24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805
clinical pharmacists and physicians is increasing, mainly because
of payer’s interest to reduce several additional costs.
The main aim of this paper was to present the benefits
of clinical pharmacist interventions in AD patients in community
health centres in Eastern Slovenia.
All included outpatientswith AD in 2013were included,
where clinical pharmacists’ interventions were ordered by the gen-
eral practitioners (GPs). All study data from the patients’ records
were obtained from the clinical pharmacists’ reports and patients’
charts. Main outcome measures were obtained from the summary
of the patients’ treatments and the questionnaires.
Six hundred and twenty-nine patients were included.
Before the clinical pharmacist medications review, 39 patients
were treated with AD medications (10 without established AD). In
51.0% of these cases, the suggestions to GPs were provided (mainly
dose adjustment). In 70.0% of all cases, the recommendations were
accepted by GPs, which led to a total reduction in the number of
patients with IP (before 20 and after 6).
A clinical pharmacist could help GPs in recognizing
IP in patientswith AD. These datawill guide health systemdirectors
and clinical coordinators in allocating resources to establish this
cooperation in more European countries.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Weathering the silver tsunami:
Dementia community services in
C.H. Ting
, W.P. Lim
Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Psychological Medicine, Singapore, Singapore
Corresponding author.
The prevalence of dementia rises with the rapidly
increasing elderly population in developed world. In Singapore,
10% of the elderly population is estimated to have dementia. Other
than physical and psychological needs, social welfare should also
be addressed with the support of specialised geriatric care sources
to improve their quality of life.
To study a case of an elderly with dementia, who was
identified and managed through a multi-agency approach and to
describe different services involved for dementia care.
To highlight the various elderly care organizations available
in Singapore to address healthcare and social needs in dementia.
Through a case report of an elderly who presented to
hospital for medical issues with dementia, the social needs were
identified and multiple agencies were involved to provide holistic
care in dementia.
A 77-year-old gentleman was brought by a community
social worker to hospital as he was found ill during home visit.
During admission, the concern for poor self-care and cognition
decline was raised by his family. Mini-mental state examination
was 16/30. He was diagnosed with vascular dementia with clinical
and MRI Brain finding. With active multidisciplinary intervention,
his medical issues were addressed, and family and social needs
were attended by several voluntary welfare organizations. Access
to memory clinic service was also arranged for. This intervention
also provided opportunity for his long-term care and welfare.
Multi-agency approach is crucial in dementia care to
identify their unmet needs andplan for long-termcare in Singapore.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Hostility and emotional load of
Tunisian caregivers of Alzheimer
patients and its impact on the patient
M. Zghal
1 ,∗
, L. Robbena
2, F. El Ghali
2, I. Ben Ghzaeil
2, R. Rafrafi
Tunis, Tunisia
Hôpital Razi, Mannouba, Tunis, Tunisia
Hôpital Razi, Mannouba, Tunis, Tunisia
Corresponding author.
The studies on Alzheimer disease highlight the fam-
ily caregivers burden and his consequences on hostility. Few
authors study the burden and the mental health of the caregivers
of a demented relative.
This study aims at assessing the hostility and emotional
load of caregivers of Alzheimer patients and determining the rela-
tion between the burden and the psychic health caregivers and its
impact on the patient.
It is a descriptive cross-sectional study. Patients were
recruited from the neurology department of Razi hospital Tunisia
between January and June 2013. Consenting caregivers participat-
ing in the study were interviewed with a structured survey focused
on their socio-demographic characteristics, the characteristics of
the aid relationship and the emotional burden felt valued by the
Family Attitude Scale (FAS).
The caregiver was in nearly 60% a child. He lived under
the same roof in 78.3% of cases. In 65% of cases, it passes between
12 and 24 hours with the patient. FAS score was 52.4
Thirty-five percent of caregivers had a significant emotional bur-
den (score > 60). FAS score was not correlated with the age of the
helping relationship, cohabitationwith the patient or the number of
hours spent with him. The children had a greater emotional charge
than spouses (
= 0.001). The wickedness against the patient and
abuse, the desire to institutionalize were related to the importance
of the emotional charge (
< 0.001).
These hostile thoughts are mostly directed against
the patient but it can also be directed against oneself causing
depression and guilt.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Alcohol intoxication. Emergency
I. Sevillano
1 ,∗
, P. Marqués
1, E. Mayor
1, S. Cepedello
A. San Román
2, R. Hernandez
1, S. Gómez
1, C. Noval
1, F. Uribe
Hospital Clinico Universitario Valladolid, Psiquiatría, Valladolid,
Complejo Asistencial de Zamora, Psiquiatría, Zamora, Spain
Hospital Clínico Universitario Valladolid, Jefe de Servicio de
Psiquiatría, Valladolid, Spain
Corresponding author.
Intoxications are very frequent in urgencies. Their
gravitymust be considered. Mild cases must be observed. In serious
intoxications, despite the basic measures of support, complemen-
tary examinations must be realized to reject complications.
To unify criteria about general management of alcohol
intoxications in urgencies. To propose a guideline that allows taking
suitable decisions.