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24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805

SMH-EDU have disorders of high severity, as demonstrated in our


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Prevalence of orthorexia nervosa

among polish adolescents –

Assessment made by the ORTO-15


J. Hyrnik


, M. Janas-Kozik


, M. Stochel


, I. Jelonek


, A. Siwiec



K. Krysta

2 ,

, J.K. Rybakowski



Medical University of Silesia, Department of Psychiatry and

Psychotherapy of Developmental Age, Sosnowiec, Poland


Medical University of Silesia, Department of Psychiatry and

Psychotherapy, Katowice, Poland


University of Medical Sciences Poznan, Department of Adult

Psychiatry, Poznan, Poland

Corresponding author.


Orthorexia nervosa (ON) is an excessive fixation on the

consumption of healthy food and an obsession with its biologi-

cal purity. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of

ON in a population of Polish urban adolescents and some possible

contributory factors.


Validation and adaptation of the ORTO-15 Question-

naire was made in the group of 399 participants (15–21 years old).

The validation procedure incorporated three basic methods to be

applied in the reliability analysis. The reliability analysis of the

ORTO-15 Questionnaire based on repeatability of the responses

presents a very good (kappa: 0.81–1.00 for 5 items) and a good

repeatability (kappa: 0.61–0.80 for 10 items). The reliability anal-

ysis based on the value of the Cronbach’s


reached a satisfactory

level (0.7–0.9). The ORTO-15 questionnaire was considered a reli-

able tool to identify the risk of ON in population studies in the group

of urban youth aged 15–21. Assessment was made among 1899

high school students, 992 girls, and 907 boys, aged 15–21 years.


The mean value of the ORTO-15 was 39.2


3.6 points,

with no sex difference. Themain factors connectedwith orthorexia,

according to the “Orthorexia 35” definition were excess weight,

sporting activities, out-of-school activities, smoking status, work-

ing parents and a high family income.


This study, of a large number of adolescents, showed

a prevalence of ON similar to that recorded in adult populations.

This is a first assessment of orthorexia among adolescent popula-


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Anorexia nervosa and dissociative

disorders in males: A case report

M.D.M. Lázaro Redondo

, F. D

e la Torre Brasas ,

A. Duque Domínguez , N. Echeverría Hernández , L. Martín Díaz ,

C. García Montero , M. Otálora Navarro , A. Mas Villase˜nor ,

J.I. Bango Suárez

Complejo hospitalario de Ávila, Psychiatric unit, Ávila, Spain

Corresponding author.


There is a low prevalence of eating disorders among

men. In many cases, the disorder arises as a means of avoiding

psychosocial maturation. Various psychiatric comorbidities such as

depression or obsessive-compulsive disorder are frequently found

in these patients.


To analyze psychiatric symptoms in relation to a case

of anorexia nervosa.


Pubmed revision on clinical presentation of anorexia

nervosa in male. Review of patient medical records.


A 23-years-old male with diagnosis of restricting

anorexia nervosa was treated and followed since 2012. In July

2015, the patient, who was clinically stabilized for a year, had

decreased gradually intake. Suddenly he showed a decreased con-

sciousness, followed by an absence of response and mutism that

motivated hospital admission. The diagnosis was dissociative stu-

por. A research inwomenwith eating disorders shows a prevalence

of pathological dissociation between 4.8 and 48.6%. After recov-

ering a normal consciousness, he presented clinical features of

anorexia nervosa according DSM 5 criteria. The patient remained

two months until he reached his previous BMI (17) to continue

an outcome treatment. Despite of several years of specific treat-

ment for anorexia nervosa, both parents and patient still did not

accept the diagnosis. Cultural constructions of eating disorders as

a “women’s illness” mean that men may fail to recognise their dis-



There is a delay of diagnosis of anorexia nervosa in

men. The lack of research on men’s experiences and the cultural

construction of anorexia nervosa as a female problem may con-

tribute to underdiagnose eating disorders in men.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


The effect of atipical antipsychotic

medications in anorexia nervosa

M. Barchiesi

1 ,

, M. Martellini


, M.G. Oriani


, B. Nardi



Polytechnic University of Marche, Clinica di Psichiatria, Ancona,



Dipartimento di Salute Mentale Ancona ASUR Marche,

Dipartimento di Salute Mentale Ancona ASUR Marche, Ancona, Italy

Corresponding author.


Anorexia nervosa (AN) is severe and debilitat-

ing psychiatric illness characterized by destructive weight loss

behaviour, refusal to maintain body weight at or above minimal

normal weight for age and height, intense fear of weight gain and

disturbance in experience of body shape and weight.


The purpose of this review is to investigate the state of

art concerning the use of atypical antipsychotics (SGA) in the treat-

ment of anorexia nervosa, comparing the efficacy and tolerability

in female patients not selected by age.


A Medline enquiry of published articles from 2005

to October 2015 was performed using the following Key-

words: “anorexia nervosa; pharmacological treatment; atypical

antipsychotics; olanzapine; risperidone; paliperidone; aripipra-

zole; quetiapine”. Reviews and RCT were also analyzed.


No strong evidence of beneficial effects was found in

using SGA in adults. The majority of studies focused on olanzap-

ine, which seems to have, in some studies, only positive effect on

body mass index, eating disorder symptoms and functional impair-

ment. Risperidone doesn’t seem to have effect on body mass index.

Olanzapine and risperidone increase the mean fasting glucose and

insulin levels. In a recent study the main finding is represented by

the positive effects of the adjunct of aripiprazole to antidepressants

on eating-related obsessive-compulsive symptomatology.


In conclusion, in our review we observed that

research in treatment with SGA of AN is still far away from finding

univocal conclusions.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.