24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805
University of Minho, department of applied psychology, Braga,
Corresponding author.
Research has shown that PTSD is prevalent among firefighters and
police forces and that Quality of Life (QoL) is seriously compromised
in individuals suffering fromPTSD. However, QoL studieswith these
professionals are scarce. This study results from a screening pro-
gram held by the Portuguese Red Cross (PRC) aiming to analyze
predictors of QoL. Participants were 95 firefighters and municipal
police officers. They answered the Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Checklist (PCL-5) in order to evaluate the prevalence of PTSD symp-
toms, as well as measures of social support (3-Item Oslo Social
Support Scale) and QoL (EUROHIS-QOL-8). From the results, there
were no group differences regarding total PTSD, social support or
QoL and 10% of participants reported enough symptoms to PTSD
diagnostic. Social Support and PTSD explained 25% of QoL variance,
PTSD symptoms explaining 10% (negative beta) and, in the second
step, social support explained 15%. The results suggest that it would
be important to include QoL as an outcome measure in clinical and
research work in these populations, with special attention to PTSD
and social support.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Posttraumatic stress disorder, anxiety
and depression in victims of road
traffic accidents
K. Medhaffar
1 ,∗
, I. Feki
1, I. Baati
1, R. Sellami
1, D. Trigui
S. Moalla
2, H. Keskes
2, J. Masmoudi
Hédi Chaker university hospital, Psychiatry “A”, Sfax, Tunisia
Habib Bourguiba university hospital, orthopaedic, Sfax, Tunisia
Corresponding author.
Road Traffic Accidents (RTA) are most probably the
leading cause of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in developed
countries but it remains under-estimated.
– To determine the prevalence of PTSD in our popula-
– To determine the relationship between PTSD, anxiety and depres-
This is a cross-sectional study which involved 120 road
traffic accidents victims, followed in the outpatient orthopedic
department of Sfax in Tunisia. We assessed the severity of the
injuries by the AIS scale, post-traumatic stress by the PCL-S and
anxiety and depression by the HADS scale.
Our population was relatively young (average
37 ans). In our population, AIS score (assessment of the
severity of injuries) was higher than 3 in 62.5%. According to the
HADS score, 36.7% suffer from depression and 27.5% from anxiety.
In our series, the prevalence of PTSD in road accident victims was
important: 54.17%. The risk factors identified were: female gender
= 0.043); rural origin (
= 0.015); and the handicap caused by
the accident (
= 0.013). Concerning comorbidities, anxiety and
depressive disorders were significantly associated with PTSD
= 0.000).
Psychological consequences of RTA such as PTSD,
depression and anxiety are not easily apparent. These people who
have suffered from the most severe emotional shock are often
neglected and/or forgotten.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Emotional disorders in displaced
residents from antiterroristic
operation territory
V. Mykhaylov
1 ,∗
, A. Kogyna
Kharkov, Ukraine
Kharkiv National medical university, psychiatry, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Corresponding author.
To study developmental peculiarities of emotional
disorders in displaced residents fromAntiterroristic Operation Ter-
ritory (ATOT).
For conducting of research, 60 persons who were transferred from
ATOT were involved.
Methods of research
Clinical methods, psycho-diagnostical meth-
ods (Hamilton scale of depression [HDRS], Spylberger scale of
anxiety, Mini-Mental State Examination [MMSE]), quality of life
test (Mezzich I., Cohen N., Ruiperez M., 1999), statistical methods.
The results that we got showed patho-psychological syndromes
diagnosed in the persons of displaced residents from ATOT:
astheno-depressive (75.9%), astheno-anxiety (82.5%), astheno-
phobic (13.2%), astheno-hypochondriacal (3.3%). Results of the
psycho-diagnostic investigations showed up that in men the
indices of a reactive anxiety (average score: 37.7
3.0) were higher
than the indices of a personal anxiety (average score: 32.6
2.9). In
women, the indices of a personal anxiety (average score: 38.6
were higher than the indices of a reactive anxiety (average score:
3.0). An average score on the HDRS inmen: 17.0
2.3 points,
in women: 18.0
2.3 points. On the life quality scale, investigation
of the individuals did not reveal any substantial differences among
men and women. In the lowest level, the scales were evaluated as
follows: “Psychoemotional state”, “Interpersonal interaction” and
“Overall comprehension of the life quality”.
The multimodal based system of psychotherapeu-
tical correction of depressive spectrum disorders and associated
disorders in persons who were transferred from ATOT were devel-
oped which demonstrated a significant improvement in 73,3% of
Reference not available.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
The relationship between internal and
external resources, coping strategies,
PTS and death-anxiety of elderly
caregivers’ Philippine immigrants and
local workers after the Gaza war
P. Ron
University of Haifa, school of social work, Haifa, Israel
Wars are a part of the Israelis’ populationdaily expe-
rience along the years. The immediate victims of such events, the
general population, as well as the work immigrants, are at high risk
of suffering distress, acute stress disorder etc. as a reaction to the
traumatic events.
There would be a relationship between internal
resources, social support, and reduction of the participants’ PTS and
death anxiety levels. The tendency to use problem-focused coping
strategieswould reduce the participants’ PTS, and the death anxiety
To examine the relationship between internal resources,
social support, coping strategies and the PTS and death anxiety
of Philippine immigrants in comparison to those of local workers
taking care for the elderly after the Gaza War.