24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805
article 38 of Tunisian Criminal Code. Only patients who committed
patricide or matricide were included.
Our sample included 26 patients (13 patricides; 13
matricides). There was non-significant differences between two
groups concerning: instructional level (
= 0.277), professional
status (
= 0.387) and marital status (
= 0.790). Committers of
patricide and matricide did not differ in terms of psychiatric
diagnosis (
= 0.242) and substance abuse (
= 0.550). A signifi-
cant difference was found between the two groups in terms of
schizophrenia subtypes, patricide patients suffered from a disor-
ganized schizophrenia whereas matricide patients suffered from
paranoid subtype (
= 0.05). Patricide was more frequently associ-
ated to a conflictual relationship between son and father (
= 0.05).
We did not record a significant difference in the crime weapon or
its motivations.
Our results helps draw a profile for parricide patients
in order to help identify the ones at risk.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Causes of institutionalization of
children and adolescents in a shelter
in Brazil
E. Guilherme
1 ,∗
, S. Duarte
2, R. Farias
3, M. Steidel
Psychosocial Care Center, Rio Negro-PR, Prefeitura municipal de Rio
Negro-PR, Mafra, Brazil
Contestado University, Psychology, Mafra, Brazil
Psychosocial Care Center-Rio Negro-PR, Prefeitura municipal de Rio
Negro-PR, Rio Negro, Brazil
Abrigo Institucional Mafra, Prefeitura municipal, Mafra, Brazil
Corresponding author.
Shelters or orphanages are institutions responsible
for ensuring the physical and mental integrity of children and ado-
lescents who had their rights violated or neglected, whether from a
social-levers, is at personal risk to which they were exposed or the
negligence of its parents; in Brazil about 20,000 children and ado-
lescents living in about 500 registered shelters that receive funds
from the federal government.
Assess causes of institutionalization of children and
adolescents in a shelter in Mafra/Santa Catarina State, Brazil.
Demonstrating the causes of shelter, it is easier to point
out the solutions and try to charge the responsible authorities to
comply with the child and adolescent statute.
We evaluated the records of institutionalized children
and adolescents from themunicipal shelter inMafra/Santa Catarina
State, Brazil since January/2011 to July/2015.
Institutionalization of the causes cited were: lack
of family/guardian material resources, abandonment by par-
ents/guardians, domestic violence, substance abuse of par-
ents/guardians, street experience, orphans and others.
In Brazil, poverty and extreme poverty are closely
related to the institutionalization of causes of children and adoles-
cents. Census data in 2010, the Brazilian Institute of Geography and
Statistics (IBGE) indicate that 40% of Brazilians living in poverty are
girls and boys up to 14 years in a total of approximately 23 million
individuals. Poverty denies children and adolescents their rights,
representing a vulnerability, which predisposes to some causes of
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Mentally ill patients who committed
sexual and physical assaults: A study
about 37 cases of expertise reports
K. Hajji
, I. Marrag , R. Ben Soussia , S. Fathallah , M. Nasr
University Hospital of Mahdia, Department of Psychiatry, Mahdia,
Corresponding author.
Several studies suggest the existence of a relation-
ship between major mental disorders and crime. However, it is
important to emphasize that violent behaviors do not affect all
patients and that issues of criminality among mentally ill persons
only represents a small proportion.
The objective of this study is to establish the general and
clinical profile of perpetrators of sexual and physical assaults.
This is a retrospective study of the records of forensic
psychiatric expertise, conducted in the psychiatry department of
the University Hospital of Mahdia during the period from May 1st
2000 to May 31st 2013.
The general profile of the population the study was
characterized by a mean age of 39 years, a sex ratio of 8.25,
unemployment in 73% of cases and by the presence of a psychi-
atric personal history 54% of cases. Sexual and physical assaults
accounted for 54.5% of cases. It was essentially in descending order:
assault and battery (65%), rape (16.2%) and incest (5.4%). As for the
clinical profile, schizophrenia and epilepsy were recorded each in
13.5% of cases, major depressive disorder in 8.1% of cases, bipolar
disorder in 5.4% and substance abuse in 5.4% of cases. A personality
disorder was observed in 48.6% cases, essentially antisocial person-
ality (55%). Comorbidity with addictive behavior was observed in
56.7% of cases.
It is necessary to characterize a subgroup of patients
with mental disorders, likely to commit violent crimes, in order to
prevent acting out behaviors and adapt their management.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Acute psychotic disorder and forensic
acts: About 25 cases
S. Younes , R. Ben Soussia , K. Hajji
, I. Marrag , L. Zarrouk ,
M. Nasr
Universitary Hospital of Mahdia, Department of psychiatry, Mahdia,
Corresponding author.
The aim of this study was to identify the socio-
demographic status and clinical features of patients with acute
psychotic disorder and who committed a medicolegal act, seek
acute psychosis implicated and raise the characteristics of this
medicolegal acts.
We performed a retrospective study of 25male patients
with acute psychotic disorder. They were involuntary hospitalized
in the medicolegal department of Razi, according to Article 29 of
Lawafter committing amedicolegal act because of dementiawithin
the meaning of article 38 of the Tunisian Penal Code.
It was about a young person, average age of 27.32 years,
family cohesion was often present (80%), with forensic history
(20%), violence history (20%) and substance abuse (40%), having
a personality disorder (25%), having a precipitating factor (32%),
having an acute psychotic episode (72%), repetitive acute psychotic
episode (16%), a firstmanic episode (8%) and drug-related psychotic
disorder (4%). They had committed by order of frequency serious
physical assault (43.5%), attempted murder, assault and injury fol-
lowed by attacks against property (40%). The victim was mostly a
family member (40%), without determination, under the influence