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24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805



Brain changes in anorexia nervosa

G. Gkinis , N. Ortiz

, C. Alberque , A. Canuto

HUG, Mental Health and Psychiatry, Geneva, Switzerland

Corresponding author.

Anorexia Nervosa (AN) is a serious and frequent psychiatric condi-

tion with the highest mortality rate within psychiatric diseases. It

often starts during adolescence and affects young patients whose

brainmaturity is still incomplete but brain changes are often under-

considered although AN appears at a critical point of development.

Brain regions involved in the pathophysiology of AN are still in

debate. However, the illness is often associated with enlargement

of the cortical sulci and ventricles as well as with deficits in grey

andwhitematter volumes. Functional modifications have also been

evidenced: mainly global hypometabolism (PET), hypoperfusions

(SPECT) and recent fMRI studies have shown that the function of

the insular and cingulate cortices, in particular, differ in AN.

Neuropsychological studies have also shown neurocognitive

impairments concerning executive functions, episodic andworking

memory as well as attentional deficits.

In 1999, Geneva University Hospitals set up a medical-psychiatric

unit located in the district general hospital. This structure allows

dealing with severe somatic problems as medical and nursing

staffs are psychiatric and somatic specialists. AN patients are

over 16, often hospitalised for the first time and have very low

BMI (< 14). From the clinical observation of these patients who

show significant attentional deficits, we explored whether cerebral

abnormalities were present with structural MRI and Neuropsycho-

logical assessments.

We will describe the preliminary results of our clinical experience

and consider their implication for the understanding of AN mecha-

nisms. We will also discuss the links between psychopathology and

brain impairments that could lead to more efficient treatments.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Disordered eating behaviors,

perfectionism and perseverative

negative thinking–Study in a clinical


A.T. Pereira


, E. Monteiro


, P. Castilho


, L. Fonseca


, C. Roque

1 , 3


M. Marques

1 , 3

, S. Xavier

1 ,

, A. Macedo

1 , 3


Faculty of Medicine, University of Coimbra, Psychological Medicine,

Coimbra, Portugal


Faculty of Psychology, University of Coimbra, CINEICC, Coimbra,



Coimbra Hospital and University Centre, Psychiatry, Coimbra,


Corresponding author.


In a recent study developedwith a community sam-

ple, we have found that although PNT mediated the relationship

between perfectionist cognitions and bulimic behavior, the effect

of perfectionism on other disordered eating dimensions, such as

diet, was independent of the PNT levels (Monteiro et al., 2015).


To investigate if PNT mediates the relationship

between perfectionismand disordered eating behaviors in a clinical



Fifty-two patients with eating disorders/ED (mean

age = 22.54


7.637;meanBMI = 20.07


4.192; 14.5%AnorexiaNer-

vosa cases; 7.8% Bulimia Nervosa and 9.0% EDNOS) were assessed

with the ED section of the Diagnostic Interview for Genetic

Studies and fill in the Portuguese validated versions of Eat-

ing Attitudes Test/EAT-25 (to evaluate Bulimic behaviors/BB,

Diet and Social pressure to eat), Multidimensional Perfection-

ism Scales (to evaluate perfectionism composite dimensions

Evaluative Concerns/EC and Perfectionistic Strivings/PS) and Per-

severative Thinking Questionnaire/PTQ-15 (to evaluate Repetitive

Thought/RT, Cognitive interference and unproductiveness/CIU).

Only variables significantly correlated with the outcomes (EAT-

25 Total and its dimensions) were entered in the regression

models. Mediation analyses using Preacher and Hayes bootstrap-

ping methodology were performed.


EC, PS, CIU and RT were significant predictors of

EAT Total. PA, CIU and PR were significant predictors of BB. EC and

PS were significant predictors of Diet. CIU partially mediated the

relationship between EC and EAT Total (95% CI = 0.0025–0.3296)

and between EC and BB (95% CI = 0.0037–0.1877).


Also in a clinical sample, CII, the most pernicious

dimension of PNT, mediates the relationship between perfection-

ism and disordered eating behavior, particularly bulimic behavior;

diet is predicted by perfectionism independently of PNT.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Psycopathology in overweight and

obese patients

J. Perez-Templado

1 ,

, M.P. Felix-Alcantara


, C. Banzo-Arguis



R. Martinez de Velasco


, E. Ruiz-Velasco


, J. Quintero



Madrid, Spain


Hospital Universitario Infanta Leonor, Psychiatry, Madrid, Spain


Hospital Universitario Infanta Leonor & Fundación Psiformación,

Psychiatry, Madrid, Spain

Corresponding author.


Overweight and obesity are considered as a pan-

demic disease with a worrying prevalence and still growing.

According to theWorld Health Organization, in 2014 the 39% adults

were overweight and 13% were obese. Although it is an objective

fact that obesity is an abnormal or excessive accumulation of fat

detrimental to health, causes that lead a person to be obese are

multifactorial and not yet well known.


Examine the relationship between psychopathology

and obesity. Deepen in this sense, allows us to understand obe-

sity from a broader perspective, where not only the nutritional

factors are involved in these patients, but also different “emotional



The emotional aspects of overweight and the obesity

study Program of the University Hospital Infanta Leonor attends to

these patients from a multi-modal perspective, to offer a multidis-

ciplinary and effective treatment that results in a permanent lost

weight. Descriptive data of the first 180 patients are presented.


A large percentage of patients presented psychopathol-

ogy, highlighting a 80.9% of patients with depressive symptoma-

tology, a 56.39% with high anxiety trait, a 48.26% with high anxiety

state, a 24.4%meet criteria for binge eating disorder, a 11.9%bulimia

nervosa and a 17.3% post-traumatic stress disorder.


Our findings support the association between obesity

and psychopathology and, therefore, the conception of obesity as a

bio-psycho-social problem requiring a multidisciplinary approach

that go beyond the traditional nutritional guidance.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.