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24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805


the modification of the oral regimen. PANSS and CGI. Metabolic

profile: weight, glycaemia, and total cholesterol, LDL and HDL,

triglycerides. Cost at the beginning and after 6 months.


Mean age: 44.50 years, 54% women. Marital status: 54%

single, 27% married, 27% divorced. Mean time from diagnosis:

11 years. Toxic consumption: 27% active, 18% ex-drug users. Three

patients were readmitted after introducing LAA, 2 of them were

for abandoning medication (including LAA). PANSS at 6 months

showed statistically significant differences in negative subscale

(3 points). No statistical differences in positive and general psy-

chopathology subscales. No metabolic side effect was found.

Average saving per patient 37.05 euros per month

( Fig. 1 ).


This study signalizes that LAA is an effective treat-

ment. Clinically, it has been shown that our patients improve

adherence and prevent relapse. Moreover, nometabolic side effects

were found. Besides, LAA is also efficient and we would save 407,55

euros per month.

Fig. 1

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Twenty-four months experience of

paliperidone long-acting injection in a

Spanish psychiatric service: A mirror

image analysis

C. Gómez Sánchez-Lafuente

1 ,

, R. Reina Gonzalez



F. Moreno De Lara


, A. De Severac Cano


, E. Mateos Carrasco



A. González Moreno



Hospital Universitario Virgen de la Victoria, Psychiatry, Málaga,



Hospital Regional Universitario, General Practitioner, Málaga, Spain

Corresponding author.


Lack of adherence is a common cause of relapse in

schizophrenia. Long-acting antipsychotics have shown in recent

studies that they improve compliance. However, some randomised

controlled trials showed no difference in relapse rates between oral

medication and long-acting injections.


To report the use of paliperidone palmitate in an Acute

Psychiatrist Unit in Spain.


Retrospective observational study of 42 patients pre-

scribed paliperidone palmitate (PLAI) during an admission at Acute

Psychiatric unit in Málaga. In the mirror image analysis, the main

outcome measure was the total number of days of psychiatric

inpatient care twelve months before and after patients started

Paliperidone palmitate.


Most common reason for starting paliperidone palmi-

tate was lack of adherence to oral medication (54%) followed

by lack of efficacy on previous medication (31%). Olanzapine

(47%) and risperidone (41%) were most commonly antipsychotics

prescribed before PLAI. Thirty-four patients continued PLAI over

twelve months (80%). Poor compliance was the most common

reason of withdrawal. Three patients had a movement disorder

adverse effect. Only one was lost because adverse effects. Total

admissions and inpatients days were significantly reduced from

the previous treatment to PLAI-treatment period

( Table 1 ).


PLAI was associated with a reduction in total inpa-

tient days. The financial saving from reduced admissions stays

exceeded the acquisition and administration cost of PLAI. Improved

compliance because of PLAI is themost plausible explanation of this


( Fig. 1 ).

Table 1

Previous treatment period PLAI period

Total Admissions



Inpatient stays in days 943


Mean reduction in inpatient stays

10 days

Financial saving (euro/patient/year)


Fig. 1

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.