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24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805


solved by his own, with no need to visit a therapist. Also, most of

the times, religious and ethnic beliefs, along with existing micro

cultures are interfering with psychiatrist’s treatments.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


The effect of treatment recognition

based on mental conscious on

decreasing depression and stress on

those affected by lupus disease and by

3 months follow up

A. Golmohammadi Hafshejani


, N. Farrokhi Namini

2 ,


S. Ghahari



University Of Isfahan, Clinical Psychology, Isfahan, Iran


Payame Noor University, Qazvin, Iran, Psychology, Tehran, Iran


Faculty Member of Islamic Azad University Tonkabon, Clinical

Psychology, Tehran, Iran

Corresponding author.


Systemic lupus erythemataus is a chronic inflam-

matory disease of the multimedia system that appears on renal

involvement, cortical-mucous, bloody, and neurotic.


The target of this study is to examine the effect of treatment

recognition based on mental conscious on decreasing depression

intensity on lupus disease and three month follow up.


The method of study is semi-test by targeted random

selection in access in which we have used of pretest by observe

group. Volume of sample includes 200 women afflicted by lupus

and among them about 20 were ready to cooperate and in study

duration were in related improvement situation and have been

evaluated. They have been grouped in the two test group (ten per-

sons) and observe one (10 persons) in which two persons has been

excluded from test group and we have excluded two persons from

observe group, too. Test group has received eight MBCT treatment

sessions but observe group has not received any treatment. Beck

depression questionnaire (BDI-II) and brief signs of psychology

questionnaire (BSI-53) have been performed as pretest and after

clinical test, post test and three-month-follow up has been done.

We have used of descriptive statics and co-variance for analysis.


Findings has shown that treatment recognition based on

mental consciousness, meaningfully have an effect on decreasing

remained signs of depression.


Three-month-follow up has shown that treatment

recognition based on mental consciousness, had an effect on

depression disorder, anxiety disorder, and lupus patients.


Treatment recognition based on mental

consciousness; Depression; Erytmatosus systematic Lupus

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Integrative psychotherapy model on

somatoform disorders patients

B. Fedak

Healthcare Utility Regional Clini


al Hospital, Centre of urgent

medical care A, chief medical officer, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Last 12 years in Ukraine the special priority has the problem of

somatoform disorders.

The most significant role belongs to the patient’s self-evaluation of

the influence of the disease on their social functioning, influence

essential past of the self-picture of the disease and the important

point of therapeutic rehabilitation intervention.

On the basis of the examined 300 patients on somatoformdisorders

and 210 patients on ischemic cordial disease, we have elaborated

a formal test that allows evaluating quantitatively the influents of

the disease on various spheres of patients’ social status.

It was absolutely unrespectable the common for ischemic cordial

and somatoform disorders patients rise of significance of personal

individual, common life factors in cases of aggravation of the main

disease course. We created the integrative psychotherapy system

with cognitive-behavioral, suggestive and autosuggestive imple-


Elucidation of peculiarity of personal perception of the disease

served as basis of elaboration of purposeful system of psy-

chotherapy, consulting, psychological support for patients with

high-effectiveness 1.5–3 years catamnesis in 85% patients.

The retrospective results showed the necessity the target-oriented

integrative models of psychotherapy, parted on stages. On the first

stage-sedative-adapting the receptions of cognitive and suggestive

psychotherapy are used. There is group therapy on second-main-

stage. On the third stage-supportive-elements of the autogenic

training mastered.

Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his/her decla-

ration of competing interest.


Group therapy with eating disorders

E. Garcia

1 ,

, R. Martinez


, M. Leon


, F. Polo



Ciudad Real, Spain


Hospital General de Ciudad Real, USMIJ, Ciudad Real, Spain

Corresponding author.

The aim of this abstract is shown the results obtained working, into

a group model, with adolescents that suffer eating disorders.

One issue that is common with that group of patients is a social

dysfunction that makes them to isolate or start risk conducts as a

way to integrate with partners.

In some cases, isolation or risks conducts are difficult to work in a

individual or family therapy model, as both of them are lack of the

generational issues that adolescents live daily.

So, although they may accept the need to improve their relations

and social functioning, they will argue that it is not possible and

that parents or therapists do not know about how difficult is that

in their world.

That way, in this group of patients, it is not rare that therapy become

a frustrating experience that enworse patients.

One solution could be group therapy because it solves generational

issues and let patients help other patients to improve.

The problem is that when we put together patients with eating

disorders one risk is that eating conduct hidden other goals.

We analyse our experience with adolescents with eating disor-

ders and group therapy, explaining our model, goals, problems and


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Retrieving and projecting Jung’s

transcendent function with

complexes and the



M. Gildersleeve

Brisbane, Australia

This presentation will retrieve Jung’s work on the transcendent

function and complexes as well as a phenomenological and onto-

logical interpretation of Jung’s work on the
