24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805
50–150mg daily. After confirming parkinsonism signs, psychia-
try proceeds to changing pharmacology, with slow decline until
suspension of antipsychotics, paroxetine by venlafexina change,
and also change of antihypertensive (captopril). After review at 2
months it is seen signs of improvement parkinsonism, appreciating
the mental patient improvement with decreased physical discom-
fort and keeping the improvement in the last review (4 month)
with venlafaxine 150mg/day, Lorazepam 1mg casual. The preva-
lence of drug-induced Parkinson’s can go from 15 to 32% of the
population. Risk factors identified are: advanced age, family pre-
disposition, doses and drug power inductor, female gender and the
presence of brain atrophy. The main objective should be to prevent
the onset of Parkinson drug, to monitor patients that may be at
higher risk of developing it.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Doctor I have painful erections
F. Medini
, L. Menif , G. Jmii , F. Ghali , M. Zeghal ,
L. Robbana , S. Derouiche , W. Melki
Hospital razi, psychiatry D, Jardin D El Menzah, Tunisia
Corresponding author.
Ischemic (veno-occlusive, low flow) priapism is a
painful and persistent penile erection unrelated to sexual desire or
stimulation. In some cases, it is an adverse event of antipsychotic
Materials and methods
An Internet search was initiated using
the search engines: Direct Sciences; Medline and keywords “Penile
erection; priapism; Antipsychotic agents; Side effects” andwe illus-
trated our literature review by a clinical vignette of a man aged
38 years followed for schizophrenia placed under Fluphenazine
125mg/month from5 years who consulted us inmay 2015 because
of priapism and he described painful and prolonged erection
episodes evolving for approximately 5 days.
Medical literaturementionsmany cases of venous pri-
apism in patients treated by conventional or atypical neuroleptics.
About 30% of venous priapisms could be related to drugs of which
approximately 50% to neuroleptics. This side effect is related to
alpha1-adrenergic blocking properties of these treatments, more
or less important depending on the drugs in this class. After emer-
gency treatment, the priapism is the problem of the continued
neuroleptic treatment. The substitution of onemolecule by another
alpha-1 blocking properties to the less marked is recommended.
The venous priapism is a uro-andrological emergency
requiring prompt treatment to prevent erectile sequelae.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Modulation of corticospinal
excitability by valerian officinalis root
extract: A neuropharmacological
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
(TMS) study
L. Mineo
1 ,∗
, C . Concerto
1 , Y. Sarraf
2 , E. Giokas
2 , M.Paula
2 ,D. Coira
3, C. Ellen
2, E. Aguglia
1, F. Battaglia
Unit of Psychiatry, Department of clinical and experimental
medicine, Catania, Italy
New York College of Podiatric Medicine, Department of Preclinical
Sciences, New York, USA
Hackensack University Medical Center, Psychiatry and Behavioral
Medicine, Hackensack, NJ, USA
Seton Hall University, Health and medical sciences, South Orange,
Corresponding author.
Valerian officinalis roots extract is a popular med-
ication for insomnia and anxiety treatment. Sedative effect of
Valerian is mainly attributed to the modulation of gabaergic trans-
mission, but its pharmacodynamics has not been fully elucidated.
To investigate the acute effects of Valerian Officinalis
extracts intake on corticoexcitability as measured by TMS.
To obtain further data on Valerian pharmacodynamics.
Twelve healthy volunteers participated in a double-
blind randomized crossover placebo-controlled study. They were
required to take either 900mg of Valerian officinalis extract
(valerenic acid 0.8%) or placebo. Focal TMS of the hand area of
left motor cortex was used to test Resting motor threshold (RMT),
Motor evoked potentials (MEPs) amplitude and silent period dura-
tion (SP). We also tested Short-interval Intracortical Inhibition
(SICI), Intracortical facilitation (ICF), Short and Long afferent Inhi-
bition (SAI and LAI). All parameters were investigated at baseline,
1 hour and 6 hours after drug intake. After a 3-weekwashout period
the subjects switched to the alternate arm of the study.
A mixed RMANOVA revealed a significant main effect of
“time” [F
= 4.03,
= 0.02] and a significant “treatment
interaction [F
= 6.3,
= 0.003]. Post-hoc analysis indicated that
the amount of ICF was significantly reduced 1 hour after Valerian
intake (
= 0.01) returning to baseline values after 6 hours. No sig-
nificant changes between the Valerian and placebo groups were
observed for the other parameters investigated.
Themodulation of ICF induced by Valerian officinalis
is likely due to glutamatergic antagonism and might underlie the
anti-anxiety therapeutic effects.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Tolerability of desvenlafaxine in
clinical practice: An observational
phase-IV study
B. Navarro
1 ,∗
, I. Perez
2, L. Perez
1, L. Erkoreka
1, A. Arroita
Red de Salud Mental de Bizkaia, CSM Barakaldo, Bilbao, Spain
Hospital Universitario Cruces, psiquiatría, Barakaldo, Spain
Corresponding author.
Desvenlafaxine is a SNRI which presents lowaffinity
for muscarinic, H1 and 1 in vitro receptors and a marginal hep-
atic metabolism. Different studies have shown effectiveness and
a favorable tolerability profile, but only a few of them have been
realized independently.
Objectives and aims
To study the incidence and characteristics of
short-termdesvenlafaxine side effects (SE) in daily clinical practice.
A total of 123 patients with recently introduced desven-
lafaxine treatment are recruited from Barakaldo and Uribe-Kosta
Mental Health Centers, and UKU scale is administered to measure
SE. Descriptive data are calculated using SPSS v.22.
SE are observed in 30.09%. Among these, 5.69% experi-
mented improvement or disappearance of SE with dose reduction,
whereas 16.26% had to stop DVF treatment. The most frequent SE
was nausea/vomiting (7.3%), followed by dry mouth (4.9%), blurred
vision (4.9%), tachycardia (4.1%), sexual SE (4.1%) and tension/inner
unrest (4.1%). Among the patients with anxiety disorders, 27.78%
present SE versus 30.47% of patients with other diagnoses.
The characteristics of SE with DVF in daily clinical
practice are comparable to those found in previous studies, and
the overall profile is more benign than other AD. Aspects such
as gender and sexual function must be considered. In patients
with anxious symptoms DVF is also effective and ES are presented