24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805
identification and systematization of outcome domains in men-
tal healthcare. This will provide a basis for identifying important
outcome domains from the perspectives of both, patients and
professionals. In a next step, appropriate and important outcome
measures can be identified.
Disclosure of interest
The author has not supplied his/her decla-
ration of competing interest.
Collaborative space using the
andalousian integrated care process of
anxiety, depression and somatization
M. Guerrero Jiménez
1 ,∗
, J.A. Rodrigo Manzano
C.M. Carrillo de Albornoz Calahorro
2, B.M. Girela Serrano
University Hospital San Cecilio, Psychiatry, Granada, Spain
Santa Ana Hospital, Mental Health, Motril, Spain
Corresponding author.
The Integrated Care Process of Anxiety,
Depression and Somatization (ICP-ADS) lays out the coopera-
tion between primary care (PC) and mental health (MH) as
basic premises. Showing this model improves patient detection,
inadequate patient referrals, adherence and response to medical
The Therapeutic Program (TP) established in PC includes
low intensity psychological and psychosocial interventions, phar-
macological treatment, and use of collaborative space with MH
combining consultations, case tracking and educational activities.
Our rotation as MH residents in the Community Mental Health Unit
(CMHU) has focused on this framework, encouraging the use of a
collaborative space.
Three training sessions were used to deal with the pro-
cess as a whole. PC professionals were given self-help handbooks
for low intensity interventions and clinical practice handbooks for
psychopharmacological treatment. The referral space was estab-
lished afterwards, where we took part in the TP founded by the PC
doctor. In case the demand would continue, we opened consulta-
tion one day a week for co-therapy. With brief interventions of 3–4
sessions we continued the work with self-help guides, which also
optimized psychopharmacotherapy.
Referrals were sufficient in many cases. Sixteen pro-
cedures were completed in co-therapy, half of which required
referrals to encourage adherence. Only a referral to MH had to be
done. Three months later, a follow-up showed that no patient in
co-therapy had to be referred to specialized care.
The amount of referrals was reduced in comparison
to previous months, adherence to interventions of low intensity
was improved and was useful in both detection and prevention of
new cases.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
The burnout severity level was
significantly higher amongst Imams
in Republic of Srpska than amongst
Imams in Federation of
Bosnia-Herzegovina in the postwar
L. Mehmedi´c
1, M. Hasanovic
2 ,∗
, P. Izet
1, A. Isi´c
University of Zenica, Department of Social Pedagogy, Islamic
Pedagogical Faculty, Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Corresponding author.
Modern researches suggested that the burnout syn-
drome of workers employed in the social services increased and this
term is taken as a working diagnosis to indicate a particular form of
psychological (mental and emotional) exhaustion due to overload
at work.
To investigate the differences of burnout syndrome
severity amongst Imams (Islamic priests) in the Republic of Srpska
(RS) and amongst Imams in the Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina
(FBH) in the postwar Bosnia-Herzegovina (BH).
The sample was consisted from 148 Imams (68
from RS) of age (mean
standard deviation) 40.2
10.7 years
(RS = 39.7
11.1 years and FBH= 40.6
10.2 years,
-test = 0.5,
= 0.6). We used the standardized – Burnout test of Archibald Hart
from 2009.
The obtained results indicate that the level of burnout
syndrome severity was significantly higher amongst Imams in the
Republic of Srpska (mean
standard deviation = 3.0
1.5 on the
Lickert scale 1–5) than amongst Imams i the Federation of Bosnia-
Herzegovina (2.2
1.3) (Student’s
-test = 4.757,
< 0.001) in the
postwar Bosnia-Herzegovina.
The level of burnout syndrome severity was signif-
icantly higher amongst Imams in the Republic of Srpska than
amongst Imams i the Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina in the post-
war Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Fifteen-month follow-up of an
assertive community treatment
program for chronic patients with
mental illness
J.H. Jeong
1 ,∗
, K .H. Lee
2 , D.I. Jon
St. Vincent’s Hospital The Catholic University of Korea, Psychiatry,
Suwon, Republic of Korea
College of Medicine, Dongguk University, Psychiatry, Gyeongju,
Republic of Korea
Sacred Heart Hospital, College of Medicine- Hallym University,
Psychiatry, Anyang, Republic of Korea
Corresponding author.
This study was to evaluate the effect of an assertive
community treatment (ACT) program on psychiatric symptoms,
global functioning, life satisfaction, and recovery-promoting rela-
tionships among individuals with mental illness.
Thirty-two patients were part of the ACT program and
32 patients matched for age, sex, and mental illness were in a stan-
dard case-management program and served as a control group.
Follow-up with patients occurred every 3 months during the 15
months after a baseline interview. Participants completed the Brief
Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS), Global Assessment of Functioning
(GAF) Scale, Life Satisfaction Scale, and Recovery-Promoting Rela-
tionship Scale (RPRS).
According to the BPRS, the ACT group showed a signif-
icant reduction in symptom severity, but the ACT program was
not significantly more effective at reducing psychiatric symptoms
from baseline to the 15-month follow-up compared to the case-
management approach. The ACT group showed more significant
improvement than the control group in terms of the GAF Scale. Both
groups showed no significant differences in the change of life sat-
isfaction and in the change of recovery-promoting relationships.
We observed a significant increase in recovery-promoting rela-
tionships in the control group, but the group
time interactions
between groups were not statistically significant.
In this study, we observed that ACT was significantly
better at improving the GAF than case management. However, ACT
did not demonstrate an absolute superiority over the standard