24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S116–S348
scale (ETOS), Difficulty Implementing Adherence Strategies (DIAS);
Medication Alliance Beliefs Questionnaire (MABQ).
Two convenience samples were composed by 150
patients with MHD (mean age: 39.7; SD
9.8) and 65 MHP (mean
age: 37.0; sd 8.3) working in a variety of settings is being collected.
From the perspective of patients, the most important reason for
adherence is to accept the illness (54,7%,
= 82). 50.8% (
= 33) of
MHP believes that if patients are unmotivated for treatment, adher-
ence strategies are unlikely to be effective. 43.1 (
= 28) of MHP
agrees that if patients do not accept their illness, any adherence
strategies that result.
With this study, we expect to gain further knowledge
on the factors related patients and MHP that might influence com-
pliance and, therefore, contribute to the development of effective
strategies to promote treatment adherence in MHD.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
A neuropsychological group
rehabilitation program with
institutionalized elderly
L. Lemos
, H. Espírito-Santo , S. Simões , F. Silva , J. Galhardo ,
M. Oliveira , M. Costa , S. Martins , F. Daniel
Miguel Torga institute, psychology, Coimbra, Portugal
Corresponding author.
Elderly institutionalization involves an emotional
adaptation and the research shows that the risk of depression
Evaluate the impact of a neuropsychological group
rehabilitation program (NGRP) on depressive symptomatology of
institutionalized elderly.
NGRP influences the decrease of depressive symptoms.
Elderly were assessed pre- and post-intervention with
the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) and divided into a Rehabili-
tated Group (RG), a Waiting List Group (WLG), and a Neutral Task
Group (NTG).
In this randomized study, before rehabilitation, 60
elderly people (RG; 80.31
8.98 years of age; 74.2% women) had
a mean GDS score of 13.33 (SD = 9.21). Five elderly included in the
NTG (80.13
10.84 years; 75.0% women) had a mean GDS score
of 10.60 (SD = 4.72). Finally, 29 elderly in the WLG (81.32
years; 69.0% women) had a mean GDS score of 14.93 (SD = 6.02).
The groups were not different in GDS baseline scores (F = 0.74;
= 0.478). ANCOVA has shown significant differences (
< 0.05) in
GDS scores between the three groups after 10 weeks. Sidak adjust-
ment for multiple comparisons revealed that elderly in the WLG
got worse scores in GDS, comparing with elderly in RG (
< 0.01),
and with elderly in NTG (
< 0.05).
Elderly that are not involved in a task get worse in
depressive symptomatology. Being involved in a structured group
taskmeans lower depressive symptoms and being in a NGRPmeans
even greater results.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Cognitive training using a web-based
tailor-made program for first-episode
psychosis patients: An exploratory
B. Moura
1 ,∗
, T. Mendes
1, F. Antunes
1, R. Barandas
1, M. Croca
P. Frade
1, L. Linhares
1, J. Vian
1, P. Levy
1, M.L. Figueira
Santa Maria hospital, psychiatry department, Lisboa, Portugal
Faculty of medicine- university of Lisbon, department of psychiatry,
Lisbon, Portugal
Corresponding author.
Cognitive deficits are a core feature of the first psy-
chotic episode patients and could be an obstacle to functional
ability. Cognitive stimulation could be a promising method to sur-
pass neuropsychological deficits.
–to implement an online training protocol to stable
first psychotic episode outpatients;
–to assess adherence to the intervention;
–to measure neurocognitive, psychopathological and functional
outcomes pre- and post-training.
To investigate the feasibility of an online-based resource for
cognitive stimulation (COGWEB
) and explore possible benefits in
different domains.
Fifteen patients were enrolled from the Early Psychosis
Intervention Program (PROFIP) at the Department of Psychiatry
of Santa Maria Hospital, Lisbon. The training consisted on 30-
40-minute online sessions performed every weekday during 6
months at home. Assessmentswere performed at baseline and after
programcompletion and included: psychopathological scores; per-
sonal and social functioning scores; Clinical Global Impression and
a neuropsychological battery.
Every participant had some kind of impairment on base-
line. Mean training time was 36 h. Six patients left the program
before completion (half of them because they got employed).
The program showed overall good feasibility and safety with no
reported significant psychiatric occurrences or hospitalizations.
Results regarding final neuropsychological, psychopathological
and functioning showed a tendency for stability or improvement
on an individual case analysis.
Our results show that cognitive training using an
online-based stimulation software is a feasible intervention for
first-episode psychosis patients with possible benefits for this pop-
ulation. However, results should be analyzed very carefully because
of different participant trajectories and of study limitations.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Effectiveness and factors predicting
success of therapeutic patient
education in obese patients
candidates for bariatric surgery
D. Piacentino
1 ,∗
, E. Prosperi
2, G. Guidi
2, R. Asprino
2, A. Pinto
L. Gnessi
2, A. Lenzi
Sapienza - university of Rome, NESMOS neuroscience- mental
health- and sensory organs department, Rome, Italy
Sapienza - university of Rome, C.A.S.C.O–center of high
specialization for the cure of obesity EASO collaborating centres for
obesity management COMs- experimental medicine department-
food science and human nutrition research unit, Rome, Italy
Corresponding author.
Obesity is an increasingly common chronic disease.
Its biopsychosocial basis provides the rationale of multidisci-
plinary interventions, such as Therapeutic Patient Education (TPE,
WHO 1998), which is effective for lifestyle change and aware-
ness improvement, thus reducing the disease’s prevalence and
its health care-related financial burden. However, patients’ socio-
demographic and psychopathological factors may influence TPE’s
We aimed to assess the effectiveness of an 8-
week TPE program in obese patients candidates for bariatric
surgery and identify factors predicting its success.