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24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S116–S348


The application of a comprehensive, integrative, systemic approach

to the examination of patients with abnormal thyroid gland has

to lie in the basis of planning strategies and tactics of medical

programs such patients. On this point of view we consider that

non- psychotic mental disorders are developing on the basis of

both organic and adaptation levels. Population researches showed

that themajority of patients with endocrinological pathology suffer

from one of the three DCPR syndromes: irritant mood, demor-

alization thrown in (desperation), persistant somatization. The

task of our work was to investigate mechanisms of psychologi-

cal defense in patients with hyperthyroidism with non-psychotic

mental disorders. One hundred and twenty-five patients were

examined. Non-psychotic mental disorders with different syndro-

mologic structure were found in 76% of patients (study group),

among which anxious-asthenic (38.95%), anxiety and depres-

sion (23.16%) were dominant. The method of Robert Plutchik for

assessment of the mechanisms of defense was used. In asthenic

syndrome we found excessive functioning of negation and regres-

sion, inadequate functioning of intellectualization. In patients with

astheno-anxious syndrome inadequate functioning of negation,

intellectualization, compensation, and excessive repression con-

tributed to the formation of the sensations of anxiety. Excessive

compensation, projection, reactive formation generally affected the

structure of the asteno-depressive syndrome. The lack of displacing

of reactive formation, repression and excessive intellectualization

in a complex influenced to the structuring of anxious-depressive

syndrome. In hypochondrical syndrome projection, regression and

negation were the basis of the formation of clinical picture. Thus,

meaningful relationships between intrapsychic level of function-

ing and syndromological structure of non-psychotic disorders were


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


The psychotic patient at the General


J.Á. Monforte Porto

1 , A. S

an Román Uría

1 ,

, C . L

lanes Álvarez

1 ,

G. Humada Álvarez


, I. Sevillano Benito


, S. Cepedello Pérez



R. Hernández Antón


, S. Gómez Sánchez



Complejo Asistencial de Zamora, Hospital Provincial de Zamora,

Servicio de Psiquiatría, Zamora, Spain


Complejo Asistencial de Zamora, Hospital Virgen de la Concha,

Servicio de Cirugía Ortopédica y Traumatología, Zamora, Spain


Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valladolid, Servicio de Psiquiatría,

Valladolid, Spain

Corresponding author.


Patients with schizophrenia have a higher preva-

lence of physical illness and a higher mortality from natural causes

than the general population, which is a reason why they can be

hospitalized for medical and surgical pathologies.


To determine the demand, the reason for consultation

and the sociodemographic characteristics of the psychotic patient

admitted at the general hospital.


Sociodemographic variables (age, sex, marital status,

education, place of residence, residential housing, with who they

live, work status) and health care (service of origin, type of request

and its relevance, complaints, days of delay between the request

and assistance, number of visits, average length of stay).

Study design

Prospective epidemiological study of 80 psychotic

patients (F.2 ICD-10), from the total of 906 consults solicited from

1 January 2012 until 31 December 2014. Bioethical considerations:

compliance with these principles justice, non-maleficence, auton-

omy and beneficence.


The average age is 58.34 years old, 60% were male, 73.8%

single, 81.3% with primary education, 52.5% living in urban areas;

and the 88.8% of cases were pensioners. The Departments that gen-

erate a greater demand are Internal Medicine (53.8%), Orthopaedic

Surgery (10%), Pneumology (8.8%) and ICU (8.8%). The most fre-

quent reasons for consultation are assessment/treatment setting

(77.5%), abnormal behavior (30%), disorientation (18.8%) and psy-

chotic symptoms (18.8%).


The typical profile of psychotic patients hospitalized

for medical-surgical diseases is a male, middle-aged, single, with

primary education and pensioner; from whom it’s sued consulta-

tion for adjusting of treatment, and secondly for abnormal behavior.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Innapropriate sinus tachycardia –

cardiac syndrome or anxiety-related


P. Rasmus


, E. Kozłowska


, T. Sobow

1 ,


Medical University of Lodz, Medical Psychology, Lodz, Poland


Medical University of Lodz, Experimental Immunology, Lodz, Poland

Corresponding author.


Relation between psychology, psychiatry and cardi-

ology are multidimensional and begin to have growing importance

in the diagnosis and treatment of patients of cardiosurgery,

electrocardiology and cardiac rehabilitation. Inappropriate sinus

tachycardia (IST) is a rarely diagnosed clinical syndrome char-

acterized by excessive resting heart rate (HR) or disproportional

increasing HR during exercise. The mechanisms of IST are not well

understood. It is speculated that psychological factors might be of



The purpose of the study was to evaluate possible rela-

tion between the level of anxiety, personality traits and control of

emotions, emotional intelligence, coping with stress strategies and

manifestation of IST.


The participants were 23 women with a diagnosis

of IST (age range 31.8


8.72) and 23 women (28.7


4.4) with-

out cardiac diseases. The research applied psychological tools

including: State–Trait Anxiety Inventory, NEO-Five Factor Inven-

tory, Courtauld Emotional Control Scale, Emotional Intelligence

Questionnaire, Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations and an

originally developed sociodemographic questionnaire.


It has been found that that the group of women with

IST received higher results in Trait Anxiety Inventory com-

pared to the group of healthy women and the relation was

highly statistically significant (


= 0,009). No other differences were



Inappropriate sinus tachycardia can be considered

as an anxiety related disorder. However, its pathogenesis and clas-

sification position remains elusive.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Aspects of cardiac anxiety in patients

with a myocardial infarction

M.H. van Beek

1 ,

, R .C

. Oude Voshaar

2 , G. P


3 , A.E

. Speckens



Radboud University Medical Center, Psychiatry, Nijmegen,



University of Groningen- University Medical Center Groningen,

University Center for Psychiatry- and Interdisciplinary Center

Psychopathology and Emotion Regulation, Groningen, Netherlands


Radboud University Medical Centre, Cardiology, Nijmegen,
