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24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805



Suicidal behavior were more frequent among females

with previous psychiatric history. The most used method was

medication overdose. Psychiatric comorbidity like depression and

substance abuse were commonly present. The majority of suicide

attempt patients were discharged without hospitalization.


The emergency room is a vital setting for suicide

prevention and may be the only access to healthcare available for

some patients. The physicians must be capable to quickly assess the

potential lethality of a suicidal behavior and create a safe treatment

plan to prevent future suicide attempts.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Suicide risk assessment and

prevention interventions in military


A. Teo

VA Portland Health Care System, HSR&D, Portland, USA


Concerns over suicide among military veterans has

been as issue of major public and policy concern, particularly by

the Veterans Health Administration (VHA), which is the largest

integrated health care system in the United States.

Objectives and aims

The reasons for suicide risk and means to

reduce risk in this population have been under active investiga-

tion and implementation. The aim of this presentation is to review

recent trends in suicide risk assessment and suicide prevention

interventions within the VHA in the United States.


A literature review consisting of an electronic database

search of PubMed, “gray literature” search, and manual search for

articles related to suicide in military personnel and veterans was



In recent years, annual VHA rates of completed sui-

cide have ranged from approximately 34 to 40 suicides per

100,000 person-years, rates significantly higher than the general

US population. Risk assessment methods examined in military vet-

eran populations have primarily included self-report instruments,

scales, and checklists. Recently, “big data” approaches to analysis

of electronic medical records have shown promise in stratifying

veterans into high- and low-risk groups. VHA suicide prevention

initiatives have included extensive staff hiring, development of

research centers and data-sharing agreements focused on suicide,

a national telephone crisis line, routine suicide risk assessment and

screening, and suicide safety plans.


Military veterans in the US receiving care in the VHA

have a variety of risk factors for suicide and continue to be at ele-

vated risk despite implementation of numerous suicide prevention


Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his declaration

of competing interest.


A new evidence-based

neuropsychological model of suicidal

propensity and suicide based in


L.-H. Thorell

Linkoping University, Linkoping, Sweden


Objectively validated models of the depressed

suicide are lacking. Early observations that electrodermal hypore-

activity was strongly related to suicide in depression required an

untraditional statistical approach that was applied on materials

from published materials with between themselves totally con-

firming results.


A plausible explanation model of the relationship had

to be developed.


The aims were to investigate the nature of electrodermal

hyporeactivity and its possible causes and connections to other

suicide relevant factors and to formulate a coherent model of the

depressed suicide.


Published materials with in- and outpatients (in

total > 900 patients) comprising follow-up of suicide and tests of

habituation of the electrodermal response were analysed. Symp-

tomatology, gender, age and other variables were considered and

so were knowledge and theories from other scientists.


The apparent loss of or considerably reduced specific

electrodermal orienting (curiosity) responses in future depressed

suicide victims showed clear relationships to and clear indepen-

dence of considered important suicidal factors.


Loss of specific orienting responses indicates loss

of hippocampal CA3 plasticity. CA3 areas are early and centrally

positioned in the information processing of neocortical sensory

input supporting the hypothesis of a particular neuropsychologi-

cal dysfunction disabling normal cognitive and emotional curiosity

reactions to everyday events. It is proposed that this dysfunction

may make the depressed person ready to leave the everyday life

and fearless of imminent pain – a loss of two important barriers

against suicide.

It seems righteous to propose this basically objectively validated

model as a plausible explanation of the depressed suicide.

Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his declaration

of competing interest.


Attempted suicide among patients

attending neuropsychiatry

department – a study from tertiary

care neuroscience hospital in


M.M.J. Uddin

National Institute of Neurosciences and Hospital, Psychiatry, Dhaka,



Attempted suicide is a growing problem with sig-

nificant clinical and public health importance globally as well as

developing countries like Bangladesh. Psychiatric disorders are the

most common reasons for suicide or suicidal behavior among other

causes of such behavior.


The objective of the study was to find out the sui-

cide attempters among the patients with psychiatric disorders

attending the neuropsychiatry department of National Institute of

Neurosciences and Hospital (NINS&H), Dhaka, Bangladesh.


This descriptive cross-sectional study was done in

NINS&H, Dhaka, Bangladesh from July 2013 to August 2014. Psy-

chiatric diagnoses of the patients were done by the psychiatrist

following Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

– IV-Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR) diagnostic criteria. Ethical issues

were maintained strictly.


Total 63 patients were found with history of single or

more than one suicidal attempt out of 954 patients. Among the sui-

cidal attempters, 34 (53.97%) were male and majority 38 (60.32%)

belonged to 20 years to 40 years age group. In this study, the most

common methods of suicidal attempt were found taking over dose

of sedatives and multiple drugs 22 (34.92%), ingestion of pesticides

and other corrosive agents 17 (26.98%) and hanging 14 (22.22%).

Psychiatric disorders wise distributions of suicidal attempters were

found major depressive disorder 18 (28.57%), borderline personal-

ity disorder 14 (22.22%), schizophrenia and related disorders 10
