24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805
TechCare: Mobile-assessment and
therapy for psychosis: An intervention
for clients within the early
intervention service
N. Gire
1 ,∗
, I.B. Chaudhry
2, F. Naeem
3, J. Duxbury
1, M. Riley
M. McKeown
1, C.D. Taylor
5, P.J. Taylor
6, R. Emsley
7, N. Caton
J. Kelly
4, D. Kingdon
8, N. Husain
University of Central Lancashire, School of Health, Preston, United
The University of Manchester, Institute of Brain Behaviour and
Mental Health, Manchester, United Kingdom
Queens University, Psychiatry, Kingston, Canada
Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust, Early Intervention Service,
Preston, United Kingdom
The University of Manchester, School of Psychology, Manchester,
United Kingdom
University of Liverpool, Institute of Psychology, Health & Society,
Liverpool, United Kingdom
The University of Manchester, Institute of Population Health,
Manchester, United Kingdom
University of Southampton, Psychiatry, Southampton, United
Corresponding author.
In the UK, mental illness is a major source of disease
burden costing in the region of
105 billion pounds. mHealth is a
novel and emerging field in psychiatric and psychological care for
the treatment of mental health difficulties such as psychosis.
To develop an intelligent real-time therapy (iRTT)
mobile intervention (TechCare) which assesses participant’s symp-
toms in real-time and responds with a personalised self-help based
psychological intervention, with the aim of reducing participant’s
symptoms. The system will utilise intelligence at two levels:
– intelligently increasing the frequency of assessment notifications
if low mood/paranoia is detected;
– an intelligent machine learning algorithm which provides inter-
ventions in real-time and also provides recommendations on the
most popular selected interventions.
The aim of the current project is to develop a mobile phone
intervention for people with psychosis, and to conduct a feasibility
study of the TechCare App.
The study consists of both qualitative and quantitative
components. The study will be run across three strands:
– qualitative work;
– test run and intervention refinement;
– feasibility trial.
Preliminary analysis of qualitative data from Strand 2
(test run and intervention refinement) in-depth interviews with
service users (
= 2) and focus group with health professionals
= 1), highlightedmain themes around security of the device, mul-
timedia and the acceptability of psychological interventions being
delivered via the TechCare App.
Research in this area can be potentially helpful in
addressing the demand on mental health services globally, partic-
ularly improving access to psychological interventions.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
ApTiC: A feasibility trial of a
communication method using mobile
technology to improve assessment
within an early intervention service
M. Riley
1 ,∗
, M. Lovell
2, N. Gire
3, S. Lane
4, P.J. Taylor
M. Fitzsimmons
1, I.B. Chaudhry
6, P. Bee
7, K. Lovell
7, N. Husain
Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust, Early Intervention Service,
Preston, United Kingdom
The University of Central Lancashire, Student Nurse, Preston, United
The University of Central Lancashire, School of Health, Preston,
United Kingdom
University of Liverpool, Institute of Translational Medicine,
Liverpool, United Kingdom
University of Liverpool, Institute of Psychology Health and Society,
Liverpool, United Kingdom
The University of Manchester, Institute of Brain Behaviour and
Mental Health, Manchester, United Kingdom
The University of Manchester, School of Nursing, Midwifery and
Social Work, Manchester, United Kingdom
Corresponding author.
The early intervention service (EIS) approach is
based on therapeutic interactions, which promote service user
recovery from first episode psychosis. Collaborative therapeutic
work between the service user and case manager depends on good
communication. This can be a challenge for people with psychosis
as the process of thought can be disrupted or stimulus misinter-
preted leading to communication errors.
The objective is to develop an interactive tool that can
assist service user’s communication of distress, whilst employing a
psychoeducational approach to the use of an informal therapeutic
measurement scale; subjective units of distress (SUDs) and early
warning signs (EWS). The ApTiC mobile intervention will include
ten numerically graded emoticons from low to extreme distress.
Each emoticon is associated with specific individualised service
user descriptors and linked to an individually agreed action plan
and level of response to be offered by a staff member.
The aim of the present study will be to examine the fea-
sibility and acceptability of the ApTic mobile intervention in
preparation for a larger randomised controlled trial.
Phase one: qualitative research to inform the develop-
ment of the complimentary tool andmobile app (qualitative). Phase
two: a 12-week rater-blinded randomized control trial of ApTiC
compared to routine EIS case management (quantitative).
The qualitative data will be presented.
It is expected that once validated, the SUDs based
ApTiC will enhance rapport and understanding thus improving the
recovery approach to well-being and hopefully preventing relapse
or the involvement of the crisis team or hospital admissions.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Development and assessment of a
mobile phone-based intervention to
reduce maternal depression and
improve child health
N. Husain
1 ,∗
, T . Kiran
2 , B. Fatima
2 , I.B.Chaudhry
1 , Q.Saeed
2 ,S.N. Masood
3 , M.Husain
4 , S.N. Zafar
5 , N.Gire (Student)
6 ,M.H. Alvi
2 , S. Khoja
7 , F. Naeem
The University of Manchester, The Institute of Brain, Behaviour and
Mental Health, Manchester, United Kingdom
Pakistan Institute of Learning and Living (PILL), Research and
Development, Karachi, Pakistan