24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805
psychiatric institution in Singapore, the influencing factors, and the
relationship between resilience and job satisfaction. Results of the
study would enable the hospital to develop work programmes for
A survey questionnaire consisting of the following was
administered to all eligible nurses working in the Institute of
Mental Health between the period of 16–24 December 2014: the
McCloskey & Mueller Satisfaction Scale, the Resilience Scale
socio-demographic data form.
A total of 874 nurses were eligible for the study, and a
total of 748 nurses responded, totalling 85.6% response. A mean
satisfaction score of 95.21 andmean resilience score of 125.74were
obtained. Mean satisfaction and resilience scores were the highest
for nurses with longer working experience and those of older age
group. A positive and significant association between satisfaction
and resilience scores (
0.001) was obtained.
Psychiatric nurses in Singapore are generally satisfied
with their job but this can be further improved with strengthening
of personal resilience.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.