24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805
To conduct a systematic review to determine the
prevalence and incidence of neuropsychiatric conditions inpatients
with traumatic brain injury.
To determine the association between traumatic brain
injury and psychiatric illness.
A systematic search was made of Medline, PsycINFO,
EMBASE and article bibliographies. Search terms for rates of psy-
chosis, mood disorders, anxiety conditions, organic personality
disorder, neuropsychiatric disorders, neuro-behavioural disorders,
aggression, dementia and frontal lobe disorder were utilised. We
followed MOOSE criteria and did not apply temporal limits.
There were 845 relevant searches in total. After exclu-
sion of duplicates, case reports, case series reports, letters, reviews,
commentaries, systematic reviews, and editorials there were 143
relevant abstracts identified. This was further reduced to a review
of 48 full text papers. We identified prevalence rates of depression
between 6.9–62.5%, mania of 9–12.5%, PTSD 1.9–50%, aggression
28.4–57%, anxiety disorders 6–63% (includingGAD8–9%, agorapho-
bia 2–6%, panic disorder 9%, social phobia 1%) insomnia 11–29%,
personality change of 33.3%, dementia 8.16% and substance use
We have identified significant rates of neuropsy-
chiatric morbidity in patients with traumatic brain injury. We
have particularly identified limited research studies into psychosis,
mania, dementia and personality disorders in this patient group.
The review further emphasises the importance of identifying neu-
ropsychiatric comorbidities in post-traumatic brain injury and the
importance of addressing these comorbidities.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
One risk factor of depression disorder
in Chinese women
Y. Zhang
1 ,∗
, L . Feihu
2 , D.Zunxiao
1 , S. Jianguo
1 , W.Qiangju
Xi’an mental health center, pharmacy lab, Xi’an, China
Xi’an mental health center, science and education department,
Xi’an, China
Corresponding author.
The prevalence of major depressive disorder (MDD)
is higher in those with the unemployed and those with low social
status. Most of the available data comes from studies in developed
countries, and these findings may not extrapolate to developing
countries. However, the extent of unemployed status cause MDD is
unclear. This study seeks to determinewhether depressive disorder
is associated with unemployment and to further investigate the
relationship between occupation, and social class in Han Chinese
women with MDD.
Data came from Oxford and VCU Experimental Research
on Genetic Epidemiology (CONVERGE) study of MDD (6017 cases,
age between 30 and 60; 5983 controls, age between 40 and
60). DSM-IV depressive and anxiety disorders were assessed
using the World Mental Health Composite International Diagnos-
tic Interview. All subjects were interviewed using a computerized
assessment system. All interviewers were trained by the CON-
VERGE team for a minimum of one week. The interview includes
assessment of psychopathology, demographic and personal char-
acteristics, and psychosocial functioning.
The odds ratio (OR) between employment and MDD is
0.69. An OR of less than one is protective. Lower social class is
not associated with an increase in the number of episodes, or with
increased rates of comorbidity with anxiety disorders.
This study suggests that in Han Chinese women,
employment is positive protect factor to MDD. Lower social sta-
tus and unemployment increases the risk and severity of MDD. In
China, lower socioeconomic position is associated with increased
rates of MDD, as it is elsewhere in the world.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eurpsy.2016.01.1653Ethics and psychiatry
Involuntary hospitalization in a
mental health unit in 2014
A.M. Alvarez Montoya
1 ,∗
, C. Diago Labrador
T. Ruano Hernandez
Algeciras, Spain
Clinica Privada, Psiquiatria, Algeciras, Spain
Clinica Privada, Psicologia Clinica, Malaga, Spain
Corresponding author.
Deliver a detailed analysis of the mental distortions,
which led to involuntary hospitalization in a mental health unit in
2014 and their gender distribution.
We analyze the total number of hospitalizations in our
mental health hospital unit. From the patient registry, we extract
the type of hospitalizations (voluntary or involuntary), the diagno-
sis and the gender.
In our analysis, we find a total of 315 hospitalizations.
One hundred and fifty-nine (50.48%) of them are voluntary, 150
(47.62%) are involuntary and 6 (1.90%) are a result of a judicial order.
From the total involuntary hospitalizations, 81 patients were diag-
nosed as psychotics disorders (60%), 34 (25.18%) affective disorders,
11 (8.14%) personality disorders, 3 (2.22%) adaptative disorders, 2
(1.48%) mental retardation and 2 (1.48%) autism spectrum disor-
According to article 763 of Spanish Procedural Law
(Ley 1/2000 de Enjuiciamiento Civil) from the 7th of January: “The
hospitalization of a person due to mental disorders who is not in
a condition to decide for himself/herself, even should he/she be a
subject to parental authority or guardianship, shall require court
authorization, which shall be obtained from the court of the place
of residence of the person affected by such hospitalization.” For this
reason the involuntary admission is considered as an exceptional
and necessary measure, which is limited in time.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Ethical aspects of involuntary
outpatient treatment
S. Galiano Rus
1 ,∗
, A. Soler Iborte
2, Á. López Díaz
Servicio Andaluz de Salud, UGC Jaén Norte, Unidad de Salud Mental
Hospitalaria, Úbeda, Jaén, Spain
Servicio Andaluz de Salud, UGC Jaén Norte, Unidad de Salud Mental
Comunitaria, Linares, Jaén, Spain
Corresponding author.
Involuntary outpatient treatment (IOT) is a type of
non-voluntary treatment applied in the community, which tries to
ensure the therapeutic compliance of patients that have a severe
mental illness.
In Spain, a specific legal regulation about this matter does not exist;
however, it is a fact in clinical practice. The application of IOT is
not without controversy, with advocates, who consider it a way of