24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805
Hospital Universitario de Móstoles, Psiquiatría, Madrid, Spain
Hospital Universitario de Móstoles, Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil,
Madrid, Spain
Corresponding author.
Anorexia nervosa is a disorder of eating behavior
that is a major health problem on our society. It is characterized by
three main criteria: self-induced starvation, desire for thinness or
fear of obesity, and the presence of medical signs and symptoms
due to improper feeding. This work is focused on its treatment.
The biopsychosocial approach allows the design and application of
effective therapeutic strategies and a multidisciplinary team col-
laboration is essential.
Research of current pharmacological and psychother-
apy treatments options of the disease.
Material and methods
Literature review based on articles and
publications on this topic.
In anorexia nervosa, it is necessary to establish a thera-
peutic alliance between doctor and patient. Patient usually feels no
motivation to improve. The different treatments options to com-
bine, in terms of the patient status, are: nutritional rehabilitation,
cognitive-behavioral, family and interpersonal psychotherapies
and pharmacological treatment. It can be carried out at the ambu-
latory, at the day-hospital or by medical stay, even beyond patient
Nowadays, the nutritional rehabilitation is the best
treatment established and it is the core treatment. About the psy-
chotherapies, the cognitive-behavioral is the most used because
it has exposed better results in all different studies proved and
in clinical practices, followed by the family therapy which is the
responsible of the patient family’s treatment. Pharmacological
treatment should not be used systematically and its exclusive use
is not enough to resolve anorexia nervosa as there are needed also
other treatments combined.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Prevalence of depression and anxiety
among over weight persons
Z. Sepehrmanesh
Kashan University of Medical Sciences, Kashan, Iran
Background and objective
Today, overweight, depression and
anxiety are the major diseases which are growing all over the
world and threat the human health. The findings of previous studies
concerning the association between overweight, obesity and psy-
chological disorders such as depression and anxiety are conflicting.
Some studies have reported a positive association and some a neg-
ative association while some found no association at all. This study
evaluates depression and anxiety in people who were overweight.
In a cross-sectional study, 162 cases with overweight
(BMI above 25 and under 30) who referred to diet clinic of Kashan
University of Medical Sciences (IRAN, 2015) were selected by using
simple random sampling. Depression and anxiety severity were
determined by Beck Depression inventory and Beck Anxiety inven-
tory. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistic and
and Chi
The mean age of cases was 32.12
7.51 and the mean
score of BMI was 26.56
1.31.prevalence of anxiety in the subjects
was 63.1% and 8.8% of the subjects in the study have varying degrees
of depression. There was a significant correlation between mean
scores of anxiety and depression in cases with overweight. There
was no significant difference between sex, age, job and education
Anxiety in persons with overweight is prevalent.
Detection and treatment anxiety disorders are recommended for
better healthy life and prevention obesity in these cases.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Eating disorders: How can it be
C.F. Silvi
, P. Cano Ruiz , A. Gómez Peinado
Corresponding author.
Disorders of eating behavior can affect all people
regardless of socioeconomic or cultural situation. More common in
females (90-95%), has its peak incidence in adolescence. These are
processes that can subtly start and go unnoticed at first.
To analyze the clinical, epidemiological, diagnostic
approach of the disorder, evolution and treatment of disordered
eating behavior.
Review of the subject and recent articles on eating
behavior disorders in Psychiatric guides and magazines.
The eating behavior disorders arise as a result of three fac-
tors: predisposing, precipitating and perpetuating. We must take
into account the genetics and family history, dissatisfaction with
body weight resulting in a restriction of diet and multi-disciplinary
consequences of this disorder (physical, psychological and social)
as perpetuating factors. We consider the coexistence of comorbid-
ity between disordered eating behavior and personality disorders,
mood disorders (depression) and disorders of impulse control.
Eating behavior disorders represent a major health
problem that threatens the patient’s life. Very important are the
rapid detection of the same and the establishment of treatment.
Treatment should be multidisciplinary with the patient and fam-
ily, providing information on the approach to the patient, taking
into account the lack of awareness of disease that often exists in
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Further reading
Schmidt U, Treasure J. The clinician’s guide to getting better bit(e)
by bit(e). A survival kit for sufferers of bulimia nervosa and binge
eating disorders. Psychology Press Limited, 1997.
Impulsivity and traumas in the eating
M. Soto Laguna
1 ,∗
, M.D.L.D. Pérez López
1, M.F. Diaz Marsá
N.F. Aida
Hopsital, Provincial de la Misericordia, Toledo, Spain
Hopsital, Clinico San Carlos, Madrid, Spain
Corresponding author.
The eating disorder are not only isolated power
problems. They interweave issues and pathologies in patients often
difficult to approach and have crimping going to reach a solution
and get to the real problem of the patient. As it has been observed
in studies if they have established relationships between patients
with an impulsive nature and traumatized regarding the presenta-
tion of eating disorders.
Our study aims to establish the relationship between
eating disorder such as anorexia and bulimia with factors such as
impulsivity and suffered traumas.
Materials and methods
It has used a sample (
= 57) and patients
spent three scales “Barratt Impulsiveness Scale” (BIS-11), “Ques-
tionnaire traumatic experiences” (TQ) and the BSQ, scalemeasuring
dissatisfaction disorders eating behavior. The aim is to see the
relationship between anorexia and bulimia regarding trauma and