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24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805



“Flakka”: An emerging trend or a

mass media phenomenon? Presence

of alpha-PVP in samples submitted to

a drug checking facility

M. Grifell

1 , 2 , 3 ,

, P. Quintana

2 , 4

, M. Torrens

1 , 3 , 5

, A. Palma

1 , 3


L. Galindo

1 , 3 , 5

, M. Ventura

2 , 3

, I. Fornís


, C. Gil


, F. Caudevilla



M. Farré

5 , 6


Parc de salut Mar, Institut de neuropsiquiatria i addiccions (INAD),

Barcelona, Spain


Associació Benestar i desenvolupament ABD, Energy Control,

Barcelona, Spain


Hospital del mar medical research institute IMIM, Grup de recerca

en addiccions, Barcelona, Spain


Institut Català de la Salut (ICS), EAP Raval Sud, Barcelona, Spain


Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), Bellaterra, Spain


Hospital Germans Tries i Pujol IGTP, Farmacología clínica, Badalona,


Corresponding author.


New psychoactive substances (NPS) are drugs

that have recently become available, are not worldwide regu-

lated, and often intend to mimic the effect of controlled drugs.

-Pyrrolidinopentiophenone (Alpha-PVP) is a potent stimulant

cathinone that is thought to act inhibiting dopamine and nora-

drenaline reuptake. It has been associated with hallucinations,

psychosis and death.


To explore the presence of Alpha-PVP from the sam-

ples handled to, and analyzed by energy control.

To determine whether it is a new trend in recreational settings.


All samples presented to energy control were analyzed.

Samples in which alpha-PVP was detected using Gas

Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry were selected for study.

A Google trend analysis was also performed to asses the media

impact of alpha-PVP.


From a total of 20,062 samples, 33 contained alpha-PVP

(0.16%). The samples containing alpha-PVP were mostly sold as

such (40%) despite a significant proportion being sold as MDMA

(15%). Google trend analysis showed an abrupt increase of alpha-

PVP searches in 2015 reaching 50% of the MDMA-ones.


Our results suggest presence of Alpha-PVP in the drug

market may be increasing, especially as adulterant of other drugs.

Severe side effects might be even more serious considering that a

significant proportion of usersmay ignorewhich substance they are

actually using. However, the total amount of alpha-PVP analyzed

remains small, and does not support the alarming reports published

in media.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Frequent attendance: A clinical and

epidemiological study

S. López-Romeo

, G. Ledesma-Iparraguirre

Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu, Psychiatry, Barcelona, Spain

Corresponding author.


Frequent attenders (FA) are patients who attend a

health care facility repeatedly. The frequency of frequent atten-

dance at emergencies department has been defined as 4 or more

attendances/annum. FA are few in number but they produce a high

number of attendances.


To determine prevalence of FA, mean attendances/year

generated by FA and frequency of visits by months.


A retrospective study was performed on psychiatry’s

emergency department database from January until December

2013. FA was defined as those with

4 attendances at emergency

services in a year.

Prevalence of FA, attendances’ prevalence, diagnosis’ prevalence,

Mean attendances generated by FA and frequency of visits by

months were analysed.


Among 4824 attendances we found 181 FAs (5.98%). Men

represented 50.80% and women 49.20%. FA presented a mean of

6.33 attendances/year, while non-FA presented a mean of 1.29


In accordance with frequency of visits by months, it was observed

that number of attendances was increased in April andMay, in both

FA and non-FA.


Prevalence of FA was 5.98%, FA generated a 23.74% of

attendances. Most prevalent FA’ diagnoses were: anxiety disorder,

personality disorder non-specified and schizophrenia.

FA at emergency department contributes to overcrowd them. For

this reason, it is important to take into account these results to

develop new strategies to improve FA’ attention and prevent its


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Patients’ characteristics related with

risk of being restrained in acute

psychiatric hospital in Romania

A. Mihai

1 , 2 ,

, M. Crainic


, M. Mocan


, I. Alexiev


, A.P. S˘arm˘aan



A. Mihai

2 , 4


University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Iuliu Hatieganu”, Medicine,

Cluj-Napoca, Romania


Institute of Psychotherapy and Personal Development (IPPD),

Psychology and Psychotherapy, Targu Mures, Romania


University of Medicine and Pharmacy Tg Mures, Medical Asistent,

Gh Marinescu 38, Tg Mures, Romania


University of Medicine and Pharmacy Tg Mures, Psychiatric

Department, Gh Marinescu 38, Tg Mures, Romania

Corresponding author.

Seclusion and restraining in acute psychiatry wards is used when

patients tend to harm themselves, other patients or staff members.

Seclusion and restraining decision-making is a complex process

based on risk of aggressivity, patient’s diagnosis, history of vio-

lent incidents, staff experience, hospital internal regulations and

national mental health law.

The aim of this study is to evidentiate the patients’ characteris-

tics, which could be predisposed to restraining procedure in acute

psychiatric setting in Romania.

Material and method

This is a two years retrospective study

conducted on a total of 1000patients (56.9 females, 43.1males) ran-

domly selected, admitted in acute psychiatric hospital. From these

on 100 patients restraining techniques were applied.

Results and discussions

Out of the restrained patients male,

younger usually suffering of personality disorder were more

frequent restrained. Statistical analysis of restrained group charac-

teristics comparing with larger group of the total patients admitted

showed no significant differences between these two groups.

Regressive analysis on different clusters found a higher risk to be

restrained for patients with agitation and recurrent depressive dis-

order, male, from urban area. This study draws attention to the

importance of a good study design and proper methodology.


The factors which influence the risk of being

restrained in acute psychiatric setting aremore relatedwith behav-

ior characteristics than diagnosis or demographical items.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.