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24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805



Review through PubMed by entering the following key-

words: psychosocial therapy; schizophrenia; cognitive behavioral

therapy, and clinical practice guidelines.


There are several psychosocial therapies used in clini-

cal practice. Themainpoints of approach focus on self-management

of the disease, everyday problems, education, crisis intervention,

and acquiring insight. The cognitive impairment is an important

aspect of schizophrenia to consider. It seems that cognitive reme-

diation therapy has been associated with both neurobiological and

cognitive improvement.


The combination of different therapies along with

psychopharmacological treatment appears to provide better

results in the reduction of negative symptoms, positive symptoms

and reduced hospital stay.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Voluntary and involuntary admission

to a subacute psychiatric

hospitalization unit

O. Orejas

, P. Flores Martínez , C. Macías Castellví ,

M.T. Campillo Sanz , M. Vallvé Elias , A. Casals Arnau ,

C. Masferrer Herrera

Neuropsychiatry and Addictions Institute INAD, Parc de salut Mar,

Psychiatry Hospitalization, Barcelona, Spain

Corresponding author.


Involuntary admissions continue to be a controver-

sial topic in psychiatry. However, it is well known that psychosocial

rehabilitation treatment is more successful when the patient is

involved in it improving awareness and adherence to treatment.


This study examined admissions patterns, including

voluntary, involuntary, and partly voluntary admissions to a suba-

cute psychiatric hospital.


This is a transversal study. All patients admitted

for a medium-term psychiatric treatment since 01/06/2014 to

30/11/2015 were included. Patients’s basic sociodemographic and

clinical data were collected and compiled in a database. Descriptive

statistics were performed using SPSS Software.


A total of 88 patients (52% men; mean age: 48.6 years)

composed the sample. In 58% of cases, schizophrenia and schizoaf-

fective disorder were the diagnoses motivating the admission.

Among 88 patients, 44 (50%) had voluntary admissions, 16 (18.2%)

had involuntary admissions, 27 (30.7%) had partly voluntary admis-

sions and just one patient (1.1%) had partly involuntary admissions.

Seventy-one (80.1%) patients had voluntary admissions at dis-

charge, and only one of themescape fromhospital and did not finish

the treatment.


In the short term involuntary hospitalization has

benefits, however also can have adverse long-term consequences

for the patient-therapist allegiance, breaking the psychotherapeu-

tic relationship and making the patient abandon treatment. It’s

important to reassess the condition of admission and work with

the patient the need to engage in treatment.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Analysis of the elapsed time since a

patients’ disease is diagnosed till they

come to a rehabilitation center

M. Palomo Monge

1 ,

, D.C. Sandra


, A.L. María Fernanda



T.G. María Fernanda


, G.M. David


, S.D.L.P. Silvia



D.D. Arántzazu


, O.B. Rubén



Hospital Nuestra Se˜nora del Prado, Psychiatry, 45600 Spain


Centro de Rehabilitación Psicosocial y Laboral, Psicology, 45600



Hospital Nuestra Se˜nora del Prado, Family Medicine, 45600 Spain


Hospital General de Ávila, Psychiatry, Avila, Spain

Corresponding author.


The elapsed time since a patients’ disease is diag-

nosed till these patients come to rehabilitation centers is usually

long. In this study in our sanitary area, we have checked the aver-

age length of time since the patient is diagnosed till they come to

the rehabilitation center.


To calculate and analyze the years of evolution of the

disease in patients who come to the rehabilitation center in the

Talavera area during year 2014. Classify them by sex.


Retrospective cross-sectional descriptive study. We

carried out a register of all the patients who come to the Psychoso-

cial and labor Rehabilitation center in 2014. Classified them by sex,

and the time lapsed since they were diagnosed until 2014.


From all 135 patients: 92 men (68.15%) and 43 women

(31.85%). Less than 2 years of evolution: 1 patient (1%) 1 men, 0

women; between 2 and 5 years of evolution: 7 patients (5%) 5 men,

2 women; between 6 and 10 years evolution: 13 patients (10%) 7

men, 6 women; more than 10 years: 114 patients (84%).


It is evident that the number of patients increases

proportionally to the number of years since the diagnosis. The

majority of patients who come to the center (84%) were diag-

nosed more than 10 years ago. This leads us to wonder why the

patients in our sanitary area with recent diagnosis of diseases such

as schizophrenia do not come to the mentioned centers earlier.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


The social cognition individualized

activities lab: Implementation of a

new remediation intervention for

social cognition

D. Palumbo

, A. Mucci , G. Piegari , M. Chieffi , A. Mazza ,

R. Giugliano , F. De Riso , V. D’Alise , S. Galderisi

University of Naples SUN, Department of Psychiatry, Naples, Italy

Corresponding author.


People with schizophrenia exhibit deficits in neu-

rocognitive and social cognitive (SC) processes which limit their

social reintegration. SC was found to mediate in part the impact of

neurocognitive dysfunctions on real-life functioning.


The purpose of this study was to implement a new

intervention for patients with schizophrenia, the Social Cognition

Individualized Activities Lab (So.C.I.A.L.) which trains both social

cognition and neurocognitive functions.