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24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805

effects and costs of those procedures. The aim of this study is to

determine whether the application of mechanical restraint in psy-

chiatry acute unit is related to a longer stay in hospital.

Material and methods

We reviewed retrospectively the infor-

matics record of all the mechanical restraints made and the total

discharges of the three acute care units and dual disorders of our

institution, between 2012 and 2015. For every discharge, the pres-

ence of at least one mechanical restraint was coded, resulting in

two groups. The length of stay of the groups was then compared

performing a




The number of discharges analyzedwas 4659 fromwhich

838 had an episode of mechanical restraint associated. There are

significant differences between the length of stay of admissions

with and without episode of mechanical restraint. The episode of

mechanical restraint during an admission is associated with 5 to 9

more days of stay in the unit (


< 0.001).


The performance of a mechanical restraint is associ-

ated with a statistically significant and clinically relevant higher

length of stay. These results suggest that preventing agitation,

and therefore mechanical restraint, would be possible to decrease

length of stay, and therefore costs related to hospitalization.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Predictors and rate for one-year

inpatient readmission in the

psychiatric hospital of Sarajevo


F. Kovac

, M. Ahmic , P. Bilalovic , M. Tahirovic

Psychiatric Hospital of Canton Sarajevo, General, Sarajevo, Bosnia

and Herzegovina

Corresponding author.


Number of patients who are again unexpectedly

admitted to hospital after a previous hospitalization are used to

evaluating the quality of hospital care. Readmission can be repre-

sented by the total number and by readmission rate.


Understanding the risk factors that can lead to read-

mission is a factor for the development of interventions that can

improve the quality of care.


The purpose of this study was to examine number and pre-

dictors of psychiatric readmission within 14 days, 30 days and, 3

and 6months.


In this retrospective study, analyses were conducted in

a sample of 566 discharge adult patients who were admitted to a

Psychiatric Hospital of Sarajevo Canton from 1st January to 31st

December 2013.


Total number of readmission was 14%. The readmission

rate within 30 days was 2.8%, number of readmission quarterly

was 9.1%, number of readmission within 6months after discharge

was 13%.

In the study, several factors were significantly associated with

increased risk of readmission including non-compliance with drug

treatment, social problems, aggressiveness, suicidality.


Our study suggesting that the prevention of psychi-

atric readmission requires continuous multidisciplinary work with

patients and family members.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Applying DMAIC to study the

improvement of therapeutics for

schizophrenia patients

C. Wei Ting

1 ,

, C. Pao-Tiao


, W. Chien-Shu


, L. Wne-Hui



Zuoying Branch of Kaohsiung Armed Forces General Hospital,

psychiatry, Kaohsiung, Taiwan


National University of Kaohsiung, Department of Asia-Pacific

Industrial and Business Management, Kaohsiung, Taiwan


Zuoying Branch of Kaohsiung Armed Forces General Hospital,

Nursing Department, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Corresponding author.

This study is intended to be schizophrenia patients in chroinc

ward of one southern military hospital. We had based on problem-

solving and improvement steps to investigate personal and social

function and improve quality of sleep in schizophrenia patients

before and after rehabilitation treatment in according with DMAIC.

DMAIC is a systematic approach to problem-solving steps and qual-

ity improvement, which D represents definitions (Define), M on

behalf of measure (Measure), A representative of analysis (Ana-

lyze), I on behalf improve (Improve), C representing the control

(Control). In this study, first psychiatric professionals completed

their PSP in order to identify the severity of psychiatric symp-

toms in patients. Secondly, we proposed patients in treatment

self-administered approach to PSQI to measure and analyze the

quality of sleep. In this paper, the subjects respectively accom-

plished above two assessment scales after theywere included in the

study and fourth, eight weeks later. Finally, according to problem-

solving and improvement steps of DMAIC, we further proposed

improvement and solutions of treatment process in chronic psychi-

atric ward to achieve personal and social function and sleep quality

in schizophrenia after series of rehabilitation therapy.

Our study found that sleep quality of most schizophrenia in chronic

ward is poor, and often occurs in daytime dysfunction. We should

increase gradually the amount of schizophrenia inpatient’s physi-

cal activity (physical fitness activities, recreation therapy, etc.), and

suggest that these patients still need continuous medication and

other psychiatric rehabilitation therapy to maintain personal and

social function and improve the quality of sleep

( Fig. 1 ).

Fig. 1

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.