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24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805

entering university, however, few treatment options are available.

The aim of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of group

therapy in university students with ASD.


A one-group,


design was adapted for this study. All patients with ASD were

recruited from Shizuoka University. The group therapy programs

consisted of cognitive behavioral therapy and recreational activity.

Outcome measures were Beck Depression Inventory-Second

Edition, Quality of Life Inventory, State Trait Anxiety Inventory and

Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale.


There were 14 participants, 7 males and 7 females. Their

ages were from 19-years-old to 23-years-old. All participants had

over 80% of attendance in the six-month group therapy.


These preliminary results suggest that the group

therapy can improve symptoms of depression and anxiety for some

students with ASD. More research is needed to draw more sturdy

conclusions, especially with respect to improvements in quality of


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Disruptive behaviour’s treatment with

paliperidone in autistic disorder:

Review and case report

M. García Moreno

1 ,

, A. De Cós Milas


, L. Beatobe Carre˜no



B. Poza Cano



Hospital Universitario Puerta de Hierro Majadahonda, CSM

Majadahonda, Madrid, Spain


Hospital Universitario de Móstoles, CSM Móstoles, Madrid, Spain


Hospital Universitario El Escorial, CE San Carlos El Escorial, Madrid,


Corresponding author.


Autistic disorder (AD) is a neuropsychiatric disor-

der that often presents significant disruptive symptoms such as

irritability, aggression and self-injury in addition to impairment of

social skills and communication. These symptoms interfere both

individuals with AD and their families and social environment.


Show paliperidone effect in behavioural symptoms in



Literature review about behavioural symptoms in AD

and paliperidone effect in its treatment, followed by a case report of

clinical improvement after treatment with paliperidone in a patient

with autism. Agitation subscaleAberrant Behavior Checklist (ABC-I)

scores was compared prior and 4 weeks after paliperidone treat-

ment, and clinical improvement was assessed with Clinical Global

Impression-Improvement Scale (CGI-I).


Although risperidone has been one of the most stud-

ied atypical antipsychotic to treat this symptoms, its use should

be limited in order to avoid extrapyramidal and metabolic symp-

toms. Paliperidone – the major metabolite of risperidone – has

shown effectiveness in the treatment of behavioral symptoms in

patientswith autism, even in subjectswith a prior ineffective trial of

risperidone. Our patient, 21-years-oldmale with AD and significant

disruptive symptoms was treated with paliperidone 9mg/day. We

observed a 20-points reduction in ABC-I scores 4 weeks later, with

most significant improvement in items like auto-agression, het-

eroaggressivity, irritability and slams. CGI-I scores showed a much

better improvement, and no significant adverse effects appeared.


Paliperidone is an effective and safe treatment in

behavioral symptoms associated to AD, with reduction in ABC-I

subscale scores. More studies are needed to confirm our data.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Does community care works?

Evaluate the effectiveness of mental

health services

M. Giacomin

Psychiatrist Director of Semiresidential Day Center in Mental Health

Center of Villorba (Tv), Italy


Improving quality require the capability to evaluate

clinical and operational processes and improve patients outcomes.

Just in the view of evidence-based practise (EBP) it’s used HONOS

rating Scale, adopted since May 2012, by Mental Health Center of

Villorba (Treviso-Italy) There are 3 package treatments: rehabili-

tative, territorial and clinical.


To identify which variables are positively correlated

to HONOS improvement in patients group who frequented Mental

Health Centre along 36 months. All patients present severe mental



Evaluate the effectiveness of interventions and correlate

to treatment package and individual feature. Analyze treatment

process for quality improvement.


A psychiatric team (4 nurses, 1 psychiatrist) adminis-

tered Honos Rating Scale along 3 years: on starting point and 6,

12 and 36 months later: T 0,1,2,3,4. Patients are also described

by diagnosis, mental, social and autonomy skill, time, utilization of

MHC and anagraphic information.


All 15 groups’ patients realize lower scoring, after 36

months’ treatment. Seven have got reliable improvement (i.e. = > 8-

point lowering T3–T4) and positively correlatewith: (1) 36 months’

treatment, at 12 months in rehabilitative Package; (2) days in

residential/semi-residential community from 82 to 311 days.

Related tables are included in paper.

Discussion and conclusion

HONOS score correlates directly with

clinical and riabilitation improvement, i.e. mental, social capacity,

and personal autonomy. It needs more investigation to clear which

other factors are involved with improvement.

Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his/her decla-

ration of competing interest.


Diagnosis and treatment of ADHD in

young adults

C. Glod

Merrimack College, Academic Affairs, North Andover, USA


ADHD is one of the most common psychiatric disor-

ders, affecting 6–10% of children. Recent studies have shown that

the illness persists into adolescence and adulthood.


The purpose of this session is to review the state of

the science of the diagnosis and treatment of ADHD in young adults

and college students. This population poses unique developmental

challenges in evaluation of symptoms and adherence to treatment.


The aim of this presentation is to promote a better under-

standing of the differential diagnosis and effective treatment

options specific to this age group.


Review of the literature.


Young adults diagnosedwith ADHD in childhood demon-

strate symptoms of inattention and hyperactivity that continue.

In addition, this age group may present for the first time with

previously undiagnosed symptoms that interfere with functioning.

Further complicating evaluation and treatment may be the emer-

gence ofmooddisorders or alcohol/substance abuse. Left untreated,

ADHD symptoms affect functioning in several key areas including

self-esteem, repeated academic failures, poor occupational per-

formance, propensity for motor vehicle incidents, instability in

relationships, alcohol/substancemisuse and abuse, and overall suc-

cessful transition to adulthood. Psychopharmacological studies of