.,
gender, World Health Organization region, discipline, and years of
experience) was analysed by means of Chi
There was a statistically significant association between
the response pattern and the gender of the expert (
(1) = 4.927,
= 0.026;
= 0.127), showing that 56.3% of female and 43.6% ofmale
experts answered the survey. When comparing the response pat-
tern in terms of discipline, a statistically significant association was
also found (
(4) = 10.101,
= 0.039;
= 0.183), showing that those
who tend to answer the survey are occupational therapists (71.4%),
followed by psychologists (58.0%), social workers (52.6%), nurses
(52.0%), and psychiatrists (41.3%).
Females and occupational therapists presented the
higher response rate to the expert survey.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Comparing family members’
perceptions of the family
M. Kékes Szabó
University of Szeged, Department of Applied Pedagogy and
Psychology, Szeged, Hungary
Family organization has arguably a determinative role in our
healthy social-emotional and cognitive development, although we
may have different perceptions of this system. Its background is in
connection with the family members’ different experience, knowl-
edge and beliefs about the world. Furthermore, we are also prone to
imagine others’ mental representations that can help us to under-
stand them better. Sometimes these meta-representations may be
more accurate, while other times they may be incorrect. Although
theories of mind tasks are well-known tools to explore (meta-)
representations, the use of Gehring’s (2010) Family System Test
(FAST) in this way is less tested. The aim of this study was to
compare the family members’ perceptions of the family with one
another. Children’s and parents’ family images were explored. In
line with Smith, Myron-Wilson and Sutton’s (2010) previous find-
ings, my results confirmed the parents’ increased ability to assess
the children’s perceptions. Finally, growing theory of mind abilities
may also be in the background of the results above (Happe, Win-
ner and Bownell, 1998). Subsequent studies have to broaden the
focus and involve more methods, age groups in the investigations
to know more about human cognitive processes.
Disclosure of interest
The author has not supplied his/her decla-
ration of competing interest.
Facets Mindfulness Questionnaire-10
– A shorter Portuguese version to
evaluate mindfulness dimensions in
pregnant women
J. Azevedo
1 ,∗
, E. Bento
1, S. Xavier
1, M. Marques
1, V. Freitas
M.J. Soares
1, A.M. Pinto
2, A. Oliveira
3, A. Macedo
1, A.T. Pereira
Faculty of Medicine, University of Coimbra, Psychological Medicine,
Coimbra, Portugal
Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of
Coimbra, CINEICC, Coimbra, Portugal
Coimbra Hospital and University Centre, Psychiatry, Coimbra,
Corresponding author.
Mindfulness refers to the capacity of being present
and aware, without feeling the need to react or judge that expe-
rience (Kabat Zinn, 1990). This ability is associated with mental
health and stress reduction (Baer, 2014; Teasdale et al., 2014). Five
Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ) is widely used to mea-
suremindfulness and its relation to psychopathology (Gregorio and
Gouveia, 2011).
To analyze the psychometric properties of the Por-
tuguese 15 items FFMQ (Baer; Gregório et al., authors’ manuscript)
in a Portuguese sample of pregnant women.
A total of 427 pregnant women (Mean age:
4.785 years) in their second trimester of pregnancy
4.790weeks of gestation) completed the Portuguese
version of FFMQ-15.
The FFMQ-15 Cronbach’s alpha was unsatisfactory
= 0.62) and five items presented low (< 0.20) correlations and
had the effect of increasing Cronbach alpha if removed. Without
these items,
increased to a satisfactory level (0.72) and all the ten
items contributed to internal consistency. The factorial analysis of
these ten items resulted in a three factors solution, which explained
variance (EV) was of 53.9%. Based on items content, the meaningful
three factors were denominated as follows: F1 Nonjudging of expe-
rience (EV 27.69%;
= 0.77), F2 Acting with awareness (18.00%;
= 0.77) and F3 Observing and describing (8.21%;
= 0.73).
Although the FFMQ-15 has shown good psychomet-
ric properties in other samples, in this sample of pregnant women
a 10-items FMQ (Facets of Mindfulness Questionnaire) version per-
formed better, presenting good reliability and validity in evaluating
three mindfulness facets.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Rosenzweig picture-frustration test
modification for a study of emotion
regulation strategies among the
patients with stress-induced
E. Pervichko
, Y. Zinchenko
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Psychology, Moscow,
Corresponding author.