24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805
Bobby Fischer: Chess, genius and
madness at the height of the cold war
C. Llanes Álvarez
1 ,∗
, A. San Román Uría
1, S. Gómez Sánchez
R. Hernández Antón
2, J. Valdés Valdazo
A.M. Del Brio González
1, J.M. Martínez Sánchez
J.L. Mu˜noz Sánchez
1, M.Á. Franco Martín
Complejo Asistencial de Zamora, Psiquiatría, Zamora, Spain
Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valladolid, Psiquiatría, Valladolid,
Complejo Asistencial Universitario de León, Psiquiatría, León, Spain
Corresponding author.
Directed by Edward Zwick “Pawn Sacrifice” is a bio-
graphical film released on September 2015. The film stars Tobey
Maguire as Bobby Fischer, the American World Chess Champion,
considered one of greatest player of all time. His career’s peak was
in 1972 when he captured the World Chess Championship from
Boris Spassky of the USSR.
We tried todig a little in the biography of Bobby Fischerwho
many described as mentally ill. We tried to figure out what is reality
andwhat is just legend about Fischer. Our goal is promote chess, and
also honour the great Fischer. Moreover, we wanted to explore the
scientific literature published about the benefits of playing chess,
especially in childhood.
We made an exhaustive review of the author’s life, and
also testimonies of people who knew him. Moreover, we found
some articles that review the relationship between chess and IQ
trying to confirmor debunk somemyths about this legendary game.
It was incomprehensible to everyone that the top of the
career of Bobby Fischer at the same time meant an abrupt and com-
plete fall. One possible explanation for this attitude would be a
mentally unbalance not specified disorder throughout his lifespan.
Not all geniuses are crazy, neither all crazy are
geniuses. A genius is a person with extraordinary capabilities, that
focused on a topic, has the ability to enlight new ways to explain
this complex world, whether it is to create a symphony, paint mas-
terpiece or the next move on the chessboard.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Evaluation of the stigma in
transgender’s sexual partners
M. Seyedreza
1 ,∗
, M. Asadi
1, M. Eftekhar
Tehran university of medical science, psychiatry, Tehran, Iran
Iran university of medical science, psychiatry, Tehran, Iran
Corresponding author.
Gender dysphoria and its treatment have been
legalized in Iran since 1976. Study on transgender people in Iran is
very difficult. Perhaps, one of themost problems is stigma. Negative
attitudes and discrimination in society make them and their part-
ners to be socially isolated. No extensive research has been done
entirely on their sexual partners in the field of stigma.
The aim of this study is to evaluate the attitude toward
stigma of sexual partners of transgender people. If there are prob-
lems, what are they? What is the impact of stigma on their life?
Because there is little information about the research
subject, grounded theory methodology was used. This methodol-
ogy can be used to build a theory. Participants were partners of
transgenders who referred from the Forensic Medicine Center to
Tehran Institute of Psychiatry and met these inclusion criteria: 1 –
being in the relationship for at least 6 months and meet at least one
of these criterias: A: they are cohabiting, B: they have regular sexual
relationship, C: they recognize each other as their steady partners.
2 – at least 18 years of age. Five males and 6 females participated.
All of them had given a written consent. In depth face-to-face and
semi-structured interviewwere used to collect information. Partic-
ipants were asked to attend to second interview after coding and
analyzing the first session. The codes were classified and categories,
using the constant comparative method.
It seems that transgender’s sexual partners suffer
from the stigma. According to the codes, they suffer from multiple
problems in their personal and social life.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Evidence-based mindfulness
M. Maldonado Fernandez
1 ,∗
, L. Rubio Rodriguez
J. López Fernández
Hospital Vital Alvarez Buylla, ENT Department, Mieres, Spain
Hospital de Cabue˜nes/Fundación Hospital de Jove, Psychiatry, Gijón,
Hospital Vital Alvarez Buylla, Psychiatry, Mieres, Spain
Corresponding author.
Mindfulness is a form of meditation that cultivates
present moment awareness in a non-judging way. It has a Buddhist
origin but has been practiced in the last 40 years without relation
to any religious belief. It has been proposed as a treatment for a
variety of ailments.
To carry out an overview of systematic reviews of the
evidence on mindfulness as a therapeutic tool.
To summarize the existing evidence on the efficacy of
We searched for systematic reviews in the Cochrane
Database of Systematic Reviews (Cochrane Library).
We found nine Cochrane reviews (for fibromyalgia,
aggressiveness in intellectually disabled people, mechanical neck
disorders, reducing sedentariness at work, anxiety, somatoform
disorders, and post-stroke fatigue), two Cochrane review proto-
cols (stress reduction of patients with breast cancer, and substance
use disorders), 50 non-Cochrane reviews (29 provisional abstracts
and 21 structured abstracts from the Centre for Reviews and
Dissemination) on the efficacy of mindfulness. The Cochrane
reviews showed a lack of conclusive evidence for fibromyalgia,
aggressiveness in intellectually disabled people, anxiety disorders,
somatoform disorders and post-stroke fatigue. Mindfulness train-
ing induced a non-significant reduction in workplace sitting time.
For chronic neck pain, mindfulness exercises minimally improved
function but no global effect was perceived at short term.
According to the existing Cochrane reviews, there is
a general lack of evidence mindfulness as an effective treatment.
For chronic neck pain, mindfulness exercises minimally improved
function. We have detected important areas where high quality
clinical trials are needed.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
First psychotic episode on the fifth
decade? Differential diagnosis of
psychotic symptoms, about a case
P. Manzur Rojas
, P. Botias Cegarra , A.L. Gonzalez Galdamez ,
M.I. Ibernon Caballero , M.R. Raposo Hernandez ,
A. Sanchez Bahillo , A. Belmar Simo , M.A. Carrillo Cordoba
Centro de Salud Mental de Cartagena, Psiquiatria, Cartagena, Spain
Corresponding author.
The postictal psychosis is a psychotic disorder that begins shortly
after a crisis. Most often it affects patients with partial epilepsy and