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24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805



Hospital Clinical Center Rijeka, Department of Psychiatry, Rijeka,


Corresponding author.


Zagreb Institute for Group Analysis Training Pro-

gramme took place in Tuzla University Clinical Centre, Depart-

ment of Psychiatry, in Bosnia-Herzegovina (BH) in response to

1992–1995 war, in helping to train mental health workers in GA

to enable them to treat psychological trauma symptoms of war



The primary objective focused on educational process

in Group Analysis (GA) in post-war BH which resulted with build-

ing capacities to continue education of new generation of Group

Analysis trainees from national educators.


Authors described realization of educational process

considering the two Diploma courses and process of supervision,

which was provided from the Institute for GA (IGA) Zagreb, Croatia.


Internationally approved IGA trainers provided com-

pleted training for trainees: neuropsychiatrists, neurosurgeon,

residents, nurses, psychologists, social workers, special educators,

paediatrician, and gynaecologist from several different institutions

from seven different cities in BH and Croatia. Training started

during the war period with introduction courses and continues

with two Diploma Courses. Nowadays in BH are nine graduated

Group Analysts including three of them who completed training

for educators of Group Analysis. They founded Bosnia-Herzegovina

Association of Group Analysis, and GA educators, members of this

Association started training in GA of new generation of mental

health workers.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Family therapy preventing the

recurrent major depression with

alcohol dependence patient against

recurrent episode: A case study of

three cases

H.C. Hsu

, F.Y. Lee , Y.C. Chen

Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital, Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical Foundation,

Department of Psychiatry, Chia-yi county, Taiwan

Corresponding author.

Major depressive disorder with alcohol dependence is an easily

recurrent disorder, and its dysfunction has increased risk of recur-

rence. The main purpose of the family therapy model at issue is

to prevent the recurrent major depression with alcoholism patient

against recurrent episode.

All three patients have had more than 10 relapses and hospital-

izations during the past 5 years. Focuses of the therapy are on

the apples drawn by the patient (DDAA), the patient, the couple,

and the patient–child relationship. Keywords are gathered from

every participant during the therapy session. Besides, the sub-

jects to have verbalizedmeaningful ideas or successful experiences

are immediately, intensely praised by applause. DAILY DRAW AN

APPLE (DDAA) homework is that the patient has drawn an apple

on a calendar everyday and shares with family members about

the apple as well as the patient’s feelings of the day. The partic-

ipants of the therapy are the patient, wife/husband, children and

the therapists (psychiatrist, social worker). The frequency of the

model is from once weekly to twice monthly. Each session consists

of the 10minutes pre-session, the 40minutes therapeutic session,

the 10minutes post-session. All patients have never been relapsed

over the past 18months after receiving our family therapy under


Finally, with the aid of the family therapy, they have been almost

free from affective symptoms and the ambivalence, guilty feeling

toward family, frustrations have been steadily gradually improved.

To prevent the recurrent major depression with alcohol depen-

dence patient against recurrent episode has been achieved in family

therapy presented here.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Influence of art therapy in complex

treatment on the quality of remission

in patients with recurrent depressive


V. Korostiy

, S. Hmain

Kharkivnational medical university, Psychyatry-narcology and

medical psychology, Kharkov, Ukraine

Corresponding author.


According to studies done in recent years regarding

the treatment of patients with recurrent depressive disorder, a shift

of interest from studies evaluating the effectiveness of therapy to

the study of remission is seen. According to the literature, complete

remission occurs in only 40–50% of patients, in other cases there is

residual symptoms.


Evaluating the effectiveness of art therapy in treatment in

patients with recurrent depressive disorder on the quality of remis-



The study involved135patients: 60 male and75 female

patients aged from 18 to 30 years old. The main group of patients

apart the combined treatment also participated in group art ther-

apy with the use of drawing techniques, while the control group –

statutory standard therapy. We used clinical, psychopathological,

psychodiagnostic and statistical methods.


The results of the effectiveness of art therapy in com-

plex treatment in patients with recurrent depressive disorder is

detected primarily in reducing of the level of anxiety at the early

stages of treatment, as well as in reducing of the severity of anhe-

donia and improving the quality of life in remission period.


These results support the use of art therapy in treat-

ment in patients with recurrent depressive disorder during period

of active treatment, and after achieving clinical remission con-

tributes to achieving and maintaining high-quality and stable

remission with full restoration of quality of life and social func-


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


The effectiveness of mindfulness on

motivation and academic

achievement and increase confidence

in students of Azad University of

Kerman City, Iran, 2015

A. Mehdizadeh Zare Anari

, Z. S


Islamic Azad university of Kerman, psychology, Kerman, Iran

Corresponding author.

Motivations have a significant impact on the level of academic

achievement. Academic achievement and self-confidence have

mutual relationship. Mindfulness is attention firmly to the expec-

tations of time that we have considered otherwise. People with

conscious mind have a great ability to deal with a wide range of

thoughts, emotions and experiences.

Materials and methods

The present research is of quasi-

experiment typewith pretest-posttest design togetherwith control

group. The sample consisted of 40 students were studying at the