24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S116–S348
A six-year longitudinal
population-based cohort for the
extended psychosis phenotype: An
epidemiological study of the
gene-environment interactions
K. Alptekin
1 ,∗
, T. Binbay
1, U. Kırlı
2, H. Elbi
2, B. Kayahan
H. Onay
3, F. Özkınay
3, J. van Os
Dokuz Eylul university faculty of medicine, department of
psychiatry, Izmir, Turkey
Ege university faculty of medicine, department of psychiatry, Izmir,
Ege university faculty of medicine, department of medical genetics,
Izmir, Turkey
Maastricht university medical centre- school of mental health and
neuroscience MHeNS, department of psychiatry and
neuropsychology, Maastricht, Netherlands
Corresponding author.
Both genetic and environmental factors play a role
in the extended psychosis phenotype which covers psychotic expe-
riences, symptoms and disorders.
The respective contributions of genetic and environ-
mental factors over time remain largely unknown.
To describe the objectives and design of a multistage study.
The TürkSch (Izmir mental health survey for
gene-environment interaction in psychoses) is a prospective-
longitudinal study consisted of several data collection stages to
screen extended psychosis phenotype in a general population sam-
ple, and to assess individual, familial, genetic and neighbourhood
level variables.
The study aimed to assess the prevalence of psychotic
experiences and symptoms in Izmir-Turkey (stage I, cross-
: 4011), the socioeconomic deprivation and the social
capital of neighbourhoods in a separate sample (stage II, cross-
: 5124) in 2008. A nested case-control study (stage III)
recruited individualswith psychotic outcomes and healthy controls
from stage I, and included blood sampling for gene-environment
interaction and clinical reappraisal as well. After 6 years, follow-up
study (stage IV)was set to assess themental healthoutcomeswith a
focus on extended psychosis phenotype, environmental exposures
of the eligiable sample (
: 2192) from the stage I, and to collect
blood samples for further genetic analysis. On both stages, Compos-
ite International Diagnostic Interviewwas used by clinically trained
interviewers, and was able to provide broad assessment of psy-
chotic experiences, experience-related disabilities, help-seeking
and health care utilization.
The TürkSch has a unique study design and yields
data of high quality in the Turkish population, with a specific focus
on psychosis.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Google trends-enabled digital
pharmacovigilance: Monitoring
interest towards antidepressants and
their usage patterns in Italy
N. Bragazzi
1 ,∗
, A . Siri
University of Genoa, school of public health- department of health
sciences DISSAL, Genoa, Italy
University of Genoa, UNESCO CHAIR “Anthropology of
Health–Biosphere and Healing system”, Genoa, Italy
Corresponding author.
The Internet is playing a major role in nowadays life
andmore often psychiatric patients are using it as a valuable source
of information. Furthermore, the new media can be exploited for
providing them with personalized psycho-educational interven-
tions and counseling. On the other hand, a misuse of the new
technologies can lead to cyber-addiction behaviors and to others
Objectives and aims
In this contribution, we want to explore
the Internet pattern of searching online for antidepressants in
the Italian population. The prescriptions and usage of these drugs
have been increasing in the last years, and therefore constitute
an important economic burden for the National Health System
We analyzed the hit-search volumes with Google
Trends, an online tracking system of Internet hit-search volumes,
and the wavelet power spectrum analysis (WPSA), a mathematical
technique that decomposes a time series into time versus frequency
space. The hist-search volume data were compared with the data
provided by the Italian National Drug Agency. Pearson correlation
was used and
-values less than 0.05 were considered to be statis-
tically significant.
We found a seasonality and cyclical pattern in searching
online for antidepressants, as confirmed by the WPSA. Moreover,
the pattern was increasing throughout the years, reflecting the
usage pattern as recorded and monitored by the Italian Drug
Agency. Pearson correlation yielded a value of 0.98 with a
of 1.42
Digital pharmacovigilance can be employed as a
complementary approach together with the classical traditional
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Agreement between clinical
judgments and subjective perceptions
of clinical change
M. Müller
, V. Stefan , W. Godehard , S. Prinz , S. Egger
University hospital for psychiatry Zurich, ZIP- Rheinau, Zurich,
Corresponding author.
Research into the relationship between the sub-
jective perception of clinical change and the objective evidence
of the same is very limited. Less is known about the relation-
ship between clinical judgments by mental health experts and the
patient’s perception of symptom change, in particular across dif-
ferent diagnostic groups.
Aims and objectives
This study aims to determine the level of
concordance between the HONOS as a tool for clinical outcome
monitoring and the self-reported change in psychopathology in a
total sample of psychiatric patients as well as stratified by their
primary diagnosis at admission.
A consecutive sample of patients admitted to a Swiss
psychiatric hospital for either alcohol use disorders, schizophrenic
psychoses, mood disorders, anxiety and somatoform disorders,
or personality disorders, was assessed using the Brief Symptom
Inventory (BSI) at admission and at discharge. The HoNOS were
rated by the responsible clinicians. Complete data of admission
and discharge were available from approximately 600 cases. Reli-
able change index (RCI) will be calculated to determine a clinically
meaningful change based on the HoNOS scores. Concordance of RCI
and change in BSI scores will be explored and compared between
different diagnostic groups.
Results and conclusions
According to our preliminary results from
this ongoing evaluationprogram, we hope toprovide a step towards
a deeper understanding of the interrelationship between clinical