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24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805


be associated with an elevated frequency of metabolic alterations

causing an important weight disorder and glucose and lipid home-

ostasis, diminishing life expectations for these patients, likely to

develop metabolic syndrome without proper control.


This study intended to find the association between

metabolic syndrome in patients with psychotropic treatments used

in the Guatemalan Institute of Social Security (IGSS).


Cohort Study (


= 43 patients) who were treated

combined with antipsychotics and mood stabilizers or antidepres-

sants, conducting checkups at the beginning, then two to four

months after, evaluating diagnosis of metabolic syndrome accord-

ing to the criteria stated by the International Diabetes Federation



Risk factorwith the use of clozapine and valproic acidwas

revealed after four months of exposure (RR = 2.32). With the use of

clozapine and mood stabilizers a risk factor was prevalent with

exposure after four months (RR = 2.67), and with the use of antide-

pressants a protective factor for the development of metabolic

syndrome was revealed at four months of exposure (RR = 0.3741).


the use of antipsychotics in combination with mood

stabilizers represents a risk factor for developing metabolic syn-

drome, especially the association with valproic acid.


Metabolic syndrome; Clozapine; Stabilizers;


Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his declaration

of competing interest.


Antipsychotics-induced leukopenia

and neutropenia: A case report and

review of literature

H. Maatallah

, H. Ben Ammar , M. Said , A. Aissa

Razi Hospital, Tunis, Tunisia

Corresponding author.


Antipsychotic drugs effectively control psychotic

symptoms, but may cause important side effects, significantly

increasing morbidity and mortality. Hematologic abnormalities

are frequent and may be life-threatening in some patients. Many

prospective investigations confirmed neutropenia as a frequent

occurrence with virtually all atypical antipsychotics.

Objective and methods

Define epidemiological, clinical and ther-

apeutic characteristics of antipsychotics – induced leukopenia and

neutropenia through a case report and a review of literature.

Case report

Patient 28 years old native of Tunis, with fam-

ily history: brother who suffer of undifferentiated schizophrenia.

Since the age of 16 years he has been followed for disorga-

nized schizophrenia (DSM IV). He was initially put under Haldol

Decanoate (2 months), fluphenazine (2 months), amisulpride (3

months), sulpride (2 months), olanzapine (3 months), Rispreri-

done (1 month), aripiprazole (5 months) leukopenia/neutropenia

is occurring during treatment with each molecule and which

promptly resolved after discontinuation. Reduced white blood cell

count has also been reported after addition of lithium. Actually an

ECT is proposed for this patient.


This case report shows the importance of hematolog-

ical monitoring during the course of typical or atypical treatment.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Sociodemographic variables and

efficacy study in psychotic patients

after 12 months of outpatient

treatment with paliperidone

palmitate (PP)

P. Manzur Rojas

, P. Botias Cegarra , M.R. Raposo Hernandez ,

M.I. Ibernon Caballero , A. Sanchez Bahillo ,

A.L. Gonzalez Galdamez , M.J. Martinez Mirete , A. Belmar Simo ,

M.A. Carrillo Cordoba

Centro de Salud Mental de Cartagena, Psiquiatria, Cartagena, Spain

Corresponding author.


Psychotic disorders are seriousmental illnesses that

compromise the quality of life of patients. It is important to know

the characteristics of the affected population, seek to improve the

adhesion and functionality.


To describe the sociodemographic characteristics of

patients treated with Palmitato Paliperidona (PP). Analyze the effi-

cacy variables, adherence to treatment.


Cross-sectional study of 15 patients in outpatient

follow-up after 12 months of treatment with PP. Sociodemographic

characteristics are collected, mean dose of PP, through a mir-

ror study. Scales to measure the functionality, clinical status and

attitude towards medication apply: Scale of personal and social

functioning (PSP), Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS), Clinical

Global Impression Scale (CGI-SI) and attitudes toward Inventory

Medication (DAI).


The sample consists of 15 patients (54% male). 81% are

single; 77% live alone and 94% not working. The mean dose of PP is

147mg/month. DAI shows a good attitude to the treatment (80%).

The PSP shows that 22% of patients have serious difficulties in its

development. The CGI-SI shows that 67% are moderately sick and

the BPRS that 33% of patients have a serious disorder.


The demographic profile of patients after 12 months

of treatment with PP coincides withmale, unmarried, unemployed,

living alone. Most have good adherence. The variables measured

by the CGI-SI, BPRS and PSP, displayed moderately ill patients with

severe difficulties or marked on their autonomy.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


About existence of overmedication in

patients with depressive symptoms

and the appearance of un-induced

movement disorder

P. Manzur Rojas

, M.A. Carrillo Cordoba , A. Sanchez Bahillo ,

M.R. Raposo Hernandez , P. Botias Cegarra , M.I. Ibernon Caballero

Centro de Salud Mental de Cartagena, Psiquiatria, Cartagena, Spain

Corresponding author.

Overmedication and the combined use of various antidepressants

while increasingly seen in daily clinical practice. The drug-induced

Parkinsonism, often presented as tremor, rigidity, bradykinesia

and impaired postural reflexes. The syndrome is caused by mul-

tiple drug drugs can be classified into high risk, intermediate and

low. This case is a 75-year-old woman diagnosed with recurrent

depressive disorder, which after several adjustments in medica-

tion for depressive symptoms with poor response to treatment.

It is referred by her family doctor to the neurologist at the

onset of tremors in limbs, dyskinesia orolinguales, rigidity and

bradykinesia. After studies to rule out organic neurology disease, is

derived psychiatry for changing inducing drugs parkinsonism. The

last scheduled treatment was: Mirtazapine 15mg/day, quetiapine

25mg/day, Clonazepam 2mg/day, paroxetine 40mg/day, Sulpiride