24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805
Materials and methods
Two-year observational and descriptive
study. Patients admitted to the Mental Health Hospital Unit
(MHHU) from January 2013 to July 2014, with a first psychotic
episode and under paliperidone palmitate treatment. Monitoring
and evaluation sixmonths after hospital discharge. Theywere eval-
uated using the PANSS and BPRS scales at four different time points
of the evolutionary process.
Average scores of the BPRS scale: 39 on admission day,
27 on day of discharge, 23 on the third month and 20 on the sixth
month. Average score of PANSS scale: PANSS-PG: 64 on admission
day, 48 on day of discharge, 25 on the 3rd month, and 20 on the
6th month. PANSS-P: 41 on admission day, 21 on day of discharge,
12 on the 3rd month, and 10 on the 6th month. PANSS-N: 21 on
admission, 11 at discharge, 8 on 3rd month and 7 on 6th month. No
clinically significant side effects were observed that would lead to
the modification of the doses or the abandonment of the treatment
in this period.
The results of this observational study show that the
start of the treatment with PAP is associated with an observable
clinical response on the 4th day. The evaluation scales at the 3rd
and 6th months also suggest the maintenance of efficacy of the
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Effective doses of paliperidone
palmitate (PAP): Retrospective
analysis from three years of treatment
S. Galiano Rus
1 ,∗
, A. Soler Iborte
2, C. Quesada González
Servicio Andaluz de Salud-UGC Jaén Norte, Unidad de Salud Mental
Hospitalaria, Úbeda-Jaén, Spain
Servicio Andaluz de Salud-UGC Jaén Norte, Unidad de Salud Mental
Comunitaria, Linares-Jaén, Spain
Servicio Andaluz de Salud-UGC Jaén, Unidad de Salud Mental
Hospitalaria, Jaén, Spain
Corresponding author.
The use of PAP is already much extended in general.
The recommendeddoses in the technical specifications of the drugs,
as the result of trial studies, differ from the doses administered in
habitual clinical practice. Therefore, the justification of this study
is to monitor the average doses prescribed, to be able to reach an
agreement on the best doses. To retrospectively analyze the first
32 patients in our area of healthcare, who were prescribed PAP, the
doses used at the start of treatment and after 3 years.
Materials and methods
Two initial doses of PAP were analyzed,
maximum and current (outpatient) in 32 patients attended in the
area of mental health of North Jaen, who started the treatment with
PAP between 2012 and 2013, with an average length of time of 2.55
years (SD 2.02). We evaluated the diagnosis (schizophrenia and
related disorders, ICD-10 F20), the number of hospital admissions
previous and posterior to the start of the treatment and change in
Average doses: initial: 110.15mg (SD 32.83), maximum:
165.51mg (SD 29.76) and maintenance: 146.81mg (SD 29.59).
Average hospital admissions: prior and posterior to the start of
treatment: 1.5 and 0.83. An average reduction of 44.06% in admis-
sions was observed.
The data obtained suggests that a dose of 75–200mg
could be effective in the maintenance of patients with schizophre-
nia and for decreasing the number of newhospital admissions. Fifty
percent of the cases can be compensated with long acting peliperi-
done as a monotherapy.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Discontinuation, read missions and
polytherapy with long-acting
antipsychotics: An observational
I. García Cabeza
, P. Pérez Marín , H. De Diego
Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Mara˜non, Psychiatry,
Madrid, Spain
Corresponding author.
Introduction and aim
Long-acting antipsychotics (LAIs) provide
certain advantages over oral medications. The aim of our study is
to determine whether there are differences between the various
long-acting injectable antipsychotics available in our environment.
A retrospective observational study with psychotic
patients discharged with LAIs was designed. Data on discontin-
uation, relapses and associated drugs in the discharge and in a
year follow-up were collected. Fifty-seven patients were included:
21 risperidone (RLAI), 20 paliperidone palmitate (PP) and 16
first-generation LAIs (FG). Odds ratio was used to compare discon-
test for categorical variables and Kruskal-Wallis test
for independent samples.
Discontinuation was lower with PP: OR
= 2.74 and
= 3.09. There were significant differences in readmis-
sions: rehospitalizations (
= 7.072,
= 0.029) and days of stay
= 8.251;
= 0.016), both lower in the PP group. We found
less use of psychoactive drugs with PP, with significant differ-
ences in the discharge (
= 11.518;
= 0.003) and in the follow-up
= 7.097;
= 0.029). There were also significant differences in the
use of oral antipsychotics in the discharge (
= 27.049,
= 0.000);
anticholinergic drugs in the discharge (
= 7.001,
= 0.03) and
in the follow-up (
= 11.699,
= 0.003) and benzodiazepines in
the follow-up (
= 8.493,
= 0.014), always lower in the group of
patients treated with PP.
Treatment with paliperidone palmitatemay bemore
suitable than other long acting antipsychotics when it starts during
the acute episode.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Economic evaluation of long acting
aripiprazole as maintenance therapy
for paranoid schizophrenia
C. Gómez Sánchez-Lafuente
1 ,∗
, R . Reina Gonzalez
2 ,E. Mateos Carrasco
1 , F. Moreno De Lara
1 , A.De Severac Cano
Hospital Universitario Virgen de la Victoria, Psychiatry, Málaga,
Hospital Regional Universitario, General Practitioner, Málaga, Spain
Corresponding author.
Patient adherence to a treatment regimen is of
utmost importance for successful outcomes in schizophrenia. Long
acting aripiprazole (LAA) is a new drug of depot antipsychotic type
placed in the market recently that could prevent non-adherence
and in reducing relapse in schizoprenia administered every 28
A descriptive, observational study designed to explore
the efficacy and tolerability of long acting aripiprazole in a sam-
ple of patients diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia that were
admitted to Acute Unit in 2014. LAA was introduced on the admis-
Sociodemographic variables: age, sex, and marital sta-
tus. Clinical variables: average time since diagnosis, concomitant
consumption of toxic substances, reason to change medication,
subsequent readmissions after LAA was introduced, evaluation of