24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805
Murder-suicide by aircrew is an event that is the cul-
mination of undetected, ignored or even condoned discrete events
that gradually progress and insidiously escalate. The importance
of psychological factors in this catastrophic event needs to be dis-
seminated amongst psychiatrists, and aircrew medical examiners.
Ascertainingwhich components of suicide prevention programmes
are effective in early recognition of aircrew who may attempt or
complete the murder-suicide and putting into practice these to
optimize the use of limited resources, is therefore essential and
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Clinical morbidity at pregnancy: The
role of previous suicidal attempts and
M.J. Soares
1 ,∗
, S. Bos
1, A.T. Pereira
1, M. Marques
1, B. Maia
A. Macedo
Faculty of Medicine, University of Coimbra, Department of
Psychological Medicine, Coimbra, Portugal
The Catholic University of Portugal, Braga Regional Centre, Faculty
of Philosophy, Braga, Portugal
Corresponding author.
Previous suicide attempts are a consistent risk fac-
tor for suicide. Repetition has been associated with higher future
morbidity and suicidality.
To examine the relationship between psychological vari-
ables at pregnancy and previous repetition of suicidal attempts,
first attempts and absence of attempts.
The sample comprise 568 third trimester pregnant
women, mean aged 29.82 years (SD = 4.55; variance = 17–44). Pre-
vious suicidal behaviors were assessed with diagnostic interview
for genetic studies, depressionwith PDSS and BDI-II, and affect with
POMS. Current suicidal thoughts were assessed with PDSS dimen-
sion; hopelessness and helplessness by summing the scores of the
POMS items hopeless/gloomy; and lonely/helpless, respectively.
Repeaters (R;
= 11, 1.9%) scored higher than non-
repeaters (NR;
= 20, 3.5%) in most of the clinical variables, but
only significantly in sleeping/eating disturbances (PDSS).
R and NR when compared to women who never attempted
suicide (NA;
= 535, 94.5%) both revealed significant higher
levels of depressive/hostility affect (POMS), BDI-II total score,
suicide ideation, guilt/shame (PDSS) and anxiety/insecurity or anx-
iety/somatic (PSDD or BDI-II).
In comparison with NA, R also revealed significant higher levels of
negative affect (POMS), PDSS total score, loss of self, mental con-
fusion (PDSS), cognitive and affective symptoms, fatigue (BDI-II),
hopelessness and helplessness. NR also differs from NA in their
higher emotional liability (PDSS).
Women with previous suicide attempts are at ele-
vated risk for high depressive symptoms, negative affect and
suicide ideation at pregnancy. Compared to never attempters,
repeaters revealed high morbidity than first attempters. The inter-
vention in pregnancy must carefully assess previous history of
suicide attempts.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Suicidal behavior of females due to
alcohol consumption in the
population of indigenous minorities
of the Russian Far East
E. Solodkaia
1 ,∗
, I. Loginov
1, V. Sergina
1, A. Zhurbuk
1, S. Savin
H. Jian
Far Eastern State Medical University, Psychiatry and Narcology,
Khabarovsk, Russia
Computer Center of FEB RAS, Laboratory of medical information,
Khabarovsk, Russia
Harbin Medical University, Psychiatry, Harbin, Russia
Corresponding author.
Current research aimed at more in-depth analysis
of suicidal behavior caused by alcohol consumption among women
and the development of effective and innovative approaches to its
prevention and correction.
To identify the main patterns of correlation of clini-
cal, personal, social and environmental components in the genesis
of suicidal behavior, as a result of alcohol use among women in
the indigenous population of the Russian Far East. Participants in
the current study consisted of 50 females with alcohol dependence
(ICD-10 criteria).
Identification of clinical, social, ethno-cultural laws of
structure formation of suicidal behavior among women of repro-
ductive age due to alcohol consumption in the population of the
indigenous peoples of the Far East to the development of effective
measures of correction and prevention of suicidal behavior.
Clinical and catamnestic and experimental psychologi-
cal methods.
The study involved 50 females with alcohol dependence,
70% of them had suicidal tendencies, of which 55% had suicidal
thoughts, 45% had a history of suicide attempts. The obtained data
on suicidal behavior in women caused by alcohol, the represen-
tatives of indigenous peoples of the population of the Khabarovsk
On the basis of an integrative approach to the assess-
ment of patients with suicidal behavior, created a model forecast
the effectiveness of therapy of this disease to predict the effec-
tiveness of treatment of mental disorders, affective register at
admission to the clinic. Develop an optimal algorithm for rehabil-
itation measures that will improve the quality of life of patients
studied groups.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Suicidal behavior in a psychiatric
emergency room
J. Teixeira Silva
, M. Gonc¸ alves , D. Rafaela , A. Craveiro
Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra, Psychiatry, Coimbra,
Corresponding author.
Recent studies alerted for the increasing number of
suicidal patients at emergency rooms. These suicide attempts are
not restricted to any age group, ethnicity or socioeconomic status
and are not always associated with psychiatric comorbidity.
Characterize the suicide attempters admitted to a
Portuguese emergency room during a 3-month period (July to
September 2010).
The aim of the present study was to improve effectiveness
of suicidal behavior intervention in the emergency care setting.
A retrospective descriptive study was conducted by
consulting hospital records. Socio-demographic and clinical data
were collected. Statistics were performed with SPSS.